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Am inteles,eu sunt nebun nu realizez inca ca totul este cenzurat in ziua de astazi. Va rog sa imi stergeti toate posturile si sa imi inchideti contul asta a fost ultima oara cand am intrat pe RST,Si am spus ca admini sunt Fatarnici si sustin din cauza ca unul dintre cei ce a infintat acest forum este un puscarias care a fost inchis pentru furt comis in banda organizata si cati va admini pe aicia il plang ca erea inocent,a fost gasit cu peste 300 de mii de USD in casa bani furati de la oameni cinstiti care muncesc zi de zi sa isi creasca familia sau sa isi plateasca studile. In fine INCHIDETI.MI CONTUL VA ROG. si celor ce le am dat BTC cu camata aicia sa stiti ca nu mai vreau nimic in apoi beti o bere din partea mea.
Vand BTC Acept plata doar prin WU Plata se face in avans bineinteles 1 BTC la cursul actual este 478.90 E eu vand cu 550 Indiferent de pretul pietei eu vand cu 70 euro mai scump pretul este mai mare din cauza ca puteti gasi BTC la maine ori cand si livrez in 5 minute dupa ce ridic bani.
Vand baza de date(telefoane mobile fixe) toate tarile
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in RST Market
Sunt aicia,nu prea am intrat am fost nervos o perioada din cauza ca aveam si eu cate va rep si mau lasat admini sportiv...inca valabil vand numere de telefon mobile sau fix din ori ce retea. -
Man Dies After Playing Diablo III for 72 Hours
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Cosul de gunoi
Asa este dar erea prea hard stirea asta sa nu o postez... -
A handgun created via 3-D printing has set off a storm of discussion on the Internet, but perhaps the most important piece of the story has been left out of the headlines: the gun was made with highly advanced and extremely expensive industrial-level machinery. It's a proof of concept — not a new mode of production. 3-D printing techniques — even pricey ones that use metal instead of the increasingly affordable ones that spit out plastic shapes — have been known for their speed and convenience, but not necessarily their accuracy. If you want to make a spoon, sure, but a firing assembly for a handgun? "There's a common misconception that laser sintering isn't capable of making things like this, that it's not strong enough or exact enough," said Scott McGowan, VP of marketing at Solid Concepts, the company that made the gun, in a phone interview with NBC News. "We knew different, so we wanted to make a working example." So they did — and it appears to work as well (or even better, some who have tested it suggest) than a store-bought version of the gun, a Model 1911 .45 caliber handgun. The gun was chosen because of its relative simplicity and the fact that its design is now, after 102 years, in the public domain. The spring and magazine, and of course the bullets had to be bought. You can't print gunpowder (yet), but everything else was machine-made in house. As attention getters go, this worked like a charm, but don't be worried that your next door neighbor is going to start printing out guns left and right. For one thing, "the equipment we have is about $750,000 for purchase," explained McGowan. "They can go for a million." Even if you had the money, you'd need an industrial warehouse capable of powering the machine, which uses a high-precision laser to solidify powdered metals in a pattern determined by a 3-D computer model. These rapid prototyping setups are often used by companies that want to perfect a design before manufacturing it overseas. They're very different from the sub-$2,000 desktop 3-D printers you can buy today, which lay down melted plastic in layers instead and were used to create the Liberator, the world's first working printed handgun. You'd also need some special inert gases to fill the production chamber with, a skilled metalworker and gunsmith to finish the parts ("you haven't seen the pieces when they come out of the machine," said McGowan), and of course a federal firearm production license. testing gun Solid Concepts The gun