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Found 9 results

  1. https://www.sophos.com/en-us/threat-center/threat-analyses/viruses-and-spyware/Troj~Nivdor-A/detailed-analysis.aspx Infection vector via fake download. https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/3017aa5a0039f5eca181f56f69a29cb178eb621c0884b0380c4284a720ff7e1f/analysis/1432720854/ https://malwr.com/analysis/YzJjMjJiNDRiNWU0NDc2ODg5MzA4ODk0MWFiOGFlOWQ/ ThreatExpert Report https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/2f24ef96a1ed3ca05632f221ff17e8412728bc50b4f7c30a78528f89319b198b/analysis/1432718970/ Download infected Source
  2. Meet ‘Tox': Ransomware for the Rest of Us ~ https://blogs.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/meet-tox-ransomware-for-the-rest-of-us https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f1384ff19a870f5aa718486666a14e88873d79eaea5725e3a2097b2d9fd9a320/analysis/1432628218/ hxxp://toxicola7qwv37qj.onion/downloads/ransom_50.00_dol_df410f19157f591860e1633b85dfb50b.scr https://malwr.com/analysis/MWExODFmZjM5YjZlNDQ5ODkxYzBkOTk1ZmMzOTcyYzI/ ThreatExpert Report https://blockchain.info/en/address/1KKGLjfDpVtNXymtTkU3PiiCpkJ532cLko Download Pass: infected Source
  3. Hi, hadn't any time to take a closer look at it. Maybe someone is interested in this malware. Description can be found here: Win32/TrojanDownloader.Spyrov.A | ESET Virusradar Attached: Win32/TrojanDownloader.Spyrov.A samples Download Pass: infected Source
  4. Infect files on removable disks and remote network drives. Description Virus:Win32/Ursnif VT: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/8fa8122cfa52d7ff7fd8d918ccc9089a1762420c23edb6c50e8573456bfcdde3/analysis/1430975102/ https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/9bd91d207911b08489079c3927478b824b7948b741e1b6221339893581e4e9cb/analysis/1430976279/ Download Malware Pass: infected Source
  5. Threat Spotlight: Rombertik – Gazing Past the Smoke, Mirrors, and Trapdoors Download standard pass Download infected Source
  6. Hello, and some more of this bad stuff. Download infected Source
  7. Some more of cryptolocker copycats DOWNLOAD Pass: infected Source
  8. Flash exploit from Angler Exploit Kit. Analyzing CVE-2015-0313 - The New Flash Player Zero Day https://www.trustwave.com/Resources/SpiderLabs-Blog/A-New-Zero-Day-of-Adobe-Flash-CVE-2015-0313-Exploited-in-the-Wild Download Pass: infected Source
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