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sincer nu mai stiu de cine de unde sau cand a fost facut, il aveam intr-un txt ca multe altele si nu am stat sa mai scriu si de unde lam luat.....
cracking via accesdriver postul este mai vechi dar inca folositor pentru cei ce folosesc brute force si linkurile merg este gasit pe un forum strain I thought that I would start a topic that gives a general introduction to cracking. This is a very basic tutorial, if you have any questions, or want a more advanced guide let me know and I'll do my best to provide what you ask for. First of all I need to point out that it foyu don't understand any terms or references just ask. This is a guide to how to use a program called AccessDriver, which I find is the easiest to use for n00bs. You can also use C-Force, but that is for another day, if you want a tutorial for that let me know. Setting Up AD 1) open up Access Driver 2) click on the tab that says "Settings" 3) click on "Access" 4) tick the following - Never Stop - Declare a bot "timeout" after 25 seconds. A lot of people go lower but that's more than enough for most users. 5) click on the tab that says "Proxy" 6) click on "My List" 7) tick the following - Use WEB proxies - Rotate proxies and make sure it is set to 1 - Change proxy on fake replies - Change proxy on redirections Getting Started a) Click the tab that says "Proxy Analyzer" Click the tab on the bottom that says "Special". Tick the "Do Not Use This Feature". c) Make sure that down at the bottom, you fill in 25 seconds. d) Create a file in notepad and copy and paste all your proxies in there. You only have to do his the first time, after the first time go straight g) e) Highlight all the proxies and copy them to the clipboard f) Click on the little eyedropper. You could also just load the file, but I want you to load from the clipboard. It is the easiest way of gdoing it when you find new proxies. g) Click the bar that is just above the list of Proxies and this will sort them numerically. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: DELETE ALL PROXIES THAT START WITH 12. These are military and you could get seriously screwed. h) Next to the "Speed/Accuracy Tester button", type in 50 i) Click the Speed/Accuracy Tester button. j) At the top, a yellow bar will show up and start moving from left to right. When it reaches 100%, this is done. k) On the long horizontal bar that says Accuracy, click this. l) Highlite and delete all the proxies that do not say OK or time out. m) Move down to the bottom of the proxy list and highlite all the proxies that say time-out. n) Reset the number you set to 50 to 20 o) Click the "Speed/Accuracy Tester" button again. p) On the long horizontal bar that says Accuracy, click this. q) Go back to the top of the list, highlight the ones that don' t say OK and delete them. They will look like they are already highlighted but you do this yourself. r) Go back to the bottom of the list and highlight and delete all the proxies that say TimeOut. s) Down at the bottom, click the tab that says "Proxyjudge". Tick the top one. t) Next to the "Confidentiality Tester" button, fill in the number 20. u) Make sure none of the proxies are highlited. v) Click the "Confidentiality Tester" button. If you get an error, untick that judge and tick another. When done: w) Click the horizontal bar that says Anonymous. x) Move around the list and delete all the proxies that have levels of 4, 4?, 5,5?, and NO. y) Go to the bottom of the list and hilite everything that is below Level=3. Such as 3?, TimeOut, and Unchecked. z) Untick the proxyjudge you were usuing and select another. If you get an error, untick that judge and tick another. When done aa) Run another test and whatever is not Level=3 or lower, highlite and delete. Testing a Site 1) Press the horizontal bar that says delay, this will order all the proxies by speed. 2) Click the "My LIST" tab, highlite and delete any proxies that are there. Then click "Proxy Alalyzer" 3) Put the URL of the site you want to test in the greenish area at the top that says Server. Such as w_w_w_.perfect10_.com/perfectten/p10_pages/members/index.html 4) Click the Special tab at the bottom and tick "The URL is password protected." 5) Make sure the number next to Speed/Accuracy Tester is set to 20 and make sure that no proxies are highlited. 6) Click the Speed/Accuracy Tester button again. This actually tests the proxies against the site you are about to test. 7) When done, press the "Accuracy" horrizontal bar, then press the "Delay" horizontal bar. 8 ) Highlite all the proxies that have a number in the delay column. If you have none then you either have an incorrect URL or all of your proxies are banned. Down at the bottom left is a button that says "USE proxy". Press this, highlite and click the phrase that starts with Add ......... This loads all the good & tested proxies to My LIST. 9) click the top proxy. 10) Click the tab that says "Dictionary". 11) Click the "Load A Combo File" and load the file I uploaded below. In the future you will load your own list. 12) Set the bar just above the advertising and says test speed and bots to 10. 