survived firing 500 shots in a row with no damage or problems except a little discoloration from heat. That last bit may be optional if you don't care about the law — but Solid Concepts is proud to say that what it created is not only the first printed-metal handgun, but one that's OK in the eyes of the law. Even so, the company is not about to enter the gun business. "We have some customers who are gun producers, but it's less than one percent of what we do," explained McGowan. "We just wanted to show that this technology is viable. This gun cost us many times more than it would cost to go out and buy one." What it does do, however, is prove that the company's laser sintering process produces parts strong enough and precise enough to include not just in guns, but in satellites, medical implements, robots and so on. Funnily enough, though printing the gun was something of a milestone, it's not a recent technical advancement that made it possible. "The equipment we're using was available a few years ago," said McGowan. "I believe someone with a high level of expertise could have done it — but no one tried it." SURSA Breaking News & Top Stories - World News, US & Local | NBC News
UK police have arrested eight men after a gang fitted remote-control hardware to a Barclays bank branch computer and stole £1.3m. Money was slurped from the bank after crooks hooked up a KVM (keyboard, video and mouse) switch and 3G dongle to a terminal in the branch, officers said. The suspects, aged between 24 and 47, were cuffed by cops from the Metropolitan Police's Central e-Crime Unit during a series of raids on Thursday and Friday. The Met said the men had been arrested "in connection with an allegation of conspiracy to steal from Barclays Bank, and conspiracy to defraud UK banks". Police said that "cash, jewellery, drugs, thousands of credit cards and personal data" are were recovered in a series of raids across London and Essex. "The arrests are the result of a long-term intelligence-led operation by the Metropolitan Police's PeCU, in partnership with Barclays Bank, who have been investigating the theft of £1.3 million from the Swiss Cottage branch of Barclays in April 2013," a Met Police statement explains. Barclays reported the missing money to Scotland Yard, and a subsequent search revealed a 3G mobile internet dongle attached to a KVM switch that was connected to a computer in a London branch. KVM switches, which can cost as little as £10, are used legitimately for remote working; the keyboard, video and mouse signals can be routed over the internet to another keyboard, monitor and mouse. In this case, it seems the device was allegedly used to remotely control the compromised computer in a Barclays branch in London's Swiss Cottage district. Bank accounts were looted shortly after an individual posing as an IT worker installed the device on 4 April, cops said. "A male purporting to be an IT engineer had gained access to the branch, falsely stating he was there to fix computers," the Met police statement explains. "He had then deployed the KVM device. This enabled the criminal group to remotely transfer monies to predetermined bank accounts under the control of the criminal group." Barclays have since been able to recover a "significant amount" of the stolen funds. Detective Inspector Mark Raymond of the Met's PCeU said: "These arrests were achieved working in partnership with the Virtual Task Force (VTF), an unique information sharing cyber collaboration between the PCeU and the UK Banking sector. The detective added: "Those responsible for this offence are significant players within a sophisticated and determined organised criminal network, who used considerable technical abilities and traditional criminal know-how to infiltrate and exploit secure banking systems." David Emm, senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab, commented: "KVM devices have been around for some time now. They allow the use of multiple devices through one keyboard or mouse. The successful fitting of such a device, combined with specific software, would give the hackers remote access to that particular computer and any network or information it had access to." Planting hardware hacking devices to enable cyber-crime is becoming something of a trend. The latest arrests come after four men appeared in court earlier this month charged with conspiracy to steal after a KVM was placed on a Santander branch in Surrey Quays, southeast London. ® Sursa http://www.theregister.co.uk/
