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  1. Pentru cei ce dau quizuri SQL la scoala pentru acea diploma oracle-shit. linux/windows/mac ©miN 2012 V-ati saturat sa tot selectati tabul cu google, sa dati copy paste la intrebare, apoi sa alegeti un site relevant, apoi sa gasiti intrebarea, apoi sa-i cautati raspunsul, sa-l alegeti dupa sau dupa cum vine pus in pagina si apoi sa va intoarceti la tabul cu quizul deschis si apoi sa bifati si acolo raspunsul corect ? Cu acest soft e nevoie doar de un simplu Ctrl-C Ctrl-V si dupa ce dati enter in mai putin de o secunda primiti raspunsul corect. Scriptul poate fi foarte usor adaptat si la altfel de perechi intrebare-raspuns(uri), singurul lucru ce trebuie modificat (adaugat) este functia de parsare a paginii cu intrebarea identica gasita acolo, astfel incat sa poata extrage raspunsul de sub intrebare cu un anumit model codat de voi desigur. Chiar daca nu va intereseaza niciuna din cele de mai sus, softul este robust, bine pus la punct, cod clar si comentat, logica in ordinea actiunilor si este un foarte bun exemplu pentru amatorii de programare concurenta si legatura minima de 0-dependenta intre interfata-motor desi exista sincronizari primitive live. [Python] oaf - Pastebin.com #! /usr/bin/env python # Oracle Answer Finder # 02.05.2012 cmiN from Tkinter import * from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPError, URLError from urlparse import urlparse from threading import Thread, Event from socket import setdefaulttimeout, timeout # constants SMAX = 8 # maximum number of results DIFF = 512 # how many chars to skip until the answer TOUT = 2 # timeout in seconds class GUI(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None, margin=10): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.app = Engine() # main app self.thread = None # Thread object used for parallel processing self.master.title("OAF - cmiN") self.grid(padx=margin, pady=margin) self.widgets() self.mainloop() def callback(self, event): """What happens after you press Enter in Question's entry.""" # get and edit question qon = self.app.edit_qon(self.qEntry.get()) if self.thread: # if it was initialized before # check question if qon == self.app.qon[0]: # same question (no reset) if self.thread.is_alive(): # let it finish return else: self.app.data = "" # empty buffer self.app.dataLen = 0 else: # another if self.thread.is_alive(): self.app.stop() self.thread.join() self.app.reset() # reset everything # set question self.app.set_qon(qon) # process data self.thread = Thread(target=self.app.process) self.thread.start() # no return def widgets(self): # variables self.statusVar = StringVar(value="Ready.") # passed to Thread class for live updating #self.ansVar = StringVar() # same thing, but for answer self.app.statusVar = self.statusVar #self.app.ansVar = self.ansVar # label-entry pairs self.qLabel = Label(self, text="Question:") self.qEntry = Entry(self, width=100) self.aLabel = Label(self, text="Answer:") #self.aEntry = Entry(self, width=100, textvariable=self.ansVar) self.qLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w") self.qEntry.grid(row=1, column=0) self.aLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="w") #self.aEntry.grid(row=3, column=0) # status widget self.sLabel1 = Label(self, text="Status:") self.sLabel2 = Label(self, width=86, textvariable=self.statusVar, relief="sunken", bd=2, anchor="c") self.sLabel1.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="w") self.sLabel2.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky="w") # text instead entry for answer self.ansText = Text(self, width=75, height=10) self.ansText.grid(row=3, column=0) self.app.ansText = self.ansText # make it available to the engine # behavior self.qEntry.bind("<Return>", self.callback) self.qEntry.bind("<KP_Enter>", self.callback) class Engine: def __init__(self): setdefaulttimeout(TOUT) self.opener = build_opener() self.opener.addheaders = [("User-agent", "Mozilla/5.0")] self.qon = ["", ""] # question self.data = "" # data contain the question [and answer] self.dataLen = 0 # data length self.start = 0 # google first result self.first = "url?q=" # from self.second = "&amp" # to self.seen = set() # evidence of visited links self.statusVar = None # through this set status self.ansVar = None # through this set answer if available self.ansText = None # almost same shit self.__stop = Event() # stop the process self.upEvent = Event() # solve the deadlock self.upEvent.set() # means it's safe (.wait will wait until .set is called or .is_set() is True) def update(self, status, answer): """Here is a fucking deadlock, when the same function is called simultaneously.""" self.upEvent.wait() # wait to be setted self.upEvent.clear() # make it busy # do your ugly things if hasattr(self.statusVar, "set") and hasattr(self.statusVar, "get"): self.statusVar.set(status) self.statusVar.get() # just to make sure the update finished if hasattr(self.ansVar, "set") and hasattr(self.ansVar, "get"): self.ansVar.set(answer) self.ansVar.get() if hasattr(self.ansText, "insert") and hasattr(self.ansText, "delete"): self.ansText.delete(0.0, END) self.ansText.insert(0.0, answer) self.upEvent.set() # make it available def stop(self): self.update("Stopping...", "") self.__stop.set() def stopped(self): return self.__stop.is_set() def reset(self): self.