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Cum pot instala jocuri pe Samsung D600?

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Jocurile luat de pe net si bagate in samsung(orice model ar fii) nu se pot instala , iti apare k un fisier ne recunoscut de telefonul tau ... Dak vrei sa ai jocuri descarca prin WAP direct pe tel ;)


Un amic are tot D600 si a cautat pe net, a facut niste modificari si poate pune jocuri pe el... problema e ca nu mai gaseste linkul.

Am cautat si eu pe google am gasit niste chestii le-am incercat dar nu merg... speram sa am mai mult noroc pe aici :D


iti apare unconnected din cauza ca nu ai instalat bine driverul de SoftstickPPP sau usb... dezinstaleaza tot, inclusiv din registri, si mai incearca... vezi ca am mai posta o chestie eu la telefoane, tot in legatura cu jocurile ptr samsung, dar un model diferit. poate te ajuta cu ceva. succes! :)


tutorial de pe:


Launch SoftickPPP JAVA GAMES DOWN LOAD FOR SAMSUNG D600 Go to applications/ja...va world/options: In the options menu go to the networksettings and fill in this: APN : internet username : leave blank password : leave blank proxy OFF save settings Now we are set for the method that works with me. Start & Run PC Studio. Connect phone to PC with USB cable and confirm with PC Studio that phone is now connected. "Exit" PC Studio. Leave phone connected Set phone to enable Serial Java download -- Type #*536963# from Start Menu or Programs Folder Activate SoftickPPP - make sue it detects your phone by (Placing mouse pointer over icon in lower task bar .small palm trees. and It should say): Softick PPP: 1 Device(s) connected PPP is enabled If it says not connected or no devices connected select settings and check that the com port settings ss_mdm0 is enabled. Start Java Uploader Select your JAD by clicking .Add. radio button and double click required JAD file. On phone press ( C ) cancel to clear screen. Enter Serial Java menu #*5737425#, and choosePPP up and then USB. then select -- Serial Download. Java Uploader should show -- Sending ............ then Midlet Empty...then the phone progress bar should start loading too 100% and Java Game will Auto Boot or ERROR JAVA if game is not compatible. ( If all has failed: Reset phone #*536961# and Exit SoftickPPP ) Try again by restarting afresh. Important to remember - Reset phone and to Re-launch SoftickPPP as program can otherwise freeze and not load successfully. To load multiple games just reload another JAD in the Uploader then type #*5737425# and select Serial Download -- DO NOT SELECT PPP UP or phone will reboot again and you will need to start from the beginning again. When loading completed Reset Phone #*536961#

scuze ptr double post, dar nu a mers sa dau edit... X(

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