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Posts posted by XoddX

  1. A vazut cineva:

    "We are anonymous.

    This is a message for the administrators of the tracker file list.ro.

    You fight the corrupt sistem by sharing programs,movies and games for the people that cannot afford them,by that we thank you and we encourage you to continue.

    However time has come to share all knowledge of internet secrets,you must release tools and tutorials usefull for the people that are willing to fight for justice.

    This is no time for holding important information,that age has past,you must see the dark cloud that is coming upon your country,and yet you do nothing about it.

    Your skills and knownledge are very usefull but they are irrelevent if you are not willing to fight.

    So by that i mean,if you dont have the stomach to stand up and fight,share your knowledge to others and let them do the fighting for you.

    Your ignorance will be your downfall, as for the coming months your government is planning to make a law that will make possible that trackers like yours,to be censored from the internet.

    Please wake up and understand that you are not alone in this fight,all you have to do is show your good will so we can know that you are one of us.

    Also in the coming months your government will have no options left,but to raise taxes and to make the life of the people in your country a living hell.

    Maby you are doing well now,but just think what will happen if you remain ignorant to our warning.

    Release all tracking,hacking,spying and every usefull tools and informations that you believe it will make a difference in this unfair war.

    We hope you do not remain ignorant to this message and join us to justice and freedom.

    We must act now un-till is too late.

    We are anonymous.

    We are legion.

    We do not forgive.

    We do not forget.

    Welcome to anonymous."

    Deci prin concluzie? Ce zice-ti?

  2. Nu am sa inteleg niciodata care este problema cu adunarea de informatii. Atat timp cat nu faci nimic RAU/ilegal nu ai de ce sa iti fie "frica". Dupa mine aceste informatii pe care ei le culeg le folosesc pentru securitate. Oricum, pe mine nu ma afecteaza cu nimic si descarc o gramada de lucruri piratate...

    Esti mai prost decat prevede legea!

    Fa sex cu prietena ta, si in acest timp filmeaza TOT dar ABSOLUT tot ce faci acolo iar mai apoi sa vada toata lumea ce face-ti voi acolo... ca doar nu e nimic ILEGAL! Iti convine asa? Normal ca nu ca deh...

    On: Nustiu unde o sa ajungem cu toate prostiile astea.

  3. Felicitari... dar:

    Dupa parerea mea tema pe care o ai acum... nu e intocmai pentru muzica. E ceva asemanator cu un forum de Counter-Strike.

    Incearca sa faci ceva ce sa atraga lumea pe forumul tau, nu ceva clasic.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Ups! Codul inscris este incorect. Incearca din nou cu mai multa atentie sau suna la 0212053070 - numar cu tarif normal. Inscrie coduri si voteaza-ti vedeta preferata, poti castiga Premiile garantate si Marile premii: 2x Primul Crossover by Renault. Pastreaza punga pentru validare.

  5. ucv aici nu este forum de metin/cs :)

    Aici nu poti sa nu faci reclama la ceva. Gasesti un site vulnerabil la XSS/SQLI si altele si vii aici laudandu-te sau chiar facand un CH. Asta ce ar trebui sa fie? Reclama?

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