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Bill Gates a fost numarul UNU mondial in topul Forbes al celor mai bogati oameni ai lumii de mai multe ori (cam de 17 cica). Era depasit de Slim Selu ala cu telecomunicatiile si el in loc sa se lupte si-a facut fundatia aia si a donat si inca doneaza in fiecare an MILIARDE de dolari. A ajutat si inca ajuta milioane si zeci de milioane de oameni in toata lumea. A finantat diverse proiecte pentru a face rost de apa in zonele desertice, pentru lupta impotriva Ebola si asa mai departe. Multi oameni, printre care chiar si eu, au crezut ca nu va mai fi in numarul unu mondial niciodata, mai ales ca a inceput sa "futa" banii pe ce am zis mai sus in loc sa-i investeasca in ceva ce-i aduce profit. Eu credeam, mai ales cand a zis ca renunta la functiile cheie din cardul Microsoft, ca s-a dilit si nu-l mai intereseaza banii. De fapt, la atatia bani probabil ca gandesti altfel. Sa fim seriosi, sunt destule cazuri in care au luat-o razna ca au castigat cateva milioane la loto, pai asta are miliarde, zeci de miliarde... e cam greu sa rezisti si sa fii si sanatos la cap. Ca sa va faceti o idee: Cat doneaza el in fiecare an si cat produce el in fiecare secunda (fie ca face ceva sau fie ca doarme) : Si un articol despre el: World’s richest man BILL GATES! Posted on February 16, 2015 by Arash World’s richest man BILL GATES Bill Gates has founded the biggest software company in the world, he has been the world’s richest person for many years, everyone believes he is one of the greatest businessmen in the world, and they think he is a perfect man, but even Bill Gates, has some weak points too. Based on the report by Live science, according to Beach-News; in forum in the Reddit website, he has answered to many questions from random people around the world. One of the questioners asked Bill Gates what something he regrets doing is or not doing in his life, Bill Gates answered: “I am ashamed of not knowing any other foreign language. In high school, I studied Greek and Latin, and learned a lot of vocabulary, but I always wanted to learn French and Chinese too. I always hoped I could learn French and I could have enough time for this.” Also Gates has said, he has used online websites for learning other languages but he never continued. He also adored Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder for his ability in speaking Chinese that he can answer questions from Chinese students. Bill Gates, Originally William Henry Bill Gates, is an American businessman, Investor, Computer Programmer and Inventor. Gates is best known as Co-Founder of Microsoft, his company is the largest software company in the world. Bill Gates has authored several books. He is the richest man in the world, since 2009 until 2014, his wealth doubled from 40 billion dollars to 82 billion dollars. According to Forbes, his net wealth is 81 billion dollars at the moment. Sursa: World’s richest man BILL GATES! Numarul unu mondial, DIN NOU, desi a donat si inca doneaza o gramada de bani: Am deschis acest topic fiindca nu credeam ca va mai fi iarasi numarul unu, pentru mine e o supriza si ma bucura acest fapt ! Nu imi plateste el intretinerea si nici nu-mi da el de mancare dar pot sa va zic ca Steve Jobs nu se compara nici pe departe cu Bill Gates care mi se pare un geniu, un tip inovator si un om care vrea sa ajute omenirea nu cum a stat ala cu banul la ciorap ! Atat am avut de zis !