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Buna lume ! am inceput de ceva saptamani sa citesc si eu cate ceva despre lumea crypto si intre toate miile de crypto am ales una care mi sa parut si mie mai serioasa si care nun e scumpa asa tare . eu personal as investi cam vreo 5000 euro pentru un timp da 4/5 ani . Intrebarea este : ce parere aveti voi care aveti mai multa experienta ? Token name : BITRISE Website: Mutumesc pentru rabdarea voastra
Salutare. In ultimele 3 luni am lucrat la un proiect un pic mai ambitios de cercetare in care am vrut sa cuprind mai multe sfere de interes - pornind de la IoT (in special camere de supraveghere si SCADA), putin crypto forensics (BTC), firmware extraction (unde m-am rezumat la binwalk, firmadyne, firmwalker ca si 3rd party integration), metadata extraction + hashing si un modul de ML folosind Random Forests pe o baza de date sintetica cu 33 de variable ( vendor, densitate device-uri, bug bounty programs, tech stack, jurisdictia sub care opereaza, IP, ASN, services, port number, organization, packet header, MAC etc). Pentru l33t h@x0rs am inclus si un modul de obfuscation (via pyarmor). Proiectul vine cu o documentatie completa (R&D journal) ce cuprinde progresul pe care l-am facut in fiecare zi, screenshot-uri, cat si bibliografia completa - 190 titluri, aveti in total 174 de pagini de continut numerotat si formatat. Pe langa tema proiectului am atins si cativa algoritmi gen ssdeep, Rabin Karp, putin reverse engineering, industrial communication protocols, sisteme de operare, fake ID generation, fake news generation, fake facial features generation (via GANs). Abordarea e una relaxata, mai aveti meme-uri din cand in cand, nimic stufos. In repo am inclus si ToS.pdf ce contine terms of use, va rog sa cititi inainte. Va recomand sa incepeti cu whitepaper-ul mai intai, acolo e principala sursa de informatie si componenta principala a proiectului. PDF-ul e pe Google Drive. Atasez link-ul: Are 167 MB, probabil va dura ceva timp pana il luati, dar, insist, incepeti cu asta, sunt multe resurse acolo, link-uri, repo-uri, carti si studii de caz care va vor ajuta mult mai mult. Have fun
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"Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica din cadrul UBB Cluj organizeaza competitia „Crypthochallenge UBB 2016″. Concursul se desfasoara online si este destinat tuturor celor care sunt pasionati de criptografie, cu precadere elevilor si studentilor. Criptografia este atat o stiinta, cat si o arta. Metodele de ascundere a mesajelor, dar si cele de detectare a secretelor ascunse intr-un mesaj au acompaniat dezvoltarea civilizatiei umane de la bun inceput. Lumea moderna, a carei dezvoltare depinde de comunicatiile digitale, se bazeaza intr-o masura, adeseori, nebanuita pe diferite tehnici de criptare. Aceasta competitie reprezinta o provocare si totodata o invitatie adresata inteligentei, capacitatii de inovare si gândirii neconventionale. Competitia este organizata pe mai multe nivele, accesul la nivelul urmator fiind conditionat de rezolvarea problemei de pe nivelul curent. Inscrierile se fac online, incepand de vineri, 22.01.2016, pe site-ul competitiei: Evenimentul se desfasoara in cadrul activitatilor prijeluite de aniversarea jubileului “20 de ani de studii in limba germana la UBB”. Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj si Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica isi propun prin organizarea competitiei „Crypthochallenge UBB 2016″ sa stimuleze interesul elevilor si al studentilor fata de aceasta arta moderna a ascunderii informatiilor si sa identifice persoane care dovedesc un real talent in aceasta directie." sursa
Crypto pioneer Phil Zimmermann has labelled UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s anti-encryption plans as "absurd". Zimmermann, creator of the PGP email privacy package, countered Cameron's argument that encryption is creating a means for terrorists and child abusers to communicate in private, arguing instead that intelligence agencies such as GCHQ and the NSA have "never had it so good". Strong encryption technology is one of the few success stories in online security, according to the co-founder of secure communications firm Silent Circle. Cameron is pushing the idea of banning crypto products that UK spies are unable to access, an idea he first floated in a recent speech before lobbying US President Barack Obama on the issue. Unsurprisingly, Zimmermann is unimpressed with an anti-encryption policy the Conservative Party plans to write into its manifesto for the forthcoming UK general election. "It’s absurd," Zimmermann told The Guardian. "We fought the crypto wars in the 1990s, and that matter has been settled. End-to-end encryption is everywhere now: in browsers, online banking. If you have strong encryption between your web browser and your bank, you can’t have a man in the middle from the government wiretapping that." The FBI and intel agencies such as MI5 have been vocal in complaining that strong encryption technologies are paving the path toward a dark web where they will no longer be able to intercept terrorists' communications. Zimmermann said ubiquitous CCTV cameras and other technologies mean that spy agencies are enjoying a "golden age of surveillance" comparable with the world as depicted by TV show Person of Interest. "They can see everything: they’ve got face recognition algorithms looking through cameras on the streets, optical recognition cameras at bridges, tunnels and traffic lights," Zimmermann said. "They can track movements, transactions, who’s having lunch with whom, who’s sleeping with whom. They can see everything!" "To complain that end-to-end encryption is crippling them, well, it's like having a couple of missing pixels in a large display. They have the rest of the display! They’ve never had it so good. They didn’t have this stuff 20 years ago," he added. Cameron's anti-encryption policies would reduce the UK to the level of Colombia 10 years ago, when not even banks were allowed to use encryption, said Zimmermann, who addressed Colombian lawmakers debating the introduction of encryption at the time. "Not even banks! And the banks were getting robbed by hackers (accounts were getting cleaned out) because people like David Cameron who don’t like encryption said nobody could use it," he added. Rather than being fearful of encryption the government should be encouraging enterprises to adopt it in order to safeguard privacy in cases where corporate system are breached. Zimmermann hopes that more enterprises will take lessons from the Sony Pictures megahack and use it as a spur to kick ahead with encryption projects, an idea he explores in greater depth in a post on Silent Circle's blog. Source