CNA sesizeaz? Poli?ia cu privire la 42 de site-uri care difuzeaz? ilegal filme ?i seriale Consiliul Na?ional al Audiovizualului (CNA) a decis, joi, s? sesizeze Poli?ia cu privire la 42 de site-uri care difuzeaz? filme ?i seriale f?r? s? respecte legisla?ia audiovizualului ?i f?r? s? de?in? drepturile pentru con?inutul transmis. CNA a analizat, în ?edin?a de joi, o adres? primit? de la SC Pro TV SA, care a semnalat existen?a a 42 de site-uri care ofer? servicii media audiovizuale la cerere, f?r? a de?ine drepturi pentru con?inutul difuzat ?i f?r? s? fi notificat Consiliul, a?a cum prevede Decizia CNA nr. 320 din 2012. Articolul 41 din aceast? Decizie prevede c?, pân? la data de 3 septembrie 2012, to?i furnizorii de servicii media audiovizuale la cerere din România aveau obliga?ia s? completeze ?i s? transmit? la CNA cererea de notificare. Nerealizarea notific?rii în termenul respectiv "determin? încetarea dreptului de a furniza servicii media audiovizuale la cerere", potrivit aceluia?i articol. În adresa SC Pro TV SA (adica detinatorii site-ului voyo.ro) se mai spune c? societatea a trimis deja notific?ri privitoare la drepturile asupra con?inutului c?tre mai multe companii. Dup? ce au analizat posibilit??ile legale pe care le au, membrii CNA au decis cu unanimitate de voturi s? sesizeze Poli?ia în cazul celor 42 de site-uri care difuzeaz? ilegal filme ?i seriale. "Furnizorii serviciilor media la cerere au obliga?ia de a notifica CNA cu privire la aceast? activitate. Pân? la aceast? dat? au fost notificate (la CNA, n.r.) opt astfel de servicii. Pro TV ne-a informat îns? cu privire la desf??urarea ilegal? a unor asemenea servicii pe internet, care încalc? drepturile de autor pe care le de?ine. CNA va sesiza Poli?ia în vederea identific?rii responsabililor de site ?i a clarific?rii r?spunderii legale", a spus R?svan Popescu, pre?edintele CNA, dup? luarea deciziei. Astfel, CNA va sesiza Poli?ia cu privire la urm?toarele site-uri: Filme Online Gratis,Filme Online Subtitrate in limba romana,Filme Online 2013 ! Filme Online, Seriale, Filme si Seriale Online Subtitrate Filme Online HD Gratis, Filme Online Blue-ray Subtitrate Filme online filme-noi-online.com - filme-noi-online Resources and Information. This website is for sale! filmesubtitrateonline.net - filmesubtitrateonline Resources and Information. This website is for sale! http://www.filme-free.ro Surefire Print Filme online gratis subtitrate in limba romana, filme 2012, seriale online Filme online gratis, subtitrate in limba romana, online gratis, divxonline.biz, Filme noi | Filme online Filme online gratis, subtitrate in limba romana | Filme online HD Filme Online Gratis Subtitrate Filme online - Filme Online 2013 Seriale Online Gratis Subtitrate - Filme Online filmesubtitrateonline.net - filmesubtitrateonline Resources and Information. This website is for sale! Filme Subtitrate filme-subtitrate.info - filme-subtitrate Resources and Information. This website is for sale! online-pe.net - online-pe Resources and Information. This website is for sale! online-pe.net - online-pe Resources and Information. This website is for sale! Index of / http://www.filme-subtitrate.ro www.hdfilmeonline.info Download Filme torent Noi calitate Full HD cu Subtitrare OpticMovie.com Filme online gratis - www.cinemaxx.ro Filme Online Filme Online 3D HD Gratis Subtitrate FilmeOnlineTari,Filme Online Gratis,Filme Online subtitrate - FilmeOnlineTari,Filme online gratis subtitrate,Filme on Filme Online HD Subtitrate In Limba Romana FILME ONLINE, FILME ONLINE HD, FILME ONLINE HD 2013, FILME