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This python-based tool is a disassembler for the Atmel MARC4 (a 4 bit Harvard micro). #! /usr/bin/env python # - disassemble atmel marc4 # # Adam Laurie <> # # # This code is copyright (c) Aperture Labs Ltd., 2013, All rights reserved. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # import sys # Comments COMM= { 0x00:'Add the top 2 stack digits', 0x01:'Add with carry the top 2 stack digits', 0x02:"2's complement subtraction of the top 2 digits", 0x03:"1's complemen subtraction of the top 2 digits", 0x04:'Exclusive-OR top 2 stack digits', 0x05:'Bitwise-AND top 2 stack digits', 0x06:'Equality test for top 2 stack digits', 0x07:'Inequality test for top 2 stack digits', 0x08:'Less-than test for top 2 stack digits', 0x09:'Less-or-equal for top 2 stack digits', 0x0A:'Greater-than for top 2 stack digits', 0x0B:'Greater-or-equal for top 2 stack digits', 0x0C:'Bitwise-OR top 2 stack digits', 0x0D:'Copy condition code onto TOS', 0x0E:'Restore condition codes', 0x0F:"CPU in 'sleep mode', interrupts enabled", 0x10:'Shift TOS left into carry', 0x11:'Rotate TOS left through carry', 0x12:'Shift TOS right into Carry', 0x13:'Rotate TOS right through carry', 0x14:'Increment TOS', 0x15:'Decrement TOS', 0x16:'Decimal adjust for addition (in BCD arithmetic)', 0x17:"1's complement of TOS", 0x18:'Toggle Branch flag', 0x19:'Set Branch and Carry flag', 0x1A:'Disable all interrupts', 0x1B:'Read 4-bit I/O port to TOS', 0x1C:'Decrement index on return stack', 0x1D:'Return from interrupt routine; enable all interrupts', 0x1E:'Software interrupt', 0x1F:'Write TOS to 4-bit I/O port', 0x20:'Fetch an 8-bit ROM constant and performs an EXIT to Ret_PC', 0x21:'Fetch an 8-bit ROM constant and performs an EXIT to Ret_PC', 0x22:'Move (loop) index onto Return Stack', 0x23:'Copy (loop) index from the Return Stack onto TOS', 0x24:"Return from subroutine (';')", 0x25:"Return from subroutine (';')", 0x26:'Exchange the top 2 digits', 0x27:'Push a copy of TOS-1 onto TOS', 0x28:'Move top 2 digits onto Return Stack', 0x29:'Move top 3 digits onto Return Stack', 0x2A:'Copy 2 digits from Return to Expression Stack', 0x2B:'Copy 3 digits from Return to Expression Stack', 0x2C:'Move third digit onto TOS', 0x2D:'Duplicate the TOS digit', 0x2E:'Remove TOS digit from the Expression Stack', 0x2F:'Remove one entry from the Return Stack', 0x30:'Indirect fetch from RAM addressed by the X register', 0x31:'Indirect fetch from RAM addressed by preincremented X register', 0x32:'Indirect fetch from RAM addressed by the postdecremented X register', 0x33:'Direct fetch from RAM addressed by the X register', 0x34:'Indirect fetch from RAM addressed by the Y register', 0x35:'Indirect fetch from RAM addressed by preincremented Y register', 0x36:'Indirect fetch from RAM addressed by postdecremented Y register', 0x37:'Direct fetch from RAM addressed by the Y register', 0x38:'Indirect store into RAM addressed by the X register', 0x39:'Indirect store into RAM addressed by pre-incremented X register', 0x3A:'Indirect store into RAM addressed by the postdecremented X reg.', 0x3B:'Direct store into RAM addressed by the X register', 0x3C:'Indirect store into RAM addressed by the Y register', 0x3D:'Indirect store into RAM addressed by pre-incremented Y register', 0x3E:'Indirect store into RAM addressed by the post-decremented Y reg.', 0x3F:'Direct store into RAM addressed by the Y register', 0x70:'Fetch the current Expression Stack Pointer', 0x71:'Fetch current Return Stack Pointer', 0x72:'Fetch current X register contents', 0x73:'Fetch current Y register contents', 0x74:'Move address into the Expression Stack Pointer', 