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Everything posted by Sw0rdFish

  1. Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/28478791/Thunde...tup_1.5.0.5.exe
  2. Application Name: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 3 Lite key Application Version: Build 3 Lite Registration Name: Serial(s): CD87T-HFP4C-V7X7H-8VY68-W7D7M http://rapidshare.de/files/26451750/Lite_3...umit.part01.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26450561/Lite_3...umit.part02.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26457891/Lite_3...umit.part03.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26458101/Lite_3...umit.part04.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26458939/Lite_3...umit.part05.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26464436/Lite_3...umit.part06.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26464476/Lite_3...umit.part07.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26464953/Lite_3...umit.part08.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26469493/Lite_3...umit.part09.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26469526/Lite_3...umit.part10.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26469940/Lite_3...umit.part11.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26473490/Lite_3...umit.part12.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26473149/Lite_3...umit.part13.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/26471322/Lite_3...umit.part14.rar Pass : Sumit Sau http://www.uploading.com/?get=BSQUUR98 http://www.uploading.com/?get=PP3RPLF4 http://www.uploading.com/?get=AFWK130R http://www.uploading.com/?get=G90CXRRT http://www.uploading.com/?get=HSCM31PV pass: egm47
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  5. cu imaginea de la avatar,sa scrie Romanian Security Team,culori:negru,galben,daca se poate DjBes7,
  6. Kw3[R]Ln, e super skinul ala de la Spider!!! cool,vb cu el man,poate poate
  7. la mine merge Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/29730670/Win_RA...nal___Patch.zip
  8. nici mie poate cerem prea mult
  9. sunt unii care chiar nu au habar de astea ! nice,frumoase explicatii!
  10. daca se pricepe careva la program sa-mi spuna si mie daca se poate inregistra
  11. Ce trebuie sa faci ???? 1* Google search : "site:sales.limewire.com" [fara ghilimele] vei gasi mutle link-uri cu download Limewire PRO ^^ 2* Gasesti link-ul bun,si va merge[unele nu merg,altele merg,asa ca depinde de tine] Enj0y!
  12. Nu am avut chef/timp sa mai traduc,sper sa va placa: 1* Vizitezi site-ul site te loghezi Your informations: Username: Sw0rdFish Password: 12345 [ daca chiar trebuie ] http://www.radioblogclub.com/ 2* Search pe site numele trupei 3* In loc sa selectezi piesa dorita dai click pe iconita albastra din dreptul piesei 4* In the grey box, there is lots of code. But to make it easier to filter out the actual song, only select the text starting from “FlashVars…”Make sure you select EVERYTHING that’s after this text then continue. 5* Paste The Code Into The Address Bar And Download! Once you paste the code into the address bar, you’ll have something like the above. Now you must butcher the code! Erase everything BEFORE the “http://” and AFTER the “.rbs” Now press enter and download it when prompted! You’re almost done! 6. BUT WAIT! After downloading the song, you may notice that Windows doesn’t know what to open it in, this is because the file ends in “.rbs” which isn’t recognised by Windows. However, this is only a basic ploy to stop people downloading the song because it’s actually a “.mp3? which has been renamed to fool people! What you need to do is raname the file! *Right click the file and select “Rename”. *Change the file extension to “.mp3?. Gata! Enj0y!
  13. Changes in version 3.60 1. Multithreaded version of RAR compression algorithm improves the compression speed on computers with several CPU, dual core CPU and processors with hyperthreading technology. Multithreading is enabled by default, but you can disable it in "General" part of "Settings" dialog. In the command line mode you can control multithreading with -mt switch. 2. WinRAR can display the folder tree panel allowing to navigate in disk and archive folders. Use "Options/Folder tree" submenu to enable the folder tree. It can be configured separately in file and archive management modes. Folder tree replaces "Browse for folder" command previously available in "File" menu and uses its Ctrl+T keyboard shortcut. 3. Now WinRAR "Rename" command also works with ZIP archives. Previous versions could rename files only in RAR archives. 4. Added decompression of LZH archives created with "-lh7-" algorithm. 5. New "Remove duplicate folders from extraction path" option in "Settings/Compression" dialog. If this option is on and you unpack an archive which root folder has no files and only one 'somename' folder and if destination folder is new or empty and also ends with '/somename', WinRAR will exclude one 'somename' from resulting 'somename/somename' path. 6. New "Define volume sizes..." button in "Settings/Compression". This button activates "Define volume sizes" dialog. Here you can customize the list of predefined volume sizes associated with "Split to volumes, bytes" field in archiving dialog. 7. Speed of RAR general compression increased for some data types. Depending on data type and size the gain may achieve 5 - 15%. 8. New "Rename automatically" option in the extraction dialog and command line -or switch to rename extracted files automatically if file with the same name already exists. You can also enable the auto-renaming mode directly from the overwrite confirmation prompt with "Rename All" button. Renamed files will get names like 'filename(N).txt', where 'filename.txt' is the original file name and 'N' is a number. 9. "Set modification time" option in "Advanced" part of extraction dialog is accessible also for ZIP archives. Previously it could be changed only for RAR archives. 10. "Multithreading" option added to "Benchmark and hardware test" command, so you can compare performance of usual and multithreaded versions of RAR compression algorithm. 11. New 'ch' (change archive parameters) command line mode command. Its purpose is to apply switches like -av, -tl and -cl to archive. 12. New 'cv' command line mode command. It provides the command line interface to WinRAR "Convert archives" command. It is supported only by winrar.exe, not by rar.exe. 13. New command line -sl and -sm switches to set size limits of processing files. 14. New command line -fcu[file] switch allows to read archive comments from Unicode files. It also modifies behavior of "cw" command, setting the comment output format to Unicode. 15. 7Z added to list of formats stored without compression when using -ms switch without a parameter. 16. Switch -e[+] is now supported by most of command line operations including extracting and deleting files. Previously it was supported by only archiving command. 17. It is allowed to use environment variables in archive name in archiving dialog, in destination path in extraction dialog, in folder names on "Compression" and "Paths" pages in WinRAR settings. For example, you can enter '%temp%' in "Folder for temporary files" field. Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/29730670/Win_RA...nal___Patch.zip Enj0y!
