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Everything posted by shaikin

  1. -Dexter[GM]: WebMaster,Sprites Creator,GM, Event Maker ala is io... websiteu nu a fost editat de o luna, si mi-am schimbat numele in shaikin! cand o sa fie serverul online o sa schimb websiteul impreuna cu bannerele noi... apropo noi mai si avem cele mai tari meniuri le-am schimbat nu mai sunt cele originale de la jocul original si scrie peste tot helbreath usa acuma arata asa: Pagina cu loading: Pagina cu Meniu: si acum lucru la aia unde te loghezi
  2. nytro respect pentru acest keylogger dar puteai sa il pui intr-un client si server
  3. defapt am habar ce scrie acolo... si da l-am copiat 60% din el dar foarte multe informatii au fost gresite si le-am reparat! sunt co-owner al private serverului helbreath chaos! (www.helbreathchaos.com io am facut websiteu) suntem unu din putinele servere care au coderi mai buni ca cei de la serverul originial sunteti invitati sa va alaturati... din pacate serverul este offline pentru ca schimbam dedicat hosterul de la 50 mb la 100 mb
  4. What is a Helbreath Private server? use google! you won't get knolage without hard work! Shaikin's Private server guide. A complete guide on starting up your server + making it a good one. Note: This guide is for people who can understand english, and have enough IQ to understand this, as I am doing this step by step. if you don't, too bad. I didn't have alot of time to think about every single thing, so, this guide isn't perfect. But it still helps. Also that, some of the information, is not totally mine, I took it off some people who posted this before, or shared this. PART 1 starting Step 1: Starting up -Get your server files (I don't know how, but you need it, duh) -once u got it, change the ips to your ip.(Gateserver.cfg, Gserver.cfg, HMLserver.cfg, WLserver,cfg) -Under Gserver, under maps, add in all the maps u want to run. i.e game-server-map = aresden. -DO NOT change ports There shouldn't be any problems here. Once you got that done, your server should be able to run, normally. Thats how simple it is. Step2: Running your server -Run gate server -Run MainLServer -Run WorldLserver -Run HG server -Now, hit home on MainL, and then Home on WorldL Possible problems are u might get some sort of error, like MLSocket(wateva it is) Or some configaration error. For Mlssocket, you must check your internet ip, they must be correct. For configuration error, theres something wrong with your files somewhere, It will tell you. I.e Item config error, builditem error, etc Now your server is up and running. Step3: Getting in game -Get a good hex program, hex any 2.191 client (its red) -press ctrl+f and key in cheksum, which will bring you to the ip. -once u see the ip, change it to urs, remember the size must be the same, or it won't run.(for example, if ip was and ur ip is, it will not run for some people, if you just replace.) possible problems are that, people cannot get in, but you can, be sure you don't have a firewall on, if you do, turn it off from ur internet connection, and not use some program. Or u could be on a router. For that, you can go f*** yourself. Step4: Getting started in game and your server -First you need an account and char. To get that, you need to make an account in the account folder, using the first letter as the ascii code, meaning, the first letter of your account name, ie. John, would be 'J'. Look up the ascii.txt and look for the correct AscII# for J, and make afolder in the account section for AscII#> In that folder, make a John.txt with account info (there should be one example already in the account folder. copy n paste the format) -Once that is done, go in game and create your char, if you want gm or edit stats, a char.txt should be created in your character folder, using the ascii code again. For gm change admin-user-level = 4 If you have old WLServer, your char would have korean items, delete all of them (characteritem = asdjahdoihdhas) or else you will DC on connect. Possible problems are the items with fuxx0red names, get rid of those to get in game. If you can't get in game, and still get dc, make sure ur penalty-block-date is 0 0 0, or it could possibly be your HG server that is screwed, and U have to get a new one. OR, the configuratinos are wrong. (get realiable server files) Player stats are wrong, the stats must = level, u can be lvl 180 and hae 10 stats, u will dc everytime to fix item problem, Hex your world server, hit ctrl+f and look for character item, change the messy korean names to the proper english ones, or just get rid of them all (remember file size cannot change! if you wanna get rid of then all, replace with 00 in hex) After that, you server is up and running and good to go. Step5: Knowing your game GM Commands first of all, type - /enableadmincommand 0909114[space][enter] to be able to summon. Then type - /enableadmincreateitem 147258[space][enter] to be able to create items. If these are too long, hex your hg server, hit ctrl+f and look for /enable ones you found the command, change the no. to any no. u like, and if you don't want the space, replace the space with the "00" in hex. and same goes