0x75:'Move address into the Return Stack Pointer', 0x76:'Move address into the X register', 0x77:'Move address into the Y register', 0x78:'Set Expression Stack Pointer', 0x79:'Set return Stack Pointer direct', 0x7A:'Set RAM address register X direct', 0x7B:'Set RAM address register Y direct', 0x7C:'No operation', } # Zero Address Instructions ZAI= { 0x00:'ADD', 0x01:'ADDC', 0x02:'SUB', 0x03:'SUBB', 0x04:'XOR', 0x05:'AND', 0x06:'CMP_EQ', 0x07:'CMP_NE', 0x08:'CMP_LT', 0x09:'CMP_LE', 0x0A:'CMP_GT', 0x0B:'CMP_GE', 0x0C:'OR', 0x0D:'CCR@', 0x0E:'CCR!', 0x0F:'SLEEP', 0x10:'SHL', 0x11:'ROL', 0x12:'SHR', 0x13:'ROR', 0x14:'INC', 0x15:'DEC', 0x16:'DAA', 0x17:'NOT', 0x18:'TOG_BF', 0x19:'SET_BCF', 0x1A:'DI', 0x1B:'IN', 0x1C:'DECR', 0x1D:'RTI', 0x1E:'SWI', 0x1F:'OUT', 0x20:'TABLE', 0x21:'---', 0x22:'>R', 0x23:'I', 0x24:'---', 0x25:'EXIT', 0x26:'SWAP', 0x27:'OVER', 0x28:'2>R', 0x29:'3>R', 0x2A:'2R@', 0x2B:'3R@', 0x2C:'ROT', 0x2D:'DUP', 0x2E:'DROP', 0x2F:'DROPR', 0x30:'[X]@', 0x31:'[+X]@', 0x32:'[X-]@', 0x34:'[Y]@', 0x35:'[+Y]@', 0x36:'[Y-]@', 0x38:'[X]!', 0x39:'[+X]!', 0x3A:'[X-]!', 0x3C:'[Y]!', 0x3D:'[+Y]!', 0x3E:'[Y-]!', 0x70:'SP@', 0x71:'RP@', 0x72:'X@', 0x73:'Y@', 0x74:'SP!', 0x75:'RP!', 0x76:'X!', 0x77:'Y!', 0x7C:'NOP', 0x7D:'---', 0x7E:'---', 0x7F:'---', } # Long RAM Address Instructions (INS $XX) LRAI= { 0x33:'[>X]@', 0x3B:'[>X]!', 0x3F:'[>Y]!', 0x37:'[>Y]@', 0x78:'>SP', 0x79:'>RP', 0x7A:'>X', 0x7B:'>Y', } # CALL $nXX CALL= { 0x40:'CALL', 0x41:'CALL', 0x42:'CALL', 0x43:'CALL', 0x44:'CALL', 0x45:'CALL', 0x47:'CALL', 0x48:'CALL', 0x49:'CALL', 0x4A:'CALL', 0x4B:'CALL', 0x4C:'CALL', 0x4D:'CALL', 0x4E:'CALL', 0x4F:'CALL', } # BRANCH $nXX BRANCH= { 0x50:'BRA', 0x51:'BRA', 0x52:'BRA', 0x53:'BRA', 0x54:'BRA', 0x55:'BRA', 0x56:'BRA', 0x57:'BRA', 0x58:'BRA', 0x59:'BRA', 0x5A:'BRA', 0x5B:'BRA', 0x5C:'BRA', 0x5D:'BRA', 0x5E:'BRA', 0x5F:'BRA', } # LITERAL 0-F LIT= { 0x60:'LIT_0', 0x61:'LIT_1', 0x62:'LIT_2', 0x63:'LIT_3', 0x64:'LIT_4', 0x65:'LIT_5', 0x66:'LIT_6', 0x67:'LIT_7', 0x68:'LIT_8', 0x69:'LIT_9', 0x6A:'LIT_A', 0x6B:'LIT_B', 0x6C:'LIT_C', 0x6D:'LIT_D', 0x6E:'LIT_E', 0x6F:'LIT_F', } # Fixed ROM addresses ROMADD= { 0x000:'$AUTOSLEEP', 0x008:'$RESET', 0x040:'INTERRUPT_0', 0x080:'INTERRUPT_1', 0x0C0:'INTERRUPT_2', 0x100:'INTERRUPT_3', 0x140:'INTERRUPT_4', 0x180:'INTERRUPT_5', 0x1C0:'INTERRUPT_6', 0x1E0:'INTERRUPT_7', } # Variables in RAM (as yet unknown) RAMADD= { } # Short branch inside current page: 0x80 - 0xBF (SBRA $XXX) # dealt with entirely in later code # Short subroutine CALL into 'zero page': 0xC0 - 0xFF (SCALL $XXX) # dealt with entirely in later code # setup if len(sys.argv) < 2: print print 'usage: %s <INFILE> [QUIET]' % sys.argv[0] exit() def print_with_comment(address, data, ins, arg, comment): global Quiet if arg != None: arg= '%02X' % arg else: arg= ' ' if not Quiet: address= '%04X ' % address original= '%02X %s ' % (ins, arg) else: address= '' original= ' ' pad= ' ' * (40 - len(data)) if comment: print '%s%s %s %s \\ %s' % (address, original, data, pad, comment) return if COMM.has_key(ins): print '%s%s %s %s \\ %s' % (address, original, data, pad, COMM[ins]) else: print '%s%s %s %s \\ %s' % (address, original, data, pad, 'Illegal instruction!') # start main code infile= open(sys.argv[1],'r') Quiet= False if len(sys.argv) == 3: if sys.argv[2].upper() == 'Q': Quiet= True data= infile.close() # first pass - create labels p= 0 label= 0 rams= 0 # last two bytes are CRC while p < len(data) - 2: x= ord(data[p]) p += 1 # skip over instructions that have no args or implicit addresses if ZAI.has_key(x) or LIT.has_key(x): continue # create address labels for everything else... if CALL.has_key(x) or