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livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Nu caut design,caut un leptop perfoamant foarte perfoarmant.... -
Vand baza de date(telefoane mobile fixe) toate tarile
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in RST Market
Contin adrese(nu mailuri) numere de telefoane fixe si mobile,mobilele sunt abonamente si abonamente am decat din Franta Sfr oranje virgin mobile lyca Nrj si Bouygues -
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livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Lasa.ne brother,nu inteleg care este problema ta....fac ce vreau cand vreau si cum vreau cumparati un leptop dala la 100 de dolari si vezi k ies si iphonuri la 100 de usd,nu iti convine nu mai comenta ce dracu stai sa cirtici si sa faci pe grozavul pe aicia trageti doua palme peste ceafa si readute la lumina.... -
Cum spune anuntul,vand baza de date numere de telefon toate tarile fixe si mobile,numerele sunt valide 100%100
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Da...ms luni dimineatza ma duc sa il cumpar,nu am mai lucrat cu macbook dar osa ma descurc eu sa vad cum fac sa bag si backtrack pe el.. -
Da asa este am opservat dupa ce am postat,ai un spirit opservator din cauza ceaiului de menta probabil.
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Bugetul meu este de 2500 euro -
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Da ma frate ce chestie tr sa stau sa dau explicati si sa ma justific de ce vreau sa cumpar un leptop mai performat,si asta ma cataloghieaza si ma indruma sa imi cumpar un leptop de 250 de euro in tradevar lui un leptop asa ai trebuie este de ajuns doar sa critice,si daca a cauta sa cumperi un leptop de 2500 de euro inseamna a fi bastan inseamna k faptu de ati lua o masina deja sari calu,omu este inlogic,stiu sa scriu romaneste dar nu gramatical exact k engleza dar in schimb scriu franceza k am fost la scoala aicia si daca as posta stiri in franceza nu cred k ar intelege multi de aceia postez in engleza pt k este prima limba vb in lume,si da dorm doar 4 5 ore pe nuapte pt k lucrez pe net si daca vrei sa sti si ce lucrez am sa iti arat poate te pui si tu pe munca nu pe critica. Internet Eyes - Internet Eyes este un site in anglia care te angajeaza sa te uiti de pe pc de la tine din fotoliu pe camerele lor de supraveghiere si daca prinzi vre un hot iti da bani,eu fac bani cat de cat din asta,si ce mai faca este ca vand produse pe internet care nu le am lumea le comanda le plateste iar eu le comand le platesc la randul meu si le trimit pe adresa persoanei care le a comandat.si inca ceva care nu vreau sa spun deja am vb prea mult. Am sa iti ascult sfatul brenin am sa cumpar un macbook pro.ms -
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Bododstyle fugi repede la nonstop in sat si adui lu tati o bere pana rezolv cu nenea astia -
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Realitatea este k nu am frigider de loc Si inceteaza sa vezi in ochi mei ce ai tu in suflet X nu stiu cum -
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Dorm 4 ore pe nuapte restu fac sport si muncesc,nu cred ca este ceva de bastan sa caut sa cumpar un leptop mai puternic k doar asta imi aduce bani amigo.... -
Ce pc sa imi cumpar
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Da asa este aveti dreptate osa aleg macul pt k pot sa ai instalez si windows si asta e primordial,va multumesc pt sfaturi -
Cum spune titlul vreau sa imi cumpar un pc nou si nu stiu pe care sa il aleg ce sistem de operare etc... sunt indecis intre Macbook pro Admin,Alienware 18?
