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Everything posted by paxnWo

  1. http://www.udk.com/
  2. paxnWo

    google releases

    http://code.google.com/closure/ http://code.google.com/p/neatx/
  3. paxnWo


    Asa se procedeaza cand cineva te calca pe coada: ============================= hi5: http://www.hi5.com/friend/mail/displayInbox.do?linkid=textLink&loginid=&smid=_101_&loginToken=-942105485629629441&email=wow.stefan@yahoo.com ============================= ============================= Conturile lui: wow.stefan armonia1993 ============================= ============================= Emailurile lu' tac-su: lazaroiu.stefan@yahoo.com s.lazaroiu@yahoo.com criss_construct27@yahoo.com ============================= ============================= Parole posibile: benqfp91gstefan paracetamol ============================= ============================= Date personale: Nume: Lazaroiu ,Stefan Adresa: Ciobanus Nr 11 Jud: Bacau Localitate:comanesti Cod postal: 605200 liceul Dimitrie ghicka Nr. de telefon: 0755597680 ============================= ============================= Cum sa iti iei bataie: alex_9096 : mate chimie sexsologie prostia umana si sport Me: super ai nr lu dirig ? sa sun ca vreau sa ma invoiesc maine alex_9096 : wa ai facut rost de geaca Me: nu lasa geaca ca vorbim si de ea ai nr lu dirig ? alex_9096 : vezi ce te trasnesc Me: vezi ab ba sugi pula alex_9096 : bineee Me: ca prea smecher esti de la o vreme alex_9096 : bine bine Me: ma pis pe tine si pe fata ta imi da nr lu dirig ? alex_9096 : ne intalnim mai tarziu la liceu Me: iaaaa esti tare tu ia sa vedem vii sa ma bati cu botu la coaie alex_9096 : ma fututi dmnezeu mati de copchil lasa las Me: oricum esti mai rupt ca cifra 7 si mai stramb la cifra 9 ca* m-am saturat de tine ma bei hai ne vedem la liceu cauta-ma alex_9096 : ma in dumnezau mati cine dracu te mai crezi ma vin la u acasa daca ma futi la cap Me: seful tau, logic alex_9096 : tiam vb frumos vezi ca te bat de te pisi pe tine cand te prind si nu glumesc Me: tu vii si imi ceri voie sa dai buna ziua la lume alex_9096 : bine Me: ba cacat cu ochi ai grija ca nu stii cu cine te pui alta data da-mi bani sa vorbesti cu mine hai jet ============================= eu am vorbit inainte cu el si mi-am cam dat seama cum vorbeste, a trebuit sa ma cobor la nivelul lui. cred ca am depasit faza cu 'bataie cu botu' la coaie' ...
  4. respect :thumbs up: !
  5. l-a mai folosit careva ?
  6. va faceti de ras
  7. paxnWo

    free tv

  8. 1161104210531154325105611573284995110511155123213115141041510515116 decode it.
  9. http://www.hushmail.com/ http://www.the-cloak.com/ http://www.limewire.com/ care a mai folosit hushmail sau limewire ? the-cloak e bun pentru smecherii ?
  10. Pax Nwo: buna Pax Nwo: scuze de deranj Pax Nwo: sunt din partea hitlab Pax Nwo: te avem in baza de date Pax Nwo: dorim sa iti luam un interview cand ai timp roxy.alina1: hai sugi pula dute-n mortii mati Pax Nwo: 0735 346 795 Pax Nwo: asta e telefonul tau draguto ?
  11. paxnWo

    rupt de foame

  12. paxnWo


    dota league ftw, retard free. gata, s-au facut echipele, eu, black, ballack. imi repartitionez hardul doar ca sa bag xp si sa joc o dota mica. jucam pe garena. 3v3 , 5v5 ?
  13. dau 2 milioane. daca esti de acord, add pe y!m : paxnwo
  14. paxnWo


    Am decis sa pun punct activitatii mele neinsemnate pe rst. Va salut cu respect pe toti. @ black: nu e thread gen " ma retrag " :] , e doar un thread de " la revedere ".
  15. paxnWo


