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  1. Salut, in urma cu cateva saptamani m-am oferit sa traduc pagina celor de la 1337day in Romana. Am primit fisierul si am tradus peste 1300linii din Spaniola in Romana (era mai usor decat din EN=>RO). Am terminat traducerea dar cativa tovarasi m-au avertizat sa renunt ca 1337day is bulangii cu pula mica. Eram sigur de chestia asta, dar am continuat. Si aseara s-a intamplat asta...: (09:52:19 AM) 1337day: here (09:52:22 AM) 1337day: i upload check (09:52:27 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: i saw (09:52:31 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: so it's good ? .. (09:52:39 AM) 1337day: i checking (09:52:40 AM) 1337day: now (09:52:40 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: me i like it. (09:52:44 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ah . okey (09:53:06 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: FUCK (09:53:15 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: edit this: (09:53:15 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: Cum se cumpar? un exploit? Dou? metode pentru a cumpar? exploit-ul dorit. Metoda de plat? care o accept?m (09:53:17 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: with this: (09:53:29 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: Cum se cumpar? un exploit? Dou? metode pentru a cumpar? exploit-ul dorit. Informa?ii despre metoda de plat? care o accept?m (09:53:37 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ok ? (09:53:44 AM) 1337day: one sec i see (09:54:00 AM) 1337day: where is? (09:54:13 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: http://ro.1337day.com/ (09:54:15 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: is on the first page (09:54:25 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: where is the Bitcoin/perfectmoney webmoney/WU/Litecoin banners (09:54:26 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: (09:54:42 AM) 1337day: one min (09:55:19 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: define("SLIDE_1_TITLE", "Cum se cumpar? un exploit? Dou? metode pentru a cumpar? exploit-ul dorit. Metoda de plat? care o accept?m"); (09:55:36 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: this is the new line: (09:55:36 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: define("SLIDE_1_TITLE", "Cum se cumpar? un exploit? Dou? metode pentru a cumpar? exploit-ul dorit. Informa?ii despre metoda de plat? care o accept?m"); (09:55:40 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: paste it on the script (09:55:41 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ok ? (09:55:48 AM) 1337day: sec (09:59:09 AM) 1337day: check (09:59:27 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: well (09:59:33 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: the table should be a little bit bigger (09:59:35 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: i mean large (09:59:38 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you understand what i mean ? (09:59:54 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: oh no sorry was my browser problem (09:59:55 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: haha (09:59:58 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ok it looks ok.. (10:00:51 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: define("MENU_HASH", "cracker"); (10:00:52 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: edit this (10:00:54 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: with this: (10:00:58 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: define("MENU_HASH", "hash cracker"); (10:01:52 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ok ? (10:01:56 AM) 1337day: no no (10:01:56 AM) 1337day: normal (10:02:08 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: well ... it sounds better "hash cracker" (10:02:09 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: than "cracker" (10:02:15 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you understand what i mean ? (10:02:37 AM) 1337day: yes (10:02:42 AM) 1337day: on navigation? (10:02:45 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: yes (10:02:47 AM) 1337day: [cracker] (10:02:48 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: up in the site (10:02:49 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: yes yes! (10:02:50 AM) 1337day: yes? (10:02:53 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: change to "Hash cracker" (10:02:54 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: (10:03:19 AM) 1337day: no, because many very large (10:03:21 AM) 1337day: understand? (10:03:25 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: oh (10:03:26 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: yes, ok! (10:03:27 AM) 1337day: manu (10:03:50 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: well is all good? (10:03:54 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you want to repair es.php .. ? (10:04:34 AM) 1337day: yes (10:04:38 AM) 1337day: you finish? (10:04:43 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: