Record Your Terminal Share it with no fuss ASCII.IO is the simplest way to record your terminal and share the recordings with your fellow geeks. Simply record and upload your terminal session with a single command, and ASCII.IO will play it back in your browser. Getting started 1. Install recorder Linux To install/update recorder, open a terminal and run following command: $ curl -sL | bash OSX (via Homebrew) Install with: $ brew install --HEAD Later update with: $ brew upgrade asciiio OSX (no Homebrew) If you don't use Homebrew then install/update with: $ curl -sL | bash 2. Record Open your terminal and run following command: $ asciiio New shell instance will be opened and everything you'll do in it will be recorded. When you're ready to upload simply exit the shell with exit command or just hit <C-d>. 3. Create profile (optional) If you want your recordings to be assigned to your profile and to be able to edit/delete them run this and follow instructions: $ asciiio auth If you skip this step now, you can always run above command later and all previously recorded asciicasts will get automatically assigned to your new profile. Btw, see my profile. Advanced options See the list of available options with: $ asciiio -h usage: asciiio [-h] [-i] [-y] [-c <command>] [-t <title>] [action] Asciicast recorder+uploader. Actions: rec record asciicast (this is the default when no action given) upload upload recorded (but not uploaded) asciicasts auth authenticate and/or claim recorded asciicasts Optional arguments: -c command run specified command instead of shell ($SHELL) -t title specify title of recorded asciicast -y don't prompt for confirmation -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show version information Source: