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About -warchild-

  • Birthday 05/20/1990

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  1. Uploaded with ImageShack.us m-am folosit de lungimea data de em, sa nu o mai scot eu inca o data import urllib2 import string import time target = "http://crs12decoder.comoj.com/findpw.php" ALPHA = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' currentpassword = ['a' for i in range(391)] for i in range(391): currentpassword[i] = 'a' def trypassword(letter): global currentpassword, target temp = '' for i in range(391): temp += letter opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie','pw=' + temp)) try: f = opener.open(target) except: print 'Connection Timed Out' trypassword(letter) lines = f.readline() chars = lines.split('</span>') for i in range(391): if 'green' in chars[i]: currentpassword[i] = letter for letter in ALPHA: print 'Trying', letter trypassword(letter) password = '' for i in currentpassword: password += i print password
  2. In python l-am aflat. 5 minute scris, 20-30 secunde gasit
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