BRANCH.has_key(x): address= ord(data[p]) address += (x & 0x0f) << 8 p += 1 if ROMADD.has_key(address): continue ROMADD[address]= 'LABEL_%03X' % label label += 1 continue if LRAI.has_key(x): address= ord(data[p]) p += 1 if RAMADD.has_key(address): continue RAMADD[address]= 'VAR_%02X' % rams rams += 1 continue # Short branch inside current page if x >= 0x80 and x <= 0xBF: # current page is 64 bytes address= p - (p % 64) + (x - 0x80) # Short subroutine CALL into 'zero page' if x >= 0xC0 and x <= 0xFF: # ROM is 64 evenly spaced addresses between 0x00 and 0x1F8) address= (x - 0xC0) * (0x200 / 64) if ROMADD.has_key(address): continue ROMADD[address]= 'LABEL_%03X' % label label += 1 continue # second pass - look for orphan code (chunks of code that is never directly called) p= 1 orphan= 0 while p < len(data) - 2: x= ord(data[p]) prev= ord(data[p - 1]) # previous instruction was UNUSED, EXIT or RTI if x != 0xC1 and (prev == 0xC1 or prev == 0x25 or prev == 0x1D) and not ROMADD.has_key(p): ROMADD[p]= 'ORPHAN_%03X' % orphan orphan += 1 p += 1 # output addresses print '\\' print '\\' print '\\ %s' % sys.argv[1] print '\\' print '\\' print '\\ ROM ADDRESS LABEL' print '\\' for address in sorted(ROMADD.iterkeys()): print '\\ $%03X %s' % (address, ROMADD[address]) print '\\' print '\\' print '\\' print '\\ RAM VARIABLE LABEL' print '\\' for address in sorted(RAMADD.iterkeys()): print '\\ $%02X %s' % (address, RAMADD[address]) print '\\' print '\\' print '\\' print '\\' # third pass - disassemble p= 0 while p < len(data) - 2: ins= ord(data[p]) arg= None code_add= p # print labels if ROMADD.has_key(p): if not Quiet: out= '%04X\n' % p out += '%04X ORIGIN $%03X\n' % (p, p) out += '%04X : %s' % (p,ROMADD[p]) else: out= '\n' out += 'ORIGIN $%03X\n' % p out += ': %s' % ROMADD[p] print out # Zero Address Instructions if ZAI.has_key(ins): p += 1 print_with_comment(code_add, ZAI[ins], ins, arg, '') continue # Long RAM Address Instructions (INS $XX) if LRAI.has_key(ins): p += 1 arg= ord(data[p]) p += 1 out= '%s %s' % (LRAI[ins], RAMADD[arg]) print_with_comment(code_add, out, ins, arg, '') continue # CALL $nXX if CALL.has_key(ins): p += 1 arg= ord(data[p]) p += 1 address= ((ins & 0x0f) << 8) + arg out= '%s %s' % (CALL[ins], ROMADD[address]) print_with_comment(code_add, out, ins, arg, 'Unconditional long CALL ($%03X)' % address) continue # BRANCH $nXX if BRANCH.has_key(ins): p += 1 arg= ord(data[p]) p += 1 address= ((ins & 0x0f) << 8) + arg out= '%s %s' % (BRANCH[ins], ROMADD[address]) print_with_comment(code_add, out, ins, arg, 'Conditional long branch ($%03X)' % address) continue # Literal if LIT.has_key(ins): p += 1 print_with_comment(code_add, LIT[ins], ins, arg, 'Push literal/constant $%01X onto TOS' % (ins & 0x0F)) continue # Short BRANCH inside current page if ins >= 0x80 and ins <= 0xBF: # current page is 64 bytes address= p - (p % 64) + (ins - 0x80) p += 1 out= 'SBRA %s' % ROMADD[address] print_with_comment(code_add, out, ins, arg, 'Conditional short branch in page ($%03X)' % address) continue # Short subroutine CALL into 'zero page' if ins >= 0xC0 and ins <= 0xFF: p += 1 # ROM is 64 evenly spaced addresses between 0x00 and 0x1F8) address= (ins - 0xC0) * (0x200 / 64) out= 'SCALL %s' % ROMADD[address] print_with_comment(code_add, out, ins, arg, 'Unconditional short CALL ($%03X)' % address) continue # code should never reach here! p += 1 print_with_comment(code_add, '???', ins, 'UNKNOWN') # check CRC (only we can't because we don't know algorithm!) crc0= ord(data[p]) p += 1 crc1= ord(data[p]) print print 'CRC: %02X %02X' % (crc0, crc1) Atmel MARC4 Disassembler ? 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