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  1. Python Registry Parser The idea of this started out as one to duplicate Microsoft's autoruns tool to the extent possible with only offline registry hives. Then I started adding extra non-autorun(ish) registry keys and then it turned into more of a Windows Registry parser; hence the name change from autoreg-parse to python-regparse. I'm terrible at naming scripts/tools so this will have to suffice. I wrote about it here on my blog: https://sysforensics.org/2015/03/python-registry-parser.html Purpose/Reason I didn't like the output of other tools. I wanted to learn to write better Python code. Output This was a sticky point I had with alternative tools, and realizing this I thought hard and came to the conclusion if I want a tool that doesn't have messy output i'm going to have to make it custom user defined output, and then provide a fallback template file if a custom output isn't defined via the command line. This will likely turn some people off from using this tool, but I think it's the best way forward. I suggest taking a look here for some output examples: https://sysforensics.org/2015/03/python-registry-parser.html as it's not as complex as it may sound. Even for non-coders it's easy. How to Install Install Python 2.79 Install https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools sudo pip install python-registry sudo pip install jinja2 wget https://github.com/sysforensics/python-regparse/blob/master/yapsy_mods/yapsy-master.zip Unzip it cd yapsy-master/package/ sudo python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install wget https://github.com/sysforensics/python-regparse/archive/master.zip Unzip Put it where you want, and then enjoy! I've tested/used on OSX, Windows and SIFT 3.0. If pip doesn't work for you try easy_install. Link: https://github.com/sysforensics/python-regparse
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