Canoncial , the company behind the Ubuntu Distro, has announced that their official forum "Ubuntu Forums" has been breached by a hacker with the handle @sputn1k_ . The company admitted that the hackers have compromised the database contains all user's username, password and email addresses. They said that the passwords are not stored in plain text. However, if you are using the same password anywhere else, it is better change it now because it won't take much time for the attacker to crack the hash. Sursa / E Hacking News [ EHN ] - The Latest IT Security News | Hacker News
All Android applications contain a signature which helps the Android to determine if the app is legitimate and to make sure the apk hasn't been tampered with or modified. Security Researchers from BlueBox Labs have uncovered a new security flaw in Android that allows hacker to modify the application's code without breaking the application's cryptographic signature. It can be exploited by cyber criminals to turn the legitimate applications into Malicious apps. In a blog post, Jeff Forristal, Bluebox CTO, noted that the security flaw is particularly dangerous if hackers managed to exploit the application developed by the device manufacturers. He also pointed out that turning the apps from the device manufacturer into Malware will grant the app full access to Android system that allows hackers to gain access to email , Messages, documents, passwords and more sensitive data. Sursa: E Hacking News [ EHN ] - The Latest IT Security News | Hacker News
Two Security experts from iSEC Partners have found a way to spy on Verizon wireless mobile phone customers by hacking into devices the U.S. Carrier sells to boos Wireless signals indoors. In a demonstration for Reuters, researchers Ritter and Doug DePerry show how they are able to spy on phone calls, messages and photos made with iPhone and Android phones by using a Verizon femtocell that they had previously hacked. "This is not about how the NSA would attack ordinary people. This is about how ordinary people would attack ordinary people," Reuters quoted a senior consultant with the security firm iSEC Partners , Tom Ritter as saying. Verizon reportedly updated the software on its signal-boosting devices, known as femtocells or network extenders,to thwart hackers from copying the technique of the two experts. "The Verizon Wireless Network Extender remains a very secure and effective solution for our customers" Verizon spokesperson said in a statement after they fixed the bug. However, researchers claimed their technique still works because they had modified the device before the company pushed out the software fix. Experts told Reuters that the further details will be shared at the two upcoming hacking conferences : Black Hat and DefCon. Sursa E Hacking News [ EHN ] - The Latest IT Security News | Hacker News
After publishing details about a new DDOS attack carried out by a group called "DarkSeoul" against South Korean sites, Symantec researchers have come across a new piece of Malware designed to wipe the disks in infected systems. The malware detected as Trojan.Korhigh, is capable of deleting files and overwrite Master Boot Record(MBR) . In addition , it is also capable of changing user passwords to " highanon2013" and deleting specific file types including asp, html,php,jsp and etc. The Cybercriminals who are behind the malware is interestingly designed the Trojan such that it will change the wallpaper of the compromised computers to Anonymous Image. Sursa: E Hacking News [ EHN ] - The Latest IT Security News | Hacker News
It is time to enable the Google two-step authentication feature. If the website is providing you additional security feature, it is always good to use that feature. This news will help you to understand the risk of ignoring the additional security feature. Cybercriminals hacked the Gmail account of a Dubai based Indian expatriate Anil Abraham and used the account to convince bank to transfer $15,000 from his bank account in India. When Anil contacted the Bank, he was told by the Branch Manager that the Money was transferred at his request only via email. The cybercriminals are reportedly send a signed document with the email to trick the Bank into transfer the money. According to Emirates247 report, the money was transferred to someone named Garry Albert Frazer to Westpac bank account in New Zealand. Anil said whoever hacked into his email id had managed to steal fianancial information and managed to use those info to write email to Bank with forged signature. I'm still wondering how bank allowed the cyber criminal to steal the money, they usually don't allow us to transfer money via email accounts without any personal verification. As far as i know, Bank always careful when it comes to big amount of transfer - $15,000(nearly 90,0000 Rupees). Sura:E Hacking News [ EHN ] - The Latest IT Security News | Hacker News
Bad guys always attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities in victim's system and infect their system with a malware. It's our turn, Let us hack them back and break into their box. Malware Must Die(MMD) Team has discovered that most of the malware exploit kit servers, malware page redirection server and malicious proxy servers are using vulnerable version of nginx server. The team has released poc codes "that was coded & released in Full Disclosure by KingCope" that will be helpful to break into the malicious server and gain access to them by exploiting the known vulnerabilities. It can be found here: #MalwareMustDie! ZERODAY of EXPLOIT KIT & EVIL PROXIES NGNIX - Pastebin.com The vulnerability allows the security researchers to take control of the server and obtain the infection source codes. In some cases, it also helps to track the cyber criminals. - See more at: Exclusive: Most of the Malware Exploit kits running in Vulnerable nginx server - E Hacker News Sursa: E Hacking News [ EHN ] - The Latest IT Security News | Hacker News
Using Anti is very intuitive - on each run, Anti will map your network, scan for active devices and vulnerabilities, and will display the information accordingly: Green led signals an 'Active device', Yellow led signals "Available ports", and Red led signals "Vulnerability found". Also, each device will have an icon representing the type of the device. When finished scanning, Anti will produce an automatic report specifying which vulnerabilities you have or bad practices used, and how to fix each one of them. Sursa zAnti | Zimperium
Sunt niste sarlatani nu te baga
Ofer 50 euro pentru deschiderea unui fisier XCF
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in RST Market
Nu imi bat joc de nimeni si sunt foarte serios...se pare k nimeni nu poate deschide aces fisier am sa caut pe forumuri in india.... -
Ofer 50 euro pentru deschiderea unui fisier XCF
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in RST Market
Eu o descarc cu RX1 dar informatia cand este descarcata arata numai puncte cercuri si alte semne si ea normal trebuie sa arate niste cifre deci nu stiu cu ce program o pot vedea -
Ofer 50 euro pentru deschiderea unui fisier XCF
livestyle replied to livestyle's topic in RST Market
GirlShare - Download 07161625.xcf Deci acesta este fisierul eu stiu informatia care este pe el eu am nevoie de programul care imi da aces la informatie,stiu informatia ca eu am bagato pe el dar am alt fisier care tr sa il deschid si nu reusesc cine imi deschide fisierul acesta si imi da o parte din informatie ai trimit bani imdeiat si astept sa imi trimita programul.suces