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  1. AddMeFast-Bot Automating the process of liking/subscribing/viewing etc... on addmefast.com in order to get points and benefit from their service Update: now working anymore, 01-10-2015 import mechanizeimport re from time import sleep import threading #cut something in many parts def chunkIt(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out #generates a browser def genbrowser(): br = mechanize.Browser() br.set_handle_robots(False) br.set_handle_redirect(True) br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.6.5')] return br class AMB(threading.Thread): # define environment variable def __init__(self, rangex, user, passw): self.br1 = genbrowser() self.alogin(self.br1, user, passw) self.range = rangex threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.timeout_value = 30 # log the user in def alogin(self, br, user, passw): br.open('http://addmefast.com', \ 'email={0}&password={1}&login_button=Login'.format(user.replace('@','%40'), passw)) if 'Welcome' in br.response().read(): print "Login successful on add me fast" #main function def run(self): sleep(1) for i in self.range: try: #goes to a page with many links to like #self.br1.open( #act=getLinksList&params={"network":"1", "page":"1", "isFBpage":"1"} self.br1.open( 'http://addmefast.com/includes/ajax.php', 'act=getLinksList&params={"network":"1", "page":"%s", "isFBpage":"1"}' % (i),timeout=self.timeout_value) #gets this : title="http://www.facebook.com/Ocacadordetrolls" id="L_b89734d43ed3a3dce20eeaab183365 page_and_Lid = re.findall('div class="freepts_row" title="(.*)" id="(.*)["]{1}>', self.br1.response().read()) #confirmSubscribe(162255, "http://www.facebook.com/TOKZ.cs", "02c08e63ec34b4c0b562ed71162255", "1", 0, "UV9W49sV%2FYIQeuGBKkE7PauwNpaJf345m0G%2FDOM3SA6GKryoh8Vrk212"); number_and_token = re.findall("""getFBLikesBef\((.*)[,]{1} ".*["]{1}, ".*["]{1}, "1", 0, "(.*)["]{1}\);""", self.br1.response().read()) i = 0 while i < len(page_and_Lid): page = page_and_Lid[0] Lid = page_and_Lid[1] number = number_and_token[0] token = number_and_token[1] #http://addmefast.com/includes/ajax.php, act=checkFollowed&params={"id":"L_b89734d43ed3a3dce20eeaab183365", "url":"http://www.facebook.com/Ocacadordetrolls", "network":"1"} self.br1.open('http://addmefast.com/includes/ajax.php','act=checkFollowed&params={"id":"%s", "url":"%s", "network":"1"}' % (number, page),timeout=self.timeout_value) #http://addmefast.com/includes/ajax.php, act=updateAction&params={"link_id":"L_b89734d43ed3a3dce20eeaab183365", "url":"http://www.facebook.com/Ocacadordetrolls", "network":"1", "IXY5pZpE":"UV9W49sV%2FYIQeuGBKkE7PauwNpaJf345m0G%2FDOM3SA6GKryoh8Vrk212"} self.br1.open('http://addmefast.com/includes/ajax.php','act=updateAction&params={"link_id":"%s", "url":"%s", "network":"1", "IXY5pZpE":"%s"}' % (Lid, page, token),timeout=self.timeout_value) print "New shit made" i+=1 except Exception, e: print e if __name__=='__main__': nbthreads = input('Number of threads: ') z = chunkIt(range(1,int(open("number.txt").read())+1), nbthreads) user, passw = open('account.txt').read().split(':', 1) while 1: for i in z: try: AMB(i, user, passw).start() except: pass while threading.activeCount() > 1: sleep(1) Source
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