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Everything posted by gRaphhh.

  1. Odata cumparate aceste IP-uri trebuie doar sa ofer dovada si cele necesare providerului de internet si mai departe se ocupa ei. Eu acum spun ce au spus si ei... daca ei au vorbit aiurea vorbesc si eu doar ca au zis "gasesti pe net"
  2. Salutare ! Am si eu nevoie de ajutorul vostru... doresc achizitione un numar de IP-uri. Cateva sugestii de unde le pot cumpara? Am gasit cateva gen nav[dot]ro / ip[dot]ro / soft-expert[dot]ro
  3. Can't you find the necessary files? Is the content of your files not readable? It is normal because the files' names and the data in your files have been encrypted by "Cerber Ransomware". It means your files are NOT damaged! Your files are modified only. This modification is reversible. From now it is not possible to use your files until they will be decrypted. The only way to decrypt your files safely is to buy the special decryption software "Cerber Decryptor". Any attempts to restore your files with the third-party software will be fatal for your files! Salutare ! Am un hard criptat de acest virus toate pozele respectivului sunt criptate in extensie .a5e9 mai exista vreo speranta ceva de decryptare fara plata catre respectivii ? Teoretic toate fisierele sunt cryptate in extensia mentionata mai sus si este un fisierl HTML unde sunt cateva explicatii cum poate cumpara acel decryptor care costa doar 1500$
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