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A few days ago, a user contacted me on LinkedIn with a job offer, the message seemed very direct to me, but when I checked his profile and the company he worked for, everything seemed quite normal, and after answering the messages, and starting a process the interview went pretty straight forward (personal interview about my technical background, personal projects, etc), everything very normal up to that point. At the time of the technical interview, this person gave me the link to a repository where the challenge was (a backend/frontend project with a README in the root with the instructions). Maybe it was nerves, or maybe I was too confident, but I didn't review the code before running the project on my machine, but when I started the backend, I notice that although the terminal showed me that the server was running with no errors, I notice that when making any request no log appears, and that caught my attention. After making a review of the code I notice this weird line hidden at the end of a file (Picture 1 and 2) That was the line that prevented the server from running, when I checked that file I found this (Picture 3) The file is obfuscated, but at first glance you can tell it's an IIFE, and using an online tool I tried to decrypt it as much as I could and I found this kind of things (Picture 4, 5, 6, 7, 😎 Clearly that script was gathering information from my computer and sending it to that IP, and from what I can see the information it is trying to retrieve is related to crypto wallets. Obviously, all the responsibility here falls on me for not having reviewed the code at the beginning, or running the project on a virtual machine, as I said at the beginning, perhaps it was the nerves of the "interview" and I forgot about that. Another detail that I noticed after looking at the code more closely is that the folder where the script is is ".svn" (something very familiar to those who used Subversion), but the detail here is that many folders that start with a "." gets hidden by VSCode on the file explorer, so it was harder to notice if I hadn't found the reference in the code. Luckily they haven't been able to take any information from my computer since I don't have anything related to crypto, but I have had to change all my passwords, so lesson learned. Source
Amidst the COVID panic, technology is contributing immensely to the healthcare sector. Extensive research has been imparted to explore the possibilities to strengthen the healthcare sector with the help of technology, especially IoT. AI with mobile app development services companies is also contributing towards the betterment of the healthcare sector. Companies have turned their attention to build apps that help in monitoring patience through virtual nursing. Virtual nursing help the nursing professionals to monitor the patience, remotely, without even present physically by the bedside. It's really a piece of common knowledge that the rise in usage has created smart homes, manufacturing facilities, and smart factories. And in the health-sector, the internet of things has been applied to connect available resources. Thereby the health experts can provide effective, reliable, and responsive services. Such an application has increased in times of corona spread. Thereby the health experts were able to cut short the direct interaction with the patients and were able to break the chain.
Salut, Vreau să vă prezint site-ul, un site ce a fost înfiinţat în anul 2014. Sper să vedeţi acest site ca un lucru pozitiv şi constructiv, aştept un feedback fără off-topic şi cu reacţii constructive, fără injurii sau similare. O zi bună vă doresc, apropo, doresc ca să aduc mai mult trafic monetizabil (trafic care produce bani, nu trafic adus de roboţi, sau alte programe), dacă cunoaşteţi o metodă bună iar traficul adus de dumneavoastră ajuta la monetizarea site-ului împărţim profitul (pe care l-aţi adus). Mulţumesc!
Linkman Pro is an all-in-one bookmarks and favorites management tool for your computer. With Linkman Pro you can: organize, backup, sync across your computers, update, check for dead links, search, export, password protect, print, and more. Linkman Pro can also be made portable, so you can take it with you anywhere you go on your handy USB flash drive. What more could you ask for? This giveaway has no free updates or free tech support and is for home/personal use only. Get Linkman Pro with free lifetime upgrades to get free updates, free tech support, and business or home use. Sale ends in 1 day 9 hrs or until sold out Download: Free Linkman Pro (100% discount)
Prezentare " In ultimii 20 de ani, in cadrul fiecarei industrii si al oricarei economii, mediul de afaceri a fost supus unor transformari dramatice. Companiile manufacturiere se transforma in companii de servicii manufacturiere,agentiile guvernamentale se transforma in asa fel incat sa poata oferi servicii cetatenilor, iar companiile de retail se transforma in vederea asigurarii de servicii de retail sociale. Aceste transformari au creat atat pentru clienti cat si pentru angajati o intreaga experienta digitala conducand organizatia catre o noua arhitectura IT in ceea ce priveste securitatea. Noile aplicatii vor fi mai bine construite in mediul Cloud decat on-premise iar interactiunea va fi mobila, accesibila si sociala. Afacerile care se vor transforma conform acestui model vor avea nevoie sa isi protejeze clientii sis a le castige increderea oferindu-le astfel o experienta sigura. Pe parcursul acestui eveniment veti putea vedea cum companiile IT pot sa isi securizeze datele in mediul Cloud, sa experimentati interactiunea mobila si sociala folosind strategii de securitate avansate si de asemenea cum sa aplicati o abordare in conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare folosind arhitectura mobila si sociala in conditii de securitate. Va invitam alaturi de noi, miercuri 24 iulie, la un seminar exclusiv de securitate, pentru a afla cum cele mai recente progrese ale Oracle, privind managementul de identitate si de securitate a datelor, va pot ajuta sa va imbunatatiti solutiile de securitate in IT, in conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare si reducandu-va in acelasi timp costurile. Nu pierdeti ocazia de a socializa cu colegii dvs., de a va impartasi ideile si de a discuta cu expertii Oracle despre extinderea infrastructurii IDM si politicile de securitate in carul noii experiente digitale! Inregistrati-va online pentru acest eveniment gratuit. Pentru detalii suplimentare: Andra Duta: +4 021 212 01 41, Va asteptam cu drag, Echipa Oracle. " Agenda 10:00 - 10:30 - Inregistrare participanti si cafea 10:30 - 10:35 - Cuvant de bun venit 10:35 - 11:35 - Securing The New Digital Experience by Katerina Kalimeri, CISSP Security Solution Architect, Oracle EE&CIS Enterprise Security 11:35 - 11:45 - Studiu de caz by Katerina Kalimeri, CISSP Security Solution Architect, Oracle EE&CIS Enterprise Security 11:45 - 12:20 - Demo: Securing The Mobile and Social Interaction Demo by Katerina Kalimeri, CISSP Security Solution Architect, Oracle EE&CIS Enterprise Security 12:20 - 12:30 - Intrebari si raspunsuri 12:30 - 13:30 - Masa de pranz Date despre eveniment: miercuri, 24 iulie 2013 10:00 – 13:30 Oracle office CVC5, Calea Floreasca 169 A, corp B, etaj 1 Bucuresti, Romania sursa