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Unofficial Guide to Mimikatz & Command Reference

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Unofficial Guide to Mimikatz & Command Reference


Mimikatz Command Reference Version: Mimikatz 2.0 alpha 20151113 (oe.eo) edition [11/13/2015]
Page last updated: 1/05/2016


It seems like many people on both sides of the fence, Red & Blue, aren’t familiar with most of Mimikatz’s capabilities, so I put together this information on all the available commands I could find. I plan to update as I can with additional content about the most useful commands. This way both Red & Blue teams better understand the full capability and are better able to secure the enterprises they are hired to protect.

I developed this reference after speaking with a lot of people, hired to both defend, and attack, networks and I learned that outside of a couple of the top 3 used Mimikatz commands, not many knew about the full capability of Mimikatz. This page details as best as possible what each command is, how it works, the rights required to run it, the parameters (required & optional), as well as screenshots and additional context (where possible). There are several I haven’t delved fully into, but expect to in the near future. While I will continue to post articles to ADSecurity.org about different aspects of Mimikatz usage, I plan to keep this as updated and as comprehensive as possible.

This information is provided to help organizations better understand Mimikatz capability and is not to be used for unlawful activity. Do NOT use Mimikatz on computers you don’t own or have been allowed/approved to. In other words, don’t pen-test/red-team systems with Mimikatz without a “get out of jail free card”.

This page and all content contained within is not to be reproduced in whole or part without express written consent by this page’s author.
I did not write Mimikatz and therefore have no special insight. All of the information on this page is derived from using Mimikatz, reading the source code, conversations with Benjamin, his blog & GitHub pages, and my own work/research.
Any errors on this page are my own only. Send comments/kudus here.

Many thanks to Benjamin Delpy for writing and continuously updating Mimikatz. His work has greatly improved the security of Windows, especially Windows 10.


Mimikatz Overview:

Mimikatz is one of the best tools to gather credential data from Windows systems. In fact I consider Mimikatz to be the “Swiss army knife” (or multi-tool) of Windows credentials – that one tool that can do everything. Since the author of Mimikatz, Benjamin Delpy, is French most of the resources describing Mimikatz usage is in French, at least on his blog. The Mimikatz GitHub repository is in English and includes useful information on command usage.

Mimikatz is a Windows x32/x64 program coded in C by Benjamin Delpy (@gentilkiwi) in 2007 to learn more about Windows credentials (and as a Proof of Concept). There are two optional components that provide additional features, mimidrv (driver to interact with the Windows kernal) and mimilib (AppLocker bypass, Auth package/SSP, password filter, and sekurlsa for WinDBG). Mimikatz requires administrator or SYSTEM and often debug rights in order to perform certain actions and interact with the LSASS process (depending on the action requested). The Mimikatz.exe contains, or at least should contain, all capability noted there.

Mimikatz capability can be leveraged by compiling and running your own version, running the Mimikatz executable, leveraging the MetaSploit script, the official Invoke-Mimikatz PowerShell version, or one of the dozen of Mimikatz PowerShell variants (I happen to be partial to PowerShell Empire, because Empire is awesome!).

The Mimikatz source code and release binaries are available on GitHub and is licensed under Creative Commons with the following detail:
You are free to:
*  Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
*  Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
*  for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Mimikatz Author(s):

  • Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi, you can contact him on Twitter ( @gentilkiwi ) or by mail ( benjamin [at] gentilkiwi.com )
  • DCSync function in lsadump module was co-written with Vincent LE TOUX, you contact him by mail ( vincent.letoux [at] gmail.com ) or visit his website (http://www.mysmartlogon.com )

“Official” Mimikatz Links:

Mimikatz GitHub Location (Source Code)

Mimikatz Releases (includes binaries)

Mimikatz GitHub Wiki (Documentation, some of which is reproduced here)

GentilKiwi Blog (much of it is in French, use Chrome/other for translation)


Mimikatz & Credentials:

After a user logs on, a variety of credentials are generated and stored in the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service, LSASS, process in memory. This is meant to facilitate single sign-on (SSO) ensuring a user isn’t prompted each time resource access is requested. The credential data may include NTLM password hashes, LM password hashes (if the password is <15 characters), and even clear-text passwords (to support WDigest and SSP authentication among others. While you can prevent a Windows computer from creating the LM hash in the local computer SAM database (and the AD database),  this doesn’t prevent the system from generating the LM hash in memory. By default, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista no longer generate LM hashes for users unless explicitly enabled. Starting with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, the LM hash and “clear-text” password are no longer in memory. This functionality was also “back-ported” to earlier versions of Windows (Windows 7/8/2008R2/2012) in kb2871997, though in order to prevent the “clear-text” password from being placed in LSASS, the following registry key needs to be set to “0” (Digest Disabled):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest “UseLogonCredential”(DWORD)


This registry key is worth monitoring in your environment since an attacker may wish to set it to 1 to enable Digest password support which forces “clear-text” passwords to be placed in LSASS on any version of Windows from Windows 7/2008R2 up to Windows 10/2012R2. Windows 8.1/2012 R2 and newer do not have a “UseLogonCredential” DWORD value, so it would have to be created. The existence of this key on these systems may indicate a problem.

