Wandora is a tool for people who collect and process information, especially networked knowledge and knowledge about WWW resources. Our goal is to provide an easy way to aggregate and combine information from various different sources and to allow the user to play with and manipulate the collected knowledge flexible and efficiently, and without programming skills. Wandora is not only a graph database but a collection of easy-to-use tools to collect, manipulate and publish the information. Wandora is a desktop application, written in Java, and runs in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X computers. Wandora has graphical user interface and offers several topic map visualization models. You can view the topic map using a topic map browser, graph and treemap visualizations, or you can program your own visualization with embedded Processing language. Even more visualizations is available with the embedded HTML browser. Several visualization windows can be viewed simultaneusly. Next image views Wandora with three topic panels. Middle visualization is created using a Processing script, upper-right is Wandora's default graph visualization and lower-right is default topic browser. The Wandora application requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) version 7. Neither JRE nor JDK is included in the distribution packages. Youtube Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClJoFDmiThA02RmAUT5YEcw Download http://www.wandora.org/download/wandora.zip