  14. Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips. Fly from space to your neighborhood. Type in an address and zoom right in. Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions. Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings. Save and share your searches and favorites. Even add your own annotations. Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/30272199/Google...est_Version.rar Enj0y
  15. Download 1 : http://rapidshare.de/files/30173456/smudge...ge_tut.rar.html Download 2 : http://rapidshare.de/files/30173746/TheFox...torial.rar.html Download 3 : http://rapidshare.de/files/30173090/Abstra...rt_1_2.rar.html
  16. Site: http://www.scriptsbox.be
  17. mi sa parut interesanta cartea Dowload: http://rapidshare.de/files/28765454/Hacker...School.rar.html Enj0y!
  18. Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) Beta 3 has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. End user improvements include a streamlined interface, tabbed browsing, printing advances, improved search functionality, instant feeds (RSS), dynamic security protection, and more. Download: ']http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...jpg
  19. Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VF21JJME
  20. Features of K-Lite Codec Pack 2.75 FULL version : • Player : - Media Player Classic [version rev. 611] • ffdshow : - ffdshow [rev. 2543] - extra plugins - ffdshow VFW interface • DirectShow video filters : - XviD [version 1.2.0-dev build 2006-04-20] - DivX Pro [version 6.2.2] - CoreAVC [version] - On2 VP6 [version] - On2 VP7 [version] - Cyberlink DVD decoder [version] - InterVideo DVD decoder [version] - MPEG-1/2 (Ligos) [version] - MPEG-1/2 (Gabest) [version] - MPEG-1/2 (MainConcept) [version] • VFW video codecs : - XviD [version 1.2.0-dev build 2006-04-20] - DivX Pro [version] - x264 [rev. 536] - Windows Media 9 VCM [version] - On2 VP6 [version] [Encoding] - On2 VP7 [version] [Encoding] - Intel Indeo [version 5.2562.15.54] - Intel Indeo [version] - Intel Indeo [version] - Intel I.263 [version] - Huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5] • DirectShow audio filters : - MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version] - AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.02a test8] - AC3/DTS/LPCM (InterVideo) [version] - MP1/MP2 (Ligos) [version] - MP1/MP2 (MainConcept) [version] - Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version] - AAC (CoreAAC) [version] - AAC (3ivX Pro) [version D4 4.5.1] - MusePack [version] - Monkey's Audio [version 1.00] - WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.0.3] - FLAC (illiminable) [version 0.71.0946] - Voxware MetaSound [version] - AAC encoder (3ivX Pro) [version D4 4.5.1] • ACM audio codecs : - MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version 3.3.2] - MP3 (LAME) [version 3.97b2] - AC3 (ffcHandler) [version 1.3.1] - Vorbis [version] - DivX Audio [version] • DirectShow source filters : - MP4 splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version] - MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version] - Matroska splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version] - Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version] - Ogg splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version] - FLV splitter (Gabest) [version] - MPEG-TS splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version] - MPEG demuxer (Elecard) [version] - MPEG demuxer (Gabest) [version] - MPEG demuxer (MainConcept) [version] - MPEG demuxer (Ligos) [version] - SHOUTcast Source [version] • DirectShow subtitle filter : - DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.37] - DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33] • DirectShow audio filters (general purpose) : - Matrix Mixer [version 0.30b] - Morgan Multimedia Stream Switcher [version 0.9.9] • Encoding tools : - LAME CLI and DLL [version 3.97b2] - LameDropXPd [version 3.97b2] • Tools : - GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.52 beta 1 build 2004-09-15] - Sherlock [version 2.0] - VobSubStrip [version 0.11] - GraphEdit [build 041201] - MMCompView [version 1.10] - AVI Fixed [version 2.0b1] - FourCC Changer - Bitrate Calculator Download: http://windows-software-reviews.blogspot.com/ mirror: http://updates-technology.blogspot.com/ http://warcraft-tantra-fanatics.blogspot.com/
  21. thx for shareing dude.
  22. R A D I O *** RST *** just listen:)
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  24. Password: Mathushan
  25. asta merge ,dar nu sunt multe canale pe el,mai bine va convingeti voi http://rapidshare.de/files/29799520/TVUPlayer.zip
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