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Published on Jan 6, 2015 Slides Here: Don't Fuck It Up! Zoz ROBOTICS ENGINEER Online antics used to be all about the lulz; now they're all about the pervasive surveillance. Whether you're the director of a TLA just trying to make a booty call or an internet entrepreneur struggling to make your marketplace transactions as smooth as silk, getting up to any kind of mischief involving electronic communications now increasingly means going up against a nation-state adversary. And if even the people who most should know better keep fucking it up, what does that mean for the rest of us? What do the revelations about massive government eavesdropping and data ingestion mean for people who feel they have a right if not a duty to occasionally be disobedient? It's time for a rant. Analyzing what is currently known or speculated about the state of online spying through the prism of some spectacular fuckups, this talk offers an amusing introduction to how you can maximize your chances of enduring your freedom while not fucking it up. Learn how not to fuck up covering your tracks on the internet, using burner phones, collaborating with other dissidents and more. If you have anything to hide, and all of us do, pay attention and Don't. Fuck. It. Up! Zoz is a robotics engineer, prankster and general sneaky bastard. He has been pretty successful at pulling some cool subversive shit and not fucking it up and getting caught. He once faked a crop circle for the Discovery Channel and it was all uphill from there.
Black hat USA 2016: Black hat ASIA 2016: Def Con 2016:
Pe baza teoriei sau conspiratiei preluarii puterii in Federatia Rusa secretarul de stat al apararii din Rusia a dat comanda armarii rachetelor nucleare, la 3 ore dupa acest demers America a trecut la DEFCON level 4 urmand ca in urmatoarele 48 de ore sa coboare pana la DEFCON 2 daca situatia din Rusia nu se clarifica.O parte din separatistii ce lupta in estul Ucrainei au facut cale intoarsa spre Rusia ca sa apere Moscova. The DEFCON Warning System nu va mai ajuta nici inpfsa daniel si nici parohaia acum daca este cineva din armata care doreste sa ii furnizez mai multe informatii PM dar nu cred ca o sa fie asa ei se cred prea bazati pentru minori ca noi soareci de laborator ...etc off-topic in orice caz comunitatea rst o sa fie informata inainte cu 2 ore de trecerea la defcon 1 (doamne fereste) defcon 1 inseamna sfarsitul lumii cum stim noi azi lumea adica moartea a 99% din populatia globului si nu exista scapare... presupun ca aceasta stire va ramane doar aici din motiv sa nu distraga atentia de la arestarile DNA sau alte actiuni ale serviciilor secrete externe, panica nu cred ca produce ca parintii nostrii stau cu aceasta frica din tineretea lor... Project wargame first warning TASS: World - Putin says Russia could have put nuclear forces on alert after change of power
Care au fost cele mai frumoase hackathonuri,workshopuri sau conferinte la care ati fost? Stiti daca se face Defcon anul acesta?
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Another gem from DEFCON 16. Download link: Your stack is smash-proof. Your dumpster is fully alarmed. And your firewall is so secure that it has former Soviet officials green with envy. So why are the developers finding their undocumented features in competitors' products, or company executives on a constant hunt for leaks and traitors? There's a whole lot more to doing an end-run around network security than calling up and pretending to be the help desk or hoping someone chucks a service manual in the trash Professional attackers with specific targets have a whole rash of techniques -- from using targeted employees to hiding microphones -- adopted from the world of espionage, and this talk is all about how they do what they do.