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  1. V? voi ar?ta cum s? trimite?i mesaje de pe Facebook din orice cont. 1 Make an email spoofer or you can use Emkei's Fake Mailer Create an account on 000webhost.com Download TheUnknown1's E-mail spoofer from aici and upload it on your 000webhost server. 2. Go to the spoofed account and copy the email adress from the Contact Information and paste the copyed email adress to the Spoofed Email. 3. Go to the victims account and copy its facebook name and paste the copyed facebook name+@facebook.com to the Targets Email. Works only if they made their own link if its number like 35453534 doesnt work. The slave must be online else it wont work. You can use your own account for example. 4. Fill Reply Email: Message Title: Message Body: out in the email spoofer and click on submit. 5. The target will get this: Luat dp HF.
  2. e-mail spoofing attachements HTML headers execution time limit multiple e-mail dispatch of course DOWNLOAD luat de pe HF functioneaza 100% probat de mine:). Rep
  3. site-ul asta e . Google dar nu prea merge sa mai trimiti cu numar, acuma apare 999999999 la nume. Inainte mergea, incercati sa vedeti daca mai merge:) Edited: Tine-l pentru tine
  4. Cea mai tare farsa mori de ras ) - YouTube
  5. mai e deja videoclipul postat
  6. Softul merge..testat de mine. Cred ca trebuie register key, e luat de pe HF, o sa vad daca gasesc ceva.
  7. Welcome to my tutorial on how to hack any facebook accounts, in next 24 hours, without keylogging/phishing etc. I see many people joining HackForums, and asking for help on hacking facebook accounts, or beg others to do it for them. Most of them belive that they can do it instantly only with one click but that's impossible. First of all, I want to say is this is not hacking, this is called "Reverting". What is Reverting? Reverting means undoing the effects of one or more edits, which normally results in the page being restored to a version that existed sometime previously. NOTE: This tutorial is for educational purposes only, I am NOT responsible in any way for how this information is used, use it at your own risk, also you can learn how to get your account back from this. Ok, let's start: Step 1: First of all open this link: Facebook Centrul de ajutor | Facebook This will be the form you will be filling out. Smile NOTE: Be sure you are not logged in. Step 2: Your email address. Simple, write your "own" email adress, or the slave you are hacking. Step 3: Can you send and receive emails from your login email address? Choose "No". Step 4: Has the login email address that you normally use to log in to your account been hacked? Choose "Yes". Step 5: Has the login email address on your account been changed? Choose "Yes" again. Step 6: Full name on the account. If you already know the full name of the slave you're going to hack, you can write it, if not do the following: If you still can't find it, then try using those links: Pipl - People Search Lullar Com - Profile Search by Email or google slave's adress. If you STILL can't find it, use a little SE(Social Engeneering) try adding the slave as friend, and you will be able to see his full name. Smile Since, I got full name of my slave, that's gonna look like this: Step 7: Email address(es) that may be affiliated with the account. Write "No". Step 8: Your contact email address. Write your email adress where facebook can contact you. Example crazy@gmail.com. Step 9: Your username (if applicable). If you have created username, write it there. If you are not sure about your slave, ask him first, if he looks like confused and asking you what's that, then probably he doesn't have one. You can make username by logging your facebook first, going to "Settings" and click "change" on your username. Personally I don't have an username. Many people don't have a username, so write there "none", "don't have" or "no". Step 10: URL (web address link) to your profile page. You can find slave's profile page, by searching their email. ogin to your facebook, write their email in the search button and press Enter. After some seconds, it will appear their name, click on it and copy the URL. There are more instruction in the pictures. They look bad but that was the best I could do. Ok then, write slave's prifle URL, and click the button "Submit". Step 11: Once you're done and pressed the Submit button a message will appear: "Thanks, your inquiry has been forwarded to the Facebook Team." That means, you're done and you have to wait while facebook check up your request and send you email to the email you wrote where they can contact you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sursa: HackForums
  8. I have Seen so many members, new as well as old members posting that they cant download from $harecash as the download never unlocks for them in there country. So today I would like to share this tutorial on how to Successfully complete a survey and Download that file from anywhere around the world for FREE. NOTE: TO all coders, Programmers, contributors: who use $harecash links to earn for their hardwork: Next time you give out a spam link, you could add a link to this Thread, so that people can successfully download and you can earn some cash. TO all Downloaders, newbies, leechers: Just follow the Tutorial and i am sure you can download the file successfully. Ok so lets Jump on to the tutorial... Things you need: 1. $harecash or anyother survey link ( Obviously Roflmao ) 2. some way to change your ip to an US IP. (will discuss later) 3. Fake Name Generator. 4. A Google account. 