__stop.clear() self.start = 0 self.seen = set() #self.update("Ready.", "") def edit_qon(self, qon): return qon.strip().split("\n")[0] # idiot proof def set_qon(self, qon): """Set question.""" self.qon[0] = qon self.qon[1] = '"' + self.qon[0].replace(" ", "+") + '"' def find(self): """Find links corresponding to query using google. Returns: 0 -> match, link extracted, data updated 1 -> no match for exact string 2 -> url already visited or invalid url 3 -> banned 4 -> maximum number of results exceeded """ if self.start >= SMAX: return 4 link = "http://www.google.com/search?q={}&start={}".format(self.qon[1], self.start) try: fobj = self.opener.open(link) except HTTPError: self.update("Google banned you.", "") return 3 except timeout: self.update("Timed out or Google banned you.", "") return 3 else: data = fobj.read() # google's source fobj.close() # find a relevant closest position to the link index1 = data.find(self.first) if index1 == -1: # no results in page or modified pattern return 1 # invalid source self.start += 1 # now do the increment index1 += len(self.first) index2 = data.find(self.second, index1) url = data[index1:index2] # edit url newurl = "" i = 0 length = len(url) while i < length: if url[i] == "%": char = chr(int(url[i + 1] + url[i + 2], 16)) i += 2 else: char = url[i] newurl += char i += 1 url = newurl # process it if url in self.seen: # link already visited return 2 self.seen.add(url) upo = urlparse(url) self.update("Looking in %s..." % upo.netloc, "") try: fobj = self.opener.open(url) except URLError: self.update("Invalid link.", "") return 2 except timeout: self.update("Timed out.", "") return 3 else: self.data = fobj.read() self.dataLen = len(self.data) fobj.close() return 0 # all fine def check(self, old, index): if index < 0 or index >= self.dataLen: return False # invalid index if abs(old - index) > DIFF: return False # too far return True # ok def get_star(self, index): """Find the line with . Returns: str -> good answer False -> invalid answer or couldn't find """ ansNr = 1 # default answers (for multiple ones) chunk = "(Choose " firstTag = self.data.find("<", index) chunkIndex = self.data.find(chunk, index, firstTag) if chunkIndex != -1: chunkIndex += len(chunk) number = "" while self.data[chunkIndex] != ")": number += self.data[chunkIndex] chunkIndex += 1 number = number.strip().lower() if number == "two": ansNr = 2 elif number == "three": ansNr = 3 elif number == "four": ansNr = 4 # i don't think this actually exists star = "(*)" last = index ans = "" while ansNr: index = self.data.find(star, last) - 1 last = index + 1 + len(star) if index < 0: return False # invalid answer type # ok now we're good old = index while True: tag = True while self.data[index] != ">": if tag and self.data[index].isspace(): index -= 1 continue if tag: ans = "\n" + ans tag = False # found alphanumeric ans = self.data[index] + ans index -= 1 if not self.check(old, index): return False ans = ans.strip() if tag and len(ans) > 0: break while self.data[index] != "<": index -= 1 index -= 1 ansNr -= 1 ans = "\n" + ans return ans.strip() def get_single(self, index): """Line with single answer. Returns: str -> good answer False -> invalid answer or couldn't find """ new = True # first answer (if multiple) ans = "" smooth = 1 # tag number difference while True: old = index # go to the first tag while self.data[index] != "<": index += 1 if not self.check(old, index): return False # no skip all of them nrTag = 0 while self.data[index] == "<": while self.data[index] != ">": index += 1 index += 1 nrTag += 1 # add tag if not self.check(old, index): return False if new: new = False # not new anymore model = nrTag if abs(nrTag - model) > smooth: break # no incoming answers to this question while self.data[index] != "<": ans += self.data[index] index += 1 if not self.check(old, index): return False # add separator (don't worry, we will strip it at the end) ans = ans.strip() + "\n\n" ans = ans.strip() if ans == "": return False # empty one return ans def process(self): """Try to find answers to quiz questions by searching them on google. Format string, search it on google, locate first %d results, then search among them for patterns (question<>...<>answer<> or question<>answer...<>). Returns: str -> answer found (or false positive) 1 -> invalid/inexistent question (or google invalid source pattern) 2 -> answer not found (or different search pattern) 3 -> stopped 4 -> banned """ % SMAX ret = 0 # virtual return while True: if self.stopped(): return 3 # stopped if ret == 1: self.update("Invalid question.", "") return 1 # invalid question elif ret == 2: # already seen or invalid ret = self.find() continue elif ret == 3: return 4 # timed out or banned (too many queries) elif ret == 4: self.update("Nothing found.", "") return 2 # not found index = self.data.find(self.qon[0]) if index >= 0: #index += len(self.qon[0]) # conflict with star (need some data from question) ans = self.get_star(index) if not ans: ans = self.get_single(index) if ans: self.update("Answer found!", ans) return ans # string ok ret = self.find() if __name__ == "__main__": GUI(Tk()) Dupa ce consider ca nu da gres deloc si nu face vreo faza prea ciudata (in limita bunului simt al utilizatorului) inghet versiune cu executabil pentru windows, deocamdata raportati-mi buguri, critici si pareri, totusi daca nu aveti rabdare sa va puneti Python si pe alte masini puteti sa va rezolvati foarte repede cu cx_Freeze. Nou! Daca nu va place raspunsul primit mai puteti apasa o data enter la aceeasi intrebare si el va cauta prin urmatoarele rezultate dupa un nou raspuns. In timp ce cauta daca schimbati intrebarea si dati iar enter atunci ii da un semnal sa inceteze cautarea curenta si apoi trece la cea noua (experimental, mai ingheata uneori (deadlocks)). V-am promis si versiunea portabila pentru windows: box gf
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