for the other numbers u don't want. - /summon [monsters], to summon monsters, duh - /summonplayer [playername] to summon players to you. - /tp [mapname] to goto the map. (look under mapdata for map name, so to goto shop its /tp gshop_1 or _2 (_1 = ares _2 = elv, you cannot type /tp shop or wateva) - /tp [mapname] [mapcoords] to go to exact spot in a map (coords must exist, ie /tp aresden 100 100) - /shutup [# of seconds] to mute a player. It will say mins, but its actually seconds - /unsummonall to unsummon all monsters and npcs, including shop keeper, etc. - /closeconn [playername] to DC the player (also sends the player to bi for 10 mins) - /disconnectall need i say more? - /unsummonboss I think it unsummon big monsters. - /createitem [itemname] [itemcode] to create items. Itemcode = for the stats. i.e 4035981310 = +15, ancient, hittin prob, 105% - /setobservermode 1 observermode. - /setinvi 1 invis, wifout bein able to be detected. - /begincrusadetotalwar[space] to start crusade (sade files needeD) - /endcrusadetotalwar[space] need i say more? I cant really remember anymore, but that might be all that is relevant. possible problems are, not being able to create item if item name is wrong, or bag full. not being able to create/summon if u have no enabled. not being able tp, bla bla. you know the drill. Now that you got your server running, you need to make it better, and fix some shit PART2 Fixing bugs EXP ban I'm sure y'all wanna know how. simple, Hex HG Server, ctrl+f, look for penalty-block-date (the one on its own, not the one with the = %d) once you found it, replace it with "00" in hex. Char items hex world server, ctrl+ f, look for character-item, u will see a bunch, and with korean names. I'm not sure which is which, but you can find out. Replace korean names with english, or remove all compeletely, and u know the drill. config errors - Item, Either an item is screwed somewhere, (check, usually its new items. item no. cannot be the same as any else, and every code must be in place) - Build item, possibly theres an item that doesnt exist, or an item that doesn't match the item in the item .cfgs Whatever it is, check that everything is together. Unbuyable Items First, your contents must be in order, item name must match, and that your price those not have a '-' sign infront. For both contents and item.cfg. I hope this is all, there are more, but I'm not in the right mind to think about everyone, If you have problems, you can ask, and ill add it to the guide. The most exciting part making server better. level limit -Level limit, to get lv limit above 180, add this into your npc file. World-server-max-level = 000 Getting other ppl to host -Get all maps up. I'm sure not many can do that, so get people to host for u. This how u do it (i'm not 100% sure of this.) First, your friend will need a copy of ur HG Server, and MAPDATA (for the maps they are going to run) and also a Gserver.cfg, and GameData. Now, his gserver should have a game-server-address = (his ip) on top. And then the log-server-address = your ip and another games-server-address = your ip. so he can connect to your server. Then, your CFGs will need a game-server-address = friend's ip, on the top and game-server-list = friend's ip, and permitted-address = your ip. Then just do the normal thing, and you SHOULD be able to get his side of the maps up. Creating Items Here is an example Item = 000 Red-Owns 1 9 1 3 10 1 3 12 1 5000 0 1 17 -25000 12000 13 12 0 0 0 0 8 1 9 From first, to last, 1= type (1= for weapons, to find out other types, just compare ur items) 9= 1 handed or 2 handed (9 =2handed 8 =1 handed) 1=effect(also diffrent for diff types of weaps, again compare to find out. to add an effect to weaps, put a 24, for armour, 25, this is to "activate" the effect) 3 10 1 3 12 1 = dmg dice, so 3 10 1 3 12 1 = 3d1 +1 3d12 +1 5000 = weapon endurance 0=weapons ability. (1 = xelima 2 = ice 3 = medusa.) 1=spr (sprite grouping, if you have pakbrowser, open up a sprite, on ur left, u will see a buncha no. In the pak, it starts at 0, but in the cfg, it is 1. so do not put 0 in ur cfg.) 17= the sprite no. in the group. for this, it starts at 0. -25000 = the price of weapon, add a '-' sign to make it unbuyable, if it doesnt, add it to contents so that people can buy it. 12000 = weapon weight. 12000 = 120 stones. the last 2 0s are nothing. 120 stone = 120 str to carry. 13=weapon apprv (outward appearance, i have no strong theory in getting the apprv) 12= weapon speed. 12 X 13 to get the str req for full swing. 0 = lvl limit. 0 = uhh duno 0 = special ability time. (if u have a weapon with special ability) 0 = uhhh =? 8 = I think it is the type of skill. 