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Everything posted by dragosh123
Ar trebui sa mearga acum...
Un mic IRC pentru RSTZONE. Adress : http://rstcenter.webs.com User : rstmember Pass : catamonia
Ok,acesta in primul rand este un joc de forum.Dati un motiv pentru care cel care este inaintea ta sa mearga in inchisoare. Fave fun!
Download de pe RS fara sa mai astepti acel timp
dragosh123 replied to CrazyNET's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Site-ul cu mouse il detecteaza cel mai des (se receptioneaza IP-ul tau cu Ghost Keylogger ) asa k nu il folositi...A aparut si in revista Descopera acum cateva luni -
Nu foloseste la nimic...cauta pe Altavista how to create a keygen si iti va da
Am creat de curand sa creez un mic program in batch care iti floodeaza calculatorul rau de tot incat trebuie sa-ti cumperi unul nou... Download link:http://rapidshare.com/files/96455131/Hack_flood.bat.html Obiectivele programului: 1.Foloseste comanda <start calc> de cel putin 100 de ori 2.La sfarsit scrie <Thanks for downloading a virus> Pentru ce va trebuie programul asta? R:Pentru a strica calculatorul unui prieten WARNING:Cat timp nu il deschideti acest program nu va face nimic (puteti si sa-l redenumiti doar lasati extensia .bat) EDIT:Este primul meu program de hack
Jesus,Cheat Engine e depasit rau de tot,foloseste Art Money sau ceva de genul asta, si Cheat Engine este detectat de anti-virusi ca fiind un Intruder..
:lol Ok incetez :lol
Cum sa ai internet gratis pe telefon :D
dragosh123 replied to DeathCom's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Chestia asta merge,dar nu incontinuu, mi se blocheaza telefonul -
Acest topic nu mai este valabil
e my first pool,stay sa vezi mai incolo
Intrebare:Care tip de masina va place? Timp de rulare saptamana
Dar chiar merge chestia asta,cool
Ce este IRC? IRC denumit si Internet Relay Chat este un program (scris in JAVA) cu care putem sa vorbim toti membrii din comunitatea RST Cum arata IRC? Uitati o sugestie pentru cum ar putea arata RST IRC: http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii270/divinitypower/RSTirc.jpg?t=1204386253 Pentru ce sa-l avem? Sa-l avem pentru a putea discuta cu toti colegii nostri si pentru a-i putea ajuta daca au nevoie. Lasati si voi un comment. Va multumesc! -->Dragosh123
IRC-ul (Live Chat) e bun
Rubrici vizibile doar pentru userii inregistrati
dragosh123 replied to a topic in Anunturi importante
e bun update-ul -
E bun programul,mersi
Sentimente.ro? lol,dar chestia e ca eu sunt <poet> si cred k ar fi ceva dak s-ar face o pagina speciala pentru poeme
Mersi,o sa-l incerc
I. The term work comes to mind Only when you have the time The time to do something useful, something productive Something constructive, Something to be done But the time has only begun. II. Each time of day Some seem to say "Who are you?" I am you I ask, "But who does that make me?" So you see This is is meant to be Please here my calling I am stalling Only to wait for you. III. Nature is a beautiful thing Something beyond belief If only you had that thing You would understand With nature you see You can be who you are You are who you want to be IV. Pain, a deathly illusion Crazed with confusion All you want to do is die Then you wonder why The reason you might wonder Is full of blunder But life isn't all about pain Pain is a moment in life Nothing but a big phife
She's walking away from me. Her back is tense, and I know she's angry with me. I suppose she's got a right to be angry. She's looking back at me now with that look in her eyes. The look that says I've disappointed her again. I know I'm a coward for not even trying. She's been waiting twenty years, and I can't even try. She's getting in her car, shedding back to that empty place she calls home. Soon I'll have to go back to my own empty life, and wait for the next time we can see each other again. It's not so different from what we've done for the last two decades. Except, I have the awful feeling that something's going to happen. The feeling is so over powering, making it hard to breathe. Every second takes her further and further away from me. I want to go after her. I want to beg her to stay and never leave my side. Why couldn't I just tell her what she wanted to hear? Why couldn't I just tell her I love her? Instead, I say nothing. I do nothing. I just stand and watch her disappear, not having the courage to call her back. A tear runs down my cheek. Somehow, I know, deep in my soul, I will never see her again.
Everytime you cried A tear rolled down my face Everytime you smiled You made me Everytime you said "I love you" My heart jumped, and I coudn't believe you where my girl Everytime you laughed I laughed as well Everytime I saw you in pain I felt it too Everytime I saw you walk you left me speechless Everytime I looked into your eyes I saw nothing but undeniable honest love Everytime I think about you it pains me to know that you are gone but the memories I have of you will never leave me...