HD ONLINE, FILME2013 HD, FILME ONLINE HD 2012, FILME HD ONLINE 2013 http://www.seriale-filme.info http://www.serialedetop.com serialul.net Filme online, filme online gratis subtitrate, seriale online filmemisto.com - filmemisto Resources and Information. This website is for sale! SuperFilme.net - Un cuprinzator clasament cu cele mai bune filme aparute pana in prezent incluzand o scurta descriere si un trailer pentru fiecare film in parte - Aici gasiti doar filme bune. Vplay / Videoclipuri HD Online Seriale Online Seriale Online Filme online gratis subtitrate 2013 Desene animate online http://www.freshon.tv Sursa: http://www.mediafax.ro/cultura-media/cn ... e-10270575
Guvernul SUA a anuntat ca tocmai a reusit sa rezolve una dintre cele mai importante probleme in lupta cu pirateria online. A obtinut acordul Rusiei pentru o colaborare stransa. Ads by INTERNET PROTV Rusia, unul dintre punctele sensibile ale Europei in pirateria online, un loc in care multe dintre site-urile de torenti isi tin serverele, a acceptat sa participe alaturi de SUA in lupta impotriva file-sharingului ilegal de informatii pe internet, scrie Torrent Freak. "SUA si Rusia au anuntat ca au ajuns la un acord comun de a opri site-urile de piraterie. Cele doua tari sunt de acord sa inchida operatorii ce actioneaza in aceasta zona. In acest moment in Rusia, zeci, probabil sute de site-uri de piraterie online functioneaza fara probleme si asta din cauza ca autoritatile nu au aratat pana in prezent niciun interes de a actiona in aceasta directie. Situatia a fost bineinteles considerata inacceptabila de catre SUA, care ieri a anuntata ca a ajuns la un acord pentru a actiona impreuna impotriva 'piratilor online'.", precizeaza Torrent Freak. Sursa citata scrie ca prin "colaborarea comuna" se intelege inchiderea site-urilor care "faciliteaza incalcarea dreptului la proprietate intelectuala" si actionarea in justitie a celor care au permis ca aceste site-uri sa existe. Sursa Stiri online, stiri de ultima ora | Stirileprotv.ro
A 32-year old man called Russell Shirley, was found dead by his landlord after a three-day marathon of Diablo III. According to the report, Shirley suffered a heart attack while playing Blizzard's addictive loot-fest. Apparently, Shirley lead a pretty relaxed lifestyle, and was hard pressed to use his gym membership or get some exercise. However, two of Shirley's friends have debunked the story, saying he died due his long term suffering with apnea. They describe Shirley as a normal 32-year old man who was "charitable" and a "peerless friend", but who had trouble managing his weight due to his health problems. Regardless of which part of the story is true, it is important to realize that taking a break every hour or so between long sessions of gaming is extremely vital. Our thoughts and prayers are with Shirley and his family. Sursa http://me.ign.com/en/news
Ce inseamna freelancer?(pentru cei ce nu stiu) Freelancer sau freelance, inseamna lucrator independent. Un freelancer este o persoana care indeplineste un serviciu online, fara a-si lua un angajament pe termen lung fata de angajator. Serviciul poate fi: web design, web development, logo/banner design, flash, seo, creare aplicatii software, data entry, traduceri, scriere articole, copywriting, creatie video plus multe, multe altele. Cum sa-ti gasesti de lucru ca freelancer? Ca freelancer, iti poti gasi de lucru prin intermediul unor site-uri de specialitate. Te inregistrezi, cauti un job care ti se potriveste si aplici pentru el. In momentul in care ai aplicat pentru un job, trebuie sa specifici suma pentru care esti dispus sa indeplinesti acel job (in functie de bugetul angajatorului). Cele mai pupulare site-uri prin care poti sa iti gasesti de lucru sunt: Freelancer, vWorker, ScriptLance, GetACoder, eLance, iFreelance, LogoMyWay - concursuri de logo design la care poti castiga bani frumosi. Pe aceste site-uri, sute de joburi noi sunt adaugate in fiecare zi. * Ca freelancer ai nevoie de cunostiinte medii de limba engleza si de un cont PayPal.
