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Everything posted by CD-RAY

  1. For who is interested should read this ....Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: first experimental test - IOPscience
  2. La antena, ai doua doua variante: -varianta1=ori ma confunzi -varianta2=ori esti baut E valabila numai cate una!
  3. ,,,o alta varianta pentru dipolul WiFi 2,4GHz,executat din Cablaj Dublu Placat pe Sticlotextolit(1,5x45x65mm)... ,,,si dimensiunile aferente...
  4. ,,,acesta este link-ul pentru antena Bester -www.lan23.ru Wi-Fi. Krasnodar. BesterOffset ??????????? ??????????. ,,,variante pentru conectarea cablului coaxial la antena
  5. ,,,shi daca totushi nu sintetzi in posesia unei PCB,vetzi putea folosi tabla subtzire(0,2...0.25mm) de la cutiile de conserve din comertz ,pentru a confectziona o mica antena panou,cu un bun cishtig ... Obs. Intre patch-uri si reflector se poate interpune o placa de polistyren expandat(asha-zisa "zapada artifichiala")!!!!!!!!!!! In acest caz distantza dintre vibrator si reflector se va micshora ...3,5mm!!!
  6. ,,,o antena nu tocmai simpla, dar totusi mica si cu un cistig apreciabil...
  7. ,, and here are the maximum gain of antenna, positioned in the focus of a parabolic disk, with D=600mm ...
  8. ,,,,,, all my posts, are only my own work...!!!!!!!!!! Mai ma distrez uneori, cu EUROPA asta UNITA...!!!!!!!!!
  9. ,,,CST Microwave Studio...!!!
  10. ,,, Better than this .... CAN NOT!!!!!!
  11. ,,,bn01rnh,asta-i...!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. ,,,nu te grabi, mai asteapta, sa-ti dau alta mai desteapta...!!!!!!!!!!
  13. ,,,is not for sale,homemade antenna...!!! Gain=8dBi-without parabolic disk Gain=20dBi-with parabola Range=2,412-2,477GHz
  14. From this WiFi antenna construction, ...you can build with PCB (Printed Circuit Board) a simple and effective component reception... And now look how it behaves mini-antenna,in the focus of a parabola, with D = 600mm...
  15. ,,,skotzy reaveru" cu wapa...!!!!!!!!!!

  16. ,,,good day .... che may skornicheshty????????????

  17. ,,,esty suparat...???????????

  18. ,,,bon"jour...!!!

    Vezi ca aparu wifiSLAX final...!!!

    De asta ce parere ai...http://www.humanbirdwings.net/....??????????

  19. ,,,che may skornycheshty...!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. ,,,che may scornicheshty...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. ,,,folosesti ITS HIDDEN..????????

  22. ...imi place fiwiSLAX v4.0-rc6...!!!!!!!!!!!

    Parca este mai vizual si rapid!!!

    Ce mai scornicesti...????

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