13) Up in the top left corner is a lightning bolt. Click that and you have begun testing. (see text below) 14) Test Password (s) found ( see text below ) 15) When done go back to step 2. Close AD. After clicking the lightning bolt, a bunch of stuff starts happening. The main thing you have to be concerned with the numbers to the left and mainly with 403. If that numbers starts climbing, STOP by clicking the stop button next to the lightning bolt. Go back up to the top and change the speed by 1/2. Click the lightning rod again. Do this over and over again till the 403's stop showing up. 403's are your proxies getting banned. If you go thru about 200 combos, which is aproximated by the numbers next to 401, you can stop and raise the speed x 2. This is something you will learn from experience. I myself seem to test sites that either have the toughest security or none at all. Just keep your eye on the 403's and you can't go wrong. Once the speed issue is settled, you can leave the computer. If you are running a test and you start to get hit after hit, again you have to stop and lower the speed until this stops. They are sending you fake hits randomly.Once you are done with your test, hopefully you will have a hit, or weak login. Click the Progression tab and it will be listed along with the proxy used. DO NOT START ANOTHER TEST till you have tested the weak logins. Move your pointer over the listed combo and it should open in a new window. If it asks for the U: P again, you have a fake hit and a bad proxy. Make note of the proxy, click the Proxy tab, then the Proxy Analyzer tab. Find the proxy that is in question, hi-lite it and click the blue BAN link at the bottom left of AD. This will ban the proxy. I find if this proxy sends a fake once, it will send another one. If you have more than one, it is actually safer to open a proxy program, such as w_ww_.megaproxy_.com and test your passwords.Misc.To find the URL for a site, go to the site such as w_w_w._kiradance._com. Search on this page for a link for members. Otherwise, go to the next page and so on till you find the link. If the link is in text form, you are in luck. Just right click the link, click properties, and cut and paste the link in to AD. Just for fun, click the link to make sure the U: P box shows on the screen. If it goes to another page that has the U: P input on it, choose another site for now til you learn how to handle that type of input. If the link is a character or graphic link, click it, the U: P box should show on the screen. Just press enter and you should get an error page with the member's page in the URL area of your browser. Copy and paste this into AD. If you are at a site that has frames, whether they show as frames or not, this is harder to accomplish. If when you hover over the link, the link name shows on the bottom of the browser, copy the data into AD. If nothing shows at the bottom of the browser, you have to go in to you browser cache and find it. Unless I really want this site, I usually go on to another site. Wordlist SelectionEach credit autorization company has their own set of rules for what they will accept as valid U: P's. For this, I have 2 sets of each wordlist. Usually, any site that is not ccBill, I run my ibill list which is any length Username and any length Password. For ccbill, I use the iBill list and alter it so that each U: P are not the same and they are 6,7 or 8 characters long.To find which list to use, go to the site and click the join link. Keep clicking till you find which company verifies the input. Again, If it's not ccBill, I go with the iBill list. To just throw a wrench into the machine, some sites need e-mail input. I would leave those sites to people with that kind of list. Here is a site where you can get WordLists: w_w_w_._outpost9_._com/files/WordLists.html Here is one of my WordLists (its a combo list of about 40,000 entries): rapidshare_._com/files/30912918/wordlist.rar.html Here is the site to download AccessDriver: w_w_w_._accessdiver_.com/downloads.htm off cum pot gasi proxyuri decente sau chiar bune? cum sa le caut ma refer, de ceva timp incoace ma tot folosesc de situri de proxyuri dar mor cam repede si majoritatea sunt proaste(din 1000 de proxyuri cam 10 gasesc care sa aibe viteza fbuna dar mor prea repede:( )
[RST][Video] Conquiztad0r.ro Killer [de actualitate]
Strtz replied to kw3rln's topic in Proiecte RST
Un site care are ca jucatori ganditori cu conceptul tot ce este gratis merita luat ce e drept estetic intr-o oarecare masura, isi are acum publicitate nemeritata. Sa ma explic, jocul inainte de a fi luat de trustul media pro era un oarecare, care se descurca cat de cat cum sunt multe altele, dupa ce a fost cumparata licenta a ajuns in atentia tuturor, fapt pentru care cei ca slick si multi altii isi dovedesc talentele si cunoasterea(gg apropo ), mai mult o parte din reclama sitului este facuta chiar de voi prin bloguri unde este postat filmuletul, situri gen youtube(nu am stat sa caut pe unde e postat) si chiar de acest site care daca ai cautat pe google conquiztador gasesti si posturile acestea, la urma urmei doar ei au de castigat din asta cum se intampla in majoritatea scandalurilor media din zilele noastre. Oricum foarte tare prg si nu il faceti public decat cand nu mai merge sau nici atunci, se pot intampla 2 lucruri, va avea si mai mare succes cum sa intamplat in cazul prizee . com sau vor pune pe cineva care chiar stie cu ce se mananca action scriptul si va pune la punct situl dupa care vor mediatiza "atacurile cibernetice" rezultand in mai multa reclama. off greu gasesti forumuri de "specialitate" care sa merite, nu ma insel in privinta asta nu?