Apucate de alergat,eu cand am inceput am inceput de plictiseala si acum a devenit o pasiune mare din viatza mea...sau invata un limbaj de programare
The Serval Project team has developed an Android app which turns mobile phones into a mesh network running on Wi-Fi. To extend the limited range Wi-Fi offers they are now developing a hardware solution called the Serval Mesh Extender. The open source Serval Mesh software enables mobile phones to communicate with each other independent of supporting infrastructure. Using Wi-Fi the phones form a self-configuring network to exchange files, voice and text messages. Founder of the project Dr. Paul Gardner-Stephens a Humanitarian Telecommunications Fellow at Flinders University, Australia, developed the app with disasters zones and remote areas in mind, where the cellular network infrastructure is either destroyed or was never deployed in the first place. But the app has its limitations. Wi-Fi has a range of about a hundred meters and ad-hoc Wi-Fi networking drains the phone’s battery. To address these issues the Serval team developed the Mesh Extender, a prototype hardware platform that extends the range of the network up to thousands of meters using additional radio technologies. It can also serve as a network access point for nearby mobile phones to help them save battery power. The Serval team is now running an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign aiming for $300,000 to improve and manufacture the Mesh Extender. You can also support the open source, not-for-profit project by joining the developer team. While developing the Mesh app the team ran into another problem. Most mobile phone manufacturers do not support mesh networks as many of them distribute their devices through telecommunications companies. To get a phone to operate as a node in a mesh network, the user must first get root access to the phone to circumvent the default restrictions. But with the Mesh Extender functioning as a host, unrooted phones can join the network in client mode. The core value driving the Serval project is that the ability to communicate is a human right. Since privacy is an essential part of being able to communicate freely, security measures such as end-to-end encryption are baked into the software.
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has added five new individuals to its Cyber Most Wanted list. The list includes Farhan Arshad and Noor Aziz Uddin, both Pakistani nationals, accused of taking part in an international telecoms hacking scheme. They’re said to have caused damage of over $50 million (€37 million) after hacking business telephone systems between 2008 and 2012. The criminal ring these suspects are part of is said to have members in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia and other countries. Another man added to the FBI’s Cyber Most Wanted list is Russian national Alexsey Belan. Belan is wanted for hacking into the networks of 3 US companies from which he stole sensitive information. Andrey Nabilevich Taame, a Syrian national, is wanted for his role in Operation Ghost Click, a cybercriminal scheme that made over half a million victims in the United States alone. The last on the list is Carlos Perez-Melara, a man accused of distributing a piece of spyware onto the computers of unsuspecting users through a fraudulent website that claimed to be offering a solution for “catching cheating lovers.” “Throughout its history, the FBI has depended on the public’s help and support to bring criminals to justice. That was true in the gangster era, and it’s just as true in the cyber era. We need the public’s help to catch these individuals who have made it their mission to spy on and steal from our nation and our citizens,” said Executive Assistant Director of our Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch Richard McFeely. Those who can provide valuable information to the FBI regarding these individuals can be rewarded with up to $100,000 (€75,000). “The cyber fugitives we seek have caused significant losses to individuals and to our economy. And cyber crime continues to pose a significant threat to our national security,” McFeely added sursa http://www.hackersmedia.com/2013/11/fbi-adds-5-hackers-to-cyber-most-wanted.html
De era Hitler vorbeam nemteste pe RST.....
Foarte tare,daca as avea o putere ma.s duce personal dupa ei......
Nu,nu am mai comandat si baterie si rucsac nu am vrut sa mai dau bani aiurea si pe alea
Am comandat una trebuie imi ajunga in cate va zile.