yes, well ro.php is done (10:04:57 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: in future if romanian gramma will change, we will change on the script too. (10:05:49 AM) 1337day: ok i wait es.php (10:05:57 AM) 1337day: and give you good gift! (10:06:09 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you said you'll pay me when ro.php is done (10:06:54 AM) 1337day: you write me you want translate ro on free because you want ro underground, translate es and i give you gift) (10:07:15 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: i didn't said for free (10:07:33 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: i asked: "if i'll translate 1337day, i'll get something?" you said: "yes, gold in account" (10:07:39 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: remember from first days? (10:07:54 AM) 1337day: yes but we have next day too (10:07:56 AM) 1337day: Bro really (10:08:03 AM) 1337day: wait ES and give you gift! (10:08:07 AM) 1337day: you good man!) (10:08:44 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: listen, i worked VERY HARD FOR ro.php, so i want a gift, don't be bad man with me, because i done the job for you, as you said, you said "ro.php full and money, if not ro.1337day.com deleted" (10:08:47 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ... (10:09:15 AM) 1337day: i known - very hard (10:09:34 AM) 1337day: i give you gift if you finish all work! you promise 2 languages (10:10:17 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: no, i didn't promisse 2 languages, i asked you: you want to repair ES.PHP? you said: Yes. I said: Ok, maybe i'll do it. 2-3 days ago you said: you'll pay me when ro.php will be finished. (10:10:36 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: so let's don't play games bro, I know 3 languages, I can help you a lot, don't think i'm a script-kiddie please.. (10:10:54 AM) 1337day: 3 lang? (10:10:58 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: yes (10:10:59 AM) 1337day: what the languages? (10:11:02 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: Romanian, Spanish and English. (10:11:08 AM) 1337day: OH (10:11:24 AM) 1337day: you can translate all site? (10:11:39 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: of course i can, but i want to get paid for ro.php (10:11:45 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you promisse me you'll pay me for ro.php (10:11:45 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ... (10:11:50 AM) 1337day: jast do it! (10:11:57 AM) 1337day: just do it!) (10:12:03 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: when you pay me for ro.php i'll repair es.php (10:12:51 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: (08:08:19 AM) 1337day: you not understand me? [B](08:08:26 AM) 1337day: all text or nothing (08:08:34 AM) 1337day: no problem - delete ro.1337day[/B] (10:12:52 AM) 1337day: 100$? (10:12:53 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ..... (10:12:57 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you said 1000$ (10:13:01 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: now you say me 100$? (10:13:08 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: bro i'm not a Animal for real ... (10:13:15 AM) 1337day: 1000 it;s all lang (10:13:19 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: (08:05:49 AM) 1337day: Bro [B](08:05:53 AM) 1337day: I dont send money (08:05:56 AM) 1337day: if i am not all text (08:06:01 AM) 1337day: undestand? (08:06:05 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: but i'll continue AFTER DAMN (08:06:09 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: and how much you want to pay me for all TEXT? (08:06:17 AM) 1337day: 1k[/B] (10:13:27 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: you said 1k for romanian (10:13:29 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: (10:14:34 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: i can't believe i have translated 1000+ lines to Romanian and you don't want to pay me (10:14:35 AM) 1337day: i wait check Ro (10:14:37 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ........ (10:14:46 AM) 1337day: give me time (10:15:14 AM) reckongrey@jabber.ru/xmpp: ok, i told you, i'm not a bad guy, i want to work for 1337day, but you promisse me a thing: you promisse me to pay for ro.php then don't destroy my work bro... Fraieru, (cica Serghei il cheama, trag pula-n numele lui) s-a gandit sa dea teapa asta mai departe, a postat pe twitter cine poate traduce 1337day in Japoneza si chineza, din fericire am reusit sa-l contactez pe baiatu care a vrut sa-i traduca site-u in japoneza, dar... baiatul care s-a ocupat de chineza deja la tradus. Nu-i bai, eu i-am lasat un cadou: 1337Day acord - 1337day Inj3ct0r Baz? de date cu exploit-uri : vulnerabilit??i : 0day : Exploit-uri noi : shellcode ?i diferite materiale realizate de echipa Inj3ct0r Am trimis niste mesaje la fosti prieteni care au site-uri de "cyber war news", sa speram ca o sa scriem un articol despre asa ceva. Muie 1337day.
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