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Everything posted by NsO

  1. IMEI: 359829030507288 LG GT 405 , multam ORANGE RO
  2. Sa inchis acest proiect! "Project closed We will not create new radios. Our project is coming to an end for the following reasons: The panel CentovaCAST is an extremely weak, complicated and full of holes; Users do not make donations to support project expenditures; Could not get a company interested in continuing the financial project. If you need a professional radio, with email support and a really efficient technology, we recommend a system that is dyb.fm PAID, but with very affordable price."
  3. NsO


    In caz ca se intreaba cineva daca e curat, am scanat eu: Detection ratio: 0/43 Multumesc symboss.
  4. Le cumperi cu maxim 1 Euro de pe renumitul site 1&1 (nu fac reclama), si vi la noi sa iti dam scripturi si tools pentru SEO, care costa mult mai mult , crezi ca ne-am nascut ieri? Si daca ne dai domenii sti ca noi nu avem acces NS la ele si nimeni nu se incurca!
  5. Welcome back, ******* [logout] Ratio: 2.156 Uploaded: 5.43 TB Downloaded: 2.52 TB
  6. La Y!M de ce fisier am nevoie? (xx.xx)
  7. Merge frumos, multumesc.
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