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  1. wvw

    Perl books

    Advanced Perl Programming, 2nd Edition [2005] Extending and Embedding Perl [2003] Extreme Perl [2004] Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs [2005] Mastering Algorithms with Perl [1999] Mastering Perl [2007] Perl Debugged [2001] Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook [2005] Practical mod_perl [2003] Pro Perl Debugging: From Professional to Expert [2005] Writing Perl Modules for CPAN [2002] Perl Medic: Transforming Legacy Code [2004] Perl Best Practices [2005] Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl (2nd Edition) [2010] request download ticket | Perl1.7z - ifile.it --- Beginning Perl [2000] Games Diversions & Perl Culture: Best of the Perl Journal [2004] Impatient Perl [2010] Intermediate Perl [2006] Learning Perl, Sixth Edition [2011] Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules [2003] Learning Perl on Win32 [1997] Learning Perl the Hard Way [2003] Modern Perl [2010] Object Oriented Perl [2000] Perl 5 Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition: Programming Tools [2000] Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition [2004] Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition [2003] Perl Developer's Dictionary [2002] Perl for Beginners [2010] Perl Hacks [2006] Perl in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [2002] Perl Power! - The Comprehensive Guide [2006] Perl Programmers Reference Guide [1998] Perl - The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition [2001] Professional Perl Programming [2001] Teach Yourself Perl in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition [2005] The Perl CD Bookshelf 4.0 Wicked Cool Perl Scripts [2006] Automating Windows with Perl [1999] Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People [2007] Automating System Administration with Perl, 2nd Edition [2009] request download ticket | Perl2.7z - ifile.it --- Learning Perl/Tk [1999] Mastering Perl/Tk [2002] Graphics Programming with Perl [2002] Beginning Web Development with Perl: From Novice to Professional [2006] Catalyst 5.8 - The Perl MVC Framework [2009] Catalyst - Accelerating Perl Web Application Development [2007] MySQL and Perl for the Web [2001] Network Programming with Perl [2000] Perl & LWP [2002] Perl Database Programming [2003] Perl for Oracle DBAs [2002] Practical mod_perl [2003] Programming the Network With Perl [2002] Programming the Perl DBI [2000] Programming Web Services with Perl [2002] Spidering Hacks [2003] The Definitive Guide to Catalyst: Writing Extensible, Scalable, and Maintainable Perl-Based Web Applications [2009] Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C [1999] Data Munging with Perl [2001] Perl and XML [2002] Perl Template Toolkit [2003] Pro Perl Parsing [2005] Practical Text Mining With Perl [2008] Programming for Linguists: Perl for Language Researchers [2003] An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog [2010] request download ticket | Perl3.7z - ifile.it
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