Hacker group “KDMS Team,” who managed to hack Whatsapp, Avira, AVG and various famous website through DNS poisoning, also managed to hack “Metasploit” website (http://www.metasploit.com/)by just sending a FAX to it’s domain registrar (register.com.) KDMS Team is a Pro-Palestinian Hackers group, they work with the aim of familiarising the “whole world with our unlawfully murdered Palestine.”. Hackers group sent a FAX to Regsiter.com, who manages Metaspolit’s website DNS, According to HD Moore, chief research officer at security company Rapid7 and driving force behind Metasploit, the website was “hijacked through a spoofed change request FAXED to Register.com. Hacking like its 1964. sursa Hackers News Bulletin - Hacking and Hackers News on one click- The Latest Always
Hackers attacked Computers with the help of Google researcher’s report Posted by: HNBulletin in Cyber Attacks, Cyber Crime, Google, Microsoft, Safety Tips, Windows8, Zero-Day Windows BUG Two Months ago, a bug in windows disclosed by a Google Researcher Tavis Ormandy, who came under fire at the time for publicizing the flaw without going to the software company first. Now Microsoft said the hackers have attacked some of the computers by that bug which was disclosed by that Google Researcher two months ago. Microsoft released an advisory on Tuesday, they said: Hackers had launched “targeted attacks,” a term generally used by security experts to refer to cyberattacks on corporate or government targets, with espionage and sabotage as the motive. Google security engineer Tavis Ormandy’s disclosure in May was controversial because he posted technical information on the web that described the bug in the Windows operating system, which some experts said could help malicious hackers launch attacks, before Microsoft had released software to fix it. Officials with Microsoft declined to comment when asked if they believed Ormandy’s disclosure of the vulnerability had led to the attacks. Ormandy could not be reached. A Google spokesman declined comment, saying that Ormandy’s Windows project was personal and not related to his work for the company. sursa Hackers News Bulletin - Hacking and Hackers News on one click- The Latest Always
Adobe suffered from a massive security breach in which three million customers were affected—their IDs, passwords, and credit card information accessed by hackers. A security bulletin by Adobe reads: Our investigation currently indicates that the attackers accessed Adobe customer IDs and encrypted passwords on our systems. We also believe the attackers removed from our systems certain information relating to 2.9 million Adobe customers, including customer names, encrypted credit or debit card numbers, expiration dates, and other information relating to customer orders. At this time, we do not believe the attackers removed decrypted credit or debit card numbers from our systems. Along with the confidential information of the customers—source code for numerous Adobe products were also accessed. Adobe said, it would change the ”relevant customer passwords” as a precaution, it will also notify affected customers through E-mail to change their passwords. Adobe also stated—”Users who use same passwords on other sites as they use on Adobe, also change their passwords as well.” One more important notification from Adobe also came out—whose credit or debit card information was compromised would be offered a year’s membership in a credit monitoring service courtesy of Adobe. Security researcher, ‘Krebs‘ wrote about the product whose source code was accessed—”ColdFusion Web application platform and possibly [the] Acrobat family of products” were among those affected. Adobe informed federal law enforcement authorities about this breach as well as its banking and payment processing partners. As we said above, Those customers whose credit or debit cards information exposed would be offered a year’s membership in a credit monitoring service courtesy of Adobe—Is This A Reliable Step??, we want to hear from you, leave a comment. sursa Hackers News Bulletin - Hacking and Hackers News on one click- The Latest Always
35,000 websites hacked using an exploit in vBulletin Forum Software An exploit found in the World’s fourth most popular content management system (CMS) “vBulletin,” which allows a hacker to create an account on the website with administrative privileges, right now over 100,000 websites powered by this software. In August, vBulletin users using version 4.x and 5.x of its software were informed that they needed to remove two directories ( “/install” and “/core/install”) on sites using the system or they would leave themselves open to an unspecified attack. And according to a data security company “Imperva” users didn’t listen up the warning and in result over 35,000 websites running vBulletin have been hacked using this vulnerability. We took a look to the vBulletin website and found Major companies like EA, Zynga, Sony and Steam are listed in their customer section. Imperva writes in its blog: Although vBulletin has not disclosed the root cause of the vulnerability or its impact, the Imperva Application Defense Center (ADC) has determined the attacker’s methods. How an attacker able to create an account with administrator privileges: In the initial analysis, Imperva gone through the warning—vBulletin released in August, a victimized user shared his server’s Apache log over there— providing some visibility into the attacker’s procedure: sursa Hackers News Bulletin - Hacking and Hackers News on one click- The Latest Always