5. And some patience. Steps To Complete the Survey: Step1: Changing your IP address into a US Ip address. To do this there are many methods but i will show you a 4 methods to Do this. 1. Using a Free VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) without any software installation. Few of Free VPNs : Best Free VPN [pptp server: bfvpn.com] Real-VPN [pptp server: us.real-vpn.com] ( need to register to get login details ) USip ( Follow instructions on the Website ) Setting up VPN network: - From Windows 7 Desktop, click Start - Control Panel to open the control panel; - Click Network and Internet, click Network and Sharing Center; - Click Set up a new connection or network, then Connect to a workplace; - Select option No, create a new connection, then Use my Internet connection (VPN); - In the Connect to a workplace window, fill fields as below: - In Next window, use Username in User name field, and use password in the Password field, then click "Connect" button to start the free VPN connection! you have successfully changed to a US IP. 2. Using a Free VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) with downloadable software installation. Few of Free VPNs : ProXPN hotspot Shield CyberGhost 3. Using IP changing Softwares: I use Real Hide Ip v4.1.1.6, it is fast and can be used to change ips to different countries. screenshot: Real hide IP screenshot Real Hide Ip v4.1.1.6 with Crack : Download Here Virus Scan: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/repo...1314571001 4. Manually change IP using Private Socks or Highly Anonymous proxies: Things you need: - Firefox browser - FoxyProxy Addon or - ProxyTool Addon [ You can add a List of Proxies at once in this Addon ] - US Proxies You can get Loads of Proxies daily updated in the HF Proxies n Socks Subforum. or from this site : Hide My ass [ NOTE: Do not Use Proxies from CoDeeN CDN Network, most of the proxies with Port starting with 31 are CoDeeN proxies. you cannot complete surveys using this proxy ] Just Use a US Proxy to change your IP into a US IP. Step 2: Set up a Google Voice Account to get a Real US Phone Number. First, you need to Generate a Fake Name and US Address. you can Do that using Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator or Using this application. Fake Name Generator : Download here [ Credits: Nathan72389 ] Virus Scan: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/repo...1314571705 Setting up Google voice account: - Check that you have a US ip before you further proceed. Check you IP here - Go to this link: Google Voice - Login with your Google Username and Password. - Click on the "I want a New Number" button - Enter a Zip code from the fake name generator, and press search. If it says no Numbers found, Use another zip. - keep trying till you get a Phone number, like below. select a Number and Press Continue. - Copy and Save this Number for Future Use. [Note: you can further continue with the steps, you will be asked to enter your phone number to redirect all msg to your phone. by doing this you can keep this Google Phone number permanently for any further Use.] Step 3: Lets Download This SHITcash Hehe Now Go to the $harecash URL you want to download. If you have a Mirror Link, like Fileml.com etc you can use this $harecash Reflector to convert it to the Orginal Link. $harecash Reflector: Download here Virus Scan: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/repo...1314570978 -Click on a Survey which doesnt require you to confirm your Phone number. Some of the Surveys which will work: Who is better? mcdonalds or burger king , [Any survey related to fast food.] Which simpson,southpark,familyguy character are you? - Fill in all the details, and for the Phone number USE the Google Voice number you generated above. - After Filling up the Details, go to the $harecash download Tab and WAIT. - You need to Wait till the $harecash page automatically refreshes more than twice [ WAIT for atleast 5 MINS ]. You Should Successfully unlock your File. Yeye If it still doesn't download Try another Survey with the SAME details. You Can use this method to Download your Own file to Earn some extra cash from $harecash. Please Dont abuse this method.. Download just 2 or 3 times max per day. [i wont be Responsible in anyway if your Account gets Banned or Blocked, Use at your Own Risk ] Sursa: HackForums
  9. Vrei sa trimiti SMS in orice retea GRATIS ??? luat de pe HF, merge foarte bine. testat de mine, Numarul il puneti sub forma 00 + CODUL TARII + NUMAR ex: 0040723454545 freeSMSsender.rar http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=3ca088fb3d9e5d62bf1f49e45b563a1ea58f2d0d211c575f18f3a6863d080ad6-1322077708#
  10. Name: Awesomebot v5.1 Download: http://www.awesomebot.com/download/bot.exe Price: FREE Features: Likes, comments, messaging, friend management Note: It freezes sometimes when you press the exit button. Use the X button instead. Paid bots Free bots Name: YouToob FE Download: YouToob FE: YouToob FE.exe Download: Updater (Must be in same location were YT FE is): Updater.exe Features: Subscribe, Flag, Comment, Rate, Favorite Note: Use at your OWN RISK I have both programs on my computer didn't find anything suspicious and I even have Symantec and it didn't detect as a virus even though virustotal did. Name: Youtube bot Download: Not for download Price: Not for sale Features: Flag, Mass account make with anti-captcha, like, dislike, have a queue of things to do like: "First make 468 accounts, then, like video A with them + my old accounts, then flag video B, then check if all the accounts still work, THEN change the password to awesomePassword123", Subscribe, Proxy, Uses youtube API for everything but account creation. Does a few other things I can't remember off the top of my head. Haven't used it in ages Note: The account creation is slow due to the Captcha, I need to update that to use threads. luat de pe HF. Astept sa testati si sa dati un raspuns.
  11. 11/22/11 Proxies List. Link Here Luat de pe HF.
  12. 3.700.000 Adrese de E-mail . download sper sa va ajunga. Luat de pe HF.
  13. ha-ha:)) tare
  14. Deci, e ok? L-a testat careva? Am gasit ceva asemanator. http://www.multiupload.com/2CQT6YGDH8 , vreau sa stiu daca e bun. Si cum se foloseste. Ms
  15. Cred ti-a blocat cineva, sau banat:-?
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