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Everything posted by MMOLuzer

  1. Fuck.Another one escaped from the kitchen. P.S: Pe la regulament nu ai trecut? Dupa cum spuneam mai sus, aici se fac discriminari de tot felul inclusiv sexiste. Si da, femeile sunt proaste si curve. Cu toate acestea femeile care arata bine sunt binevenite. Vrem poze.Sa fie in bucatarie.
  2. O carte de romana nu ai?
  3. Testu cu broastele ar fi cel mai eficient.
  4. Da-mi pm cu idu de mess si poate te ajut eu...
  5. @Darwin daca te uitai atent,vedeai ca sunt facute cu bruteforce
  6. m-am plictisit la 111
  7. Din ce am inteles,aceasi soarta o sa o aiba si torrentz,dar nu sunt sigur,.
  8. Gigantul site de warez BTjunkie a fost inchis de catre FBI,pe langa MegaUpload. Mesajul de pe site-ul lor este: This is the end of the line my friends. The decision does not come easy, but we've decided to voluntarily shut down. We've been fighting for years for your right to communicate, but it's time to move on. It's been an experience of a lifetime, we wish you all the best! EDIT: Imi cer scuze,asa am citit prma data pe HackForums si am postat fara sa mai verific.
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  11. Megaupload, one of the internet's largest file-sharing sites, has been shut down by officials in the US. The site's founder have been charged with violating piracy laws. Federal prosecutors have accused it of costing copyright holders more than $500m (£320m) in lost revenue. The firm says it was diligent in responding to complaints about pirated material. Investigators denied a link to recent protests against proposed piracy laws, according to the Wall Street Journal. The US Justice Department said that Kim Dotcom, formerly known as Kim Schmitz, and three others were arrested in Auckland, New Zealand at the request of US officials. It added that three other defendants were still at large. "This action is among the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States and directly targets the misuse of a public content storage and distribution site to commit and facilitate intellectual property crime," said a statement posted on the FBI's website. Sursa&restul articolului aici: BBC News - Megaupload file-sharing site shut down MUIE SOPA MUIE PIPA MUIE IDIOTILOR AMERICANI.
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