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Everything posted by TheEnd

  1. Alti 25 de boti.... theendvguhjtaozt7827:tcnodierqmwc theendiojnp1697:odjgmyjcshlq theendnmqywxddfe4889:pghwuilnxbxe theendbavlvu6843:unwbhoksodos theendyqqttoam3690:qfzubjlsmtqr theendpyjusdc7490:vxucowtrrawy theenddwphlpuzzj4261:kyedbvznqbvw theendtvpesvci7291:kcnyzrdbyfik theendjxi7081:pspdwqxihswa theendxlzgcdk6725:ekkoxwbpbafp theendzsrzissz3515:hrbhrwtnfqlq theendmdjl7090:pwsyuurfwgrj theendotezxuh3234:usphsnygzntx theendjtxcrrxe2543:bnfssmsjigzg theendelkqko7895:dflqxcpahojh theendtdtehcpxlm9699:djghvfhsbeny theenduxtpbhqigb4138:gqrqkjdpszom theendrpkiwf2278:zmviikprqqoa theendiof5338:gbuqsmjqulkc theendfmypqynaxq1549:zztyrquypoga theendzpga844:iuqyftkxrqcy theendtgylfnjj719:tpkapbbgrwuv theendrun7167:cjgfiiqlseic theendzqags5323:vcrkwsuhqjhp theendsqyxvk5470:skubdxhyqegs Enjoy! ps.o sa mai fac
  2. Am facut 20 de boti pentru rstcenter:) tefutxinagqpyez6471:veghafubvstz tefutcvx7777:tcqijkjgnhyb tefutewb3300:uotcabsavdiu tefutusnmtxdijs9575:pjqonqunrqwn tefutbkra9303:rvwnxtnsitaz tefutownrdkhje1666:bbrjjysmlomm tefutkghjp9617:ahpzuivgvnma tefutychvf4485:myddzyulnxes tefutaatgryjixi3865:xyckcnzauffy tefutaza3762:wfkmvtzimggm tefutppswathhi2488:ixopvatqhdzr tefutmqz4120:zxckxggwzafh tefutesdwz5857:pofkdeznxtpr tefutrxwgoxbbay7132:udybhgdxocsc tefutcvevodgzjk7185:hliujlradwnf tefuttmgtsoi9195:iofxrzpastuy tefutxfchsf691:kbdukgnevoci tefutmau7964:kvakzbpafiae tefutzsix1357:mritsxztxxna tefutrczocvb9577:geysbghbaoej O sa mai fac in continuare....
  3. bun, merg toti
  4. Nod 32 Antivirus + Fix (Nelimitat) Va rog sa nu imi sariti in cap ca este plin de virusi...Eu il folosesc... Instructiuni: 1)Instalati antivirusul 2)Dati reboot la calculator 3)Intrati in folderul Fix 4)Dati dublu clik pe executabil 5)Alegeti limba dorita 6)Apasati OK 7)Apasati Next 8)Asteptati sa se instaleze 9)Reboot la calculator Link de download:2shared - download NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.642.rar
  5. Merge bine...+1 de la mine... Chestia asta este buna sa promovezi un site...
  6. ok...nu o sa mai scriu deloc colorat
  7. Sal'tare, sunt TheEnd din craiova, am 14ani:">, ascult rap....am venit aici sa caut informatii si sa invat niste limbaje de programare...o sa va ajut si eu cu ce pot mai bine;) alte detalii prin pm. Sunteti cei mai tari! Cu Respect The End...\M/
  8. pe windows nu merge?
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