Note that running code directly on a target system is rarely desirable for an attacker, so Mimikatz is continuously updated with new capability to be run remotely. This include running Mimikatz remotely against a remote system to dump credentials, using Invoke-Mimikatz remotely with PowerShell Remoting, and DCSync, the latest feature to grab password data for any Active Directory account in the domain remotely against a DC without any Mimikatz code being run on the DC (it uses Microsoft’s Domain Controller official replication APIs, once the correct rights are attained).


Available Credentials by OS:

Benjamin Delpy posted an Excel chart on OneDrive (shown below) that shows what type of credential data is available in memory (LSASS), including on Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 R2 which have enhanced protection mechanisms reducing the amount and type of credentials kept in memory.
(Click image to embiggen)


PowerShell & Mimikatz:

The majority of Mimikatz functionality is available in PowerSploit (PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework) through the “Invoke-Mimikatz” PowerShell script (written byJoseph Bialek) which “leverages Mimikatz 2.0 and Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection to reflectively load Mimikatz completely in memory. This allows you to do things such as dump credentials without ever writing the Mimikatz binary to disk.” Note that the PowerSploit framework is now hosted in the “PowerShellMafia” GitHub repository.

What gives Invoke-Mimikatz its “magic” is the ability to reflectively load the Mimikatz DLL (embedded in the script) into memory. The Invoke-Mimikatz code can be downloaded from the Internet (or intranet server), and executed from memory without anything touching disk. Furthermore, if Invoke-Mimikatz is run with the appropriate rights and the target computer has PowerShell Remoting enabled, it can pull credentials from other systems, as well as execute the standard Mimikatz commands remotely, without files being dropped on the remote system.

Invoke-Mimikatz is not updated when Mimikatz is, though it can be (manually). One can swap out the DLL encoded elements (32bit & 64bit versions) with newer ones. Will Schroeder (@HarmJ0y) has information on updating the Mimikatz DLLs in Invoke-Mimikatz (it’s not a very complicated process). The PowerShell Empire version of Invoke-Mimikatz is usually kept up to date.

  • Use mimikatz to dump credentials out of LSASS:  Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds
  • Use mimikatz to export all private certificates (even if they are marked non-exportable): Invoke-Mimikatz –DumpCerts
  • Elevate privilege to have debug rights on remote computer: Invoke-Mimikatz -Command “privilege::debug exit” -ComputerName “computer1”

The Invoke-Mimikatz “Command” parameter enables Invoke-Mimikatz to run custom Mimikatz commands.

Defenders should expect that any functionality included in Mimikatz is available in Invoke-Mimikatz.


Detecting Mimikatz:

There are several ways to potentially detect Mimikatz use on a network, though none are guaranteed. Since Mimikatz’s source code is on GitHub, anyone with Visual Studio can compile their own version. I built my own version of Mimikatz called “kitikatz” by replacing all instances of “mimikatz” with “kitikatz” and the detection rate at VirusTotal was not good (4/54). Windows Defender on my Windows 10 system detected it.  I then replaced “Benjamin Delpy” and “gentilkiwi” with the same words, just replacing the e’s with 3’s and the i’s with 1’s. The detection rate was still poor (4/54). Windows Defender on my Windows 10 system did not detect it. So, your mileage will vary regarding detection.

  • Benjamin Delpy publishes YARA rules for Mimikatz on the Mimkatz GitHub repository.
  • Run AntiVirus software with the latest definition files. According to VirusTotal, the mimikatz.exe dated 11/11/2015 (32bit & 64bit) is detected by 35/35 of the AV engines. Renaming the file doesn’t change the scan results. Note that Benjamin has noted real-world results to be less successful. However, AV will usually flag the known bad files. AntiVirus is part of foundational security – the first layer in “defense in depth”.
  • Mimikatz (as of October) activates attached BusyLights. [implemented in Mimikatz version 2.0 alpha 20151008 (oe.eo) edition]
  • Leverage security software to identify processes that interact with LSASS. Security software that monitors for process injection may also be able to regularly detect Mimikatz use.
  • HoneyTokens/HoneyHashes involves placing special credentials in memory on a number of computers in the enterprise. These credentials are flagged so when anyone attempts to use them, a critical alert goes out. this requires some sort of push method as well as placing credentials that are attractive to an attacker. In theory, this could detect credential theft and use in the environment.
  • If the WDIGEST registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest) is supposed to be set to “0” in the enterprise to prevent “clear-text” passwords from being stored in LSASS and there are systems where it was switched to “1”, this may be indicative of credential theft activity. This registry key is worth monitoring in your environment since an attacker may wish to set it to 0 to enable Digest password support which forces “clear-text” passwords to be placed in LSASS on any version of Windows from Windows 7/2008R2 up to Windows 10/2012R2 (probably 2016 as well).
  • Forged Kerberos ticket detection is covered on this page I published in early 2015. These methods can detect Golden Tickets, Silver Tickets, and Trust Tickets. I also have information on how to detect MS14-068 Kerberos vulnerability exploitation.
  • Enable LSA Protection on all Windows versions in the enterprise that supports it. This prevents Mimikatz from working “out-of-the-box” and requires use of the Mimikatz driver which logs events when it interacts with LSASS.