1 = catogary, again compare to find out. 9 = colour. And there you have it, make sure item no, is not the same as any other number. and that all of this coding is in place. Stat limit Hex HG server. goto the address 0004f427 0004f477 0004f4c7 0004f517 0004f567 0004f5b7 00016fed 0001701d 0001704d 0001707d 000170ad 000170dd which is c8, and change the string which is some funny letter to the stat limit you want (for players, you will be able to go to any stat, if your a gm.) Remember, again, file size cant be the same. Then to get rid of the pop up box, you need hiew goto this address for the box .0040c682 .0040c697 .0040c6ac .0040c6c0 .0040c6d5 .0040c6ea for ok button. .0045d1e7 .0045d202 .0045d21c .0045d237 .0045d252 .0045d26c for the txt telling you u cant raise your stats .0045d315 .0045d335 .0045d353 .0045d371 .0045d38e .0045d3ae There you have it. MAGIC! Not very sure on this! but what i do is copy and paste, and edit them. go compare! NPCs looking at the npc file, im sure you will know what does what, but for those who have terribly low iq. here goes. but uh, im not really 100% sure of this. heres an example Npc = God 49 10000 5500 10000 100 10000000 15 14 1 10 0 1600 100 10 10 0 7 100000 3 50 1000000 1000 30 49 = npc no. (for making spawn points in maps. they will ask for mob no. so u type in 49 instead of God, duh) 10000 = hitdice, duh! for dmg 5500 = lol prolly the hp 10000 = dex (somehow all this contribute to hp as well, no strong theory) 100 = duno 10000000 = exp dice, note that exp dice not = exp in game. to get actual exp in game, multiply the exp dice by 3.6 15= duno 14= duno 1= duno 10 = status, 10 for enemy, 1 for ares, 2 for elv 0 for neutral 0 = duno 1600= duno 100= duno 10= type of magic, monster will have, compare 10= duno 0= chat, meaning, whether u can talk to it. 7= duno. 100000= regentime, how long it will take for body to disappear. 3 = attr, duno prolly the looks 50= absm, duno prolly the looks. 1000000= maxmana, need i say more? 1000= magicr, mr of monster(or rather, ma) 30= attackrange, need i say more? EXTRAS maps to add in pits, or change pits, add this into ur map.txt spot-mob-generator = 1 1 57 32 110 110 34 60 1= no. to add another, the no. must be 2, duh 1=type 57 32= possibly the map coords, from where 2 way, no strong theory 110 110 = same thing. 34= mob num, as i explained earlier. 60= the no. of monsters spawned it there. to change way points, or tele locations teleport-loc = 186 107 middled1n 181 124 1 this means from aresden 186 107(i say from aresden because im using aresden.txt) will bring you to middled1n(north dun) 181 124. 1 = type ? to remove safe zones, juz get rid of all the "no attack area" -Shaikin
  5. mnoh ai de gand sa imi zici din ce oras esti?
  6. eu m-am inregistrat doar ca sa caut un api pentru keyloggeru meu ca sa fie mai simplu sa nu necesite 80 lines of code... si acum mai rasfoiesc forumul pentru resurse... nu ma gandesc sa fac nolife aici....
  7. stai sa gicesc nu imi spune.... esti ceva slabanog plin de pistrui si cosuri, niste ochelari cu care poti vedea si pana pe luna, nu ai nici un prieten, familiei tale ii este rusine sa iasa cu tine pe strada? eh? zi mai in ce oras stai de te dai asa tare!
  8. 1: nu imi bat capu sa scriu literar unde nu ii nevoie 2: nu mai imi vorbi tu despre posthunt ca ii chiar invers!
  9. am vrut sa dau un exemplu si nu am vrut sa jignesc pe nimeni dar se pare ca uni retarzi nu mi-au inteles postul poi ma zimi in ce oras stai tu si daca esti pe langa mine rezolvam situatia in viata reala....
  10. shaikin

    Hack Me

    am facut niste cercetari si am descoperit ca programele de genu se numesc: how to keep an idiot busy! scuze nu am vrut sa jignesc pe cineva sau ceva... asta am descoperit....
  11. asta urasc eu la forumurile\servere cs etc... romanesi... persoane ca devianc3... el este unul dintre multimea de persoane cu un singur neuron in cap si nu au nici un habar pentru ce este un forum... pacat... nu vi se pare ciudat ca acest fenonem se gaseste doar in romania? phoai abea astept sa fac 18 sa plec in california... iubesc romania din tot sufletu... dar trebuie sa traiesc si io din ceva... la scoala nu am fost asa bun asta inseamna ca nu o sa ajung mare patron in romania ... chiar stiu mai bine engleza decat romana..... in california am viitoru asigurat... pentru ca am fost cel mai bun gm(game master a.k.a admin) al aniilor 2006-2007 multa lume ma respecta... as putea sa ma duc si in finlanda sau in londra etc.... poi am un prieten in california patron pe firma de construci si ma face adjunct
  12. cu acest program pot sa captezi toate tastele apasate intru-un textbox! de obicei keyloggeru este gasit in troienuri profesionale! cum este al meu xD
  13. recomand www.vbforums.com acolo intrebi si primesti raspuns in max 2 min
  14. dupa ce am citit am ajuns la concluzia ca ElSanto este gras, bogat si prost!
  15. mai exact este Private Declare Function PaintDesktop Lib "user32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long dim x as string ' ai uitat asta, sau nu ai puso intentionat ca lumea sa nu faca doar copy\paste Private Sub Command1_Click() x = PaintDesktop(Picture1.hdc) End Sub
  16. hmm e cam plin de buguri... de exemplu la keylogger daca scriem de exemplu bla si dau backspace de 3 ori se sterge dar daca apas a 4 oara face crash! asta se poate rezolva cu un on error resume next (dar sunt sigur ca deja sti asta) al doilea bug... tot la keylogger... nush poate e numai la mine dar.... nu arata pe ce program sunt :S e cam stricat :S
  17. respect! bine spus
  18. shaikin


  19. Bun venit sper sa afli ce cauti (imi trebuie 10 posturi :'(... )
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