    contact me via y!m
  16. http://sucuri.net/mirror/zf05.txt via Security Gurus 0wned by Black Hats - Mitnick, Kaminsky and others get their websites hacked - Softpedia
  17. Pax's http://black.powerhost.ro:666/listen.pls Blegovici's http://black.powerhost.ro:1338/listen.pls .
  18. It was not any particular vulnerability that a French hacker exploited in order to get his hands on Twitter confidential corporate documents. According to his own account, it was patience and determination combined with the inherent security weaknesses in today's Web 2.0 ecosystem. TechCrunch, one of the first to break out the story about the Twitter compromise, interviewed the person responsible for it. Going by the online handle of paxnWo he explained how he used social engineering to obtain unauthorized access to a great amount of confidential data and services. It all started with some time-consuming research. The hacker built a profile of Twitter as a company and its employees from information freely available on the Internet. As this profile grew bigger and bigger, the data on it actually made it easier to search and find even more detailed information about individuals, such as their personal e-mail addresses, work e-mail addresses, birthdays, pet names, and so on. After mapping out all this info, paxnWo set out to find a weak spot. The breakthrough came in the form of an employee's personal Gmail account. While checking out the password reset feature on this person's e-mail, Google told him that password reset instructions would be sent to a secondary e-mail, and, attempting to help the user recall what his secondary e-mail was, a visual cue was displayed: ******@h******.com. With that clue, it would be trivial for most people to realize that the secondary address was @hotmail.com and it was even more easier for Hacker Croll to determine the account name, operating under the assumption that people tended to use the same username over different services. The next thing he noticed was that the Hotmail account had been deleted for inactivity, a "feature" that Hotmail is known for. This allowed him to re-register the account, reset the Gmail password and obtain the unique password reset confirmation link sent to the secondary e-mail address, now under his control. Once he got into the Gmail account, Hacker Croll went even further and searched it for registration confirmation messages from other services. This helped him determine the password that was most likely used by the Twitter employee on Gmail before the reset, again by assuming that people used the same password over multiple accounts. He then waited to see if he was right and, soon enough, he noticed activity on the Gmail account. This meant he now had access to the e-mail without its owner even suspecting that something was off. He then realized that Twitter used Google's servers as MX for its corporate e-mails too, a feature in Google Apps. He tried the same password on the employee's business e-mail account and it worked. The nature of the information found here was a game changer. By going through documents attached to older e-mail messages in the business account, Croll was able to extend his map of Twitter with information about other company personnel. Leveraging on this new data, he soon ended up having access to the Gmail, Google Apps, AT&T, Amazon, PayPal, iTunes, MobileMe and GoDaddy accounts of multiple Twitter employees, including its founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone. According to TechCrunch, there is a weakness in iTunes, which allowed the hacker to see credit card details associated with the compromised accounts, in plain text. Croll is said to have also had access to the GoDaddy account used to manage Twitter's domain names. Hacker paxnWo explained that he held nothing against Twitter in particular and that he carried out this attack in order to raise awareness about the risks of overlooking basic security practices. "I did not do this to profit from the information. Security is an area that fascinated me for many years and I want to do my job. [...] I hope that my intervention will be repeated to show how easy it can be for a malicious person to gain access to sensitive information without too much knowledge," he wrote (translated from Romanian).
  19. avkhackteam nu mai activeaza demult pe forum. http://www.google.ro/search?hl=ro&q=oscommerce+free+templates&btnG=C%C4%83utare&meta=
  20. paxnWo

    Vaszilica b0t

    Pax Nwo: vremea pulii jbe - i kissed a pussy and i liked it: Acuma caut vremea pentru orasul pulii M-ai stricat, pampalaule.(exista si posibilitatea sa fi tastat gresit numele orasului dorit,caz in care te rog sa te iei de urechi si sa mai incerci o data. De asemenea, exista si posibilitatea sa nu existe informatii pentru satul pe care l-ai tastat, caz in care ma mir ca ai Internet.) Pax Nwo: pula jbe - i kissed a pussy and i liked it: Buna paxnwo, cum te cheama? Pax Nwo: pax jbe - i kissed a pussy and i liked it: eu sunt un bot..Vaszilica (nu..e modior..cu sz)(scrie help daca vrei meniul meu). Incantat de cunostinta pax, de unde esti? Pax Nwo: pizda jbe - i kissed a pussy and i liked it: hmm... pax din pizda...il cunosti pe o_0.iahumeil? Pax Nwo: nu jbe - i kissed a pussy and i liked it: ooo...nebunooo... ..noh bine..eu plec..m-a facut asta de tot cacatul..mai vb zilele astea cand ma termina..papa daca vrei sa afli vremea dintr-un anumit orash scrie: vremea numeleorasului
  21. For the first time, the Federal Trade Commission is shuttering an internet service provider it alleges, “recruits, knowingly hosts, and actively participates in the distribution of illegal, malicious and harmful electronic content” such as botnets and child porn. The company, doing business as 3fn.net and APS Telecom, “actively recruited” to its hosting service thousands of “rogue” and “black hat” web sites distributing “illegal, malicious, and harmful electronic content including child pornography, spyware, viruses, trojan horses, phishing, botnet command and control servers, and pornography featuring violence, bestiality, and incest. ” A San Jose, California federal judge, responding to the FTC’s lawsuit, has ordered (.pdf) upstream internet providers and data centers to stop servicing the company, also known as Pricewert, which is based in Oregon. Its operators live in Belize. The company had thousands of servers in the San Jose area. Many of the thousands of sites it hosted were based in Russia, where admins on Thursday were scrambling to resume service. The complaint alleges Pricewert officials helped its member sites create and configure botnets. According to the FTC’s lawsuit, (.pdf) the company “hosts very little legitimate content and vast quantities of illegal, malicious, and harmful content, including child pornography, botnet command and control servers, spyware, viruses, trojans, phishing-related sites, illegal online pharmacies, investment and other web-based scams, and pornography featuring violence, bestiality, and incest.” The lawsuit alleges that Pricewert “actively shields its criminal clientele by either ignoring take-down requests issued by the online security community or shifting its criminal clients to other internet protocol addresses controlled by Pricewert so that they may evade detection.” Commission chairman Jonathon Leibowitz told the Washington Post that “Anything bad on the internet, they were involved in it.”
  22. paxnWo

    Use Gmail !

    Gmail nu trimite headere cu IP-ul tau. Yahoo does =)
  23. repet, noi macar ne propunem ceva ;]
  24. da, avem unele planuri. o sa lansez cu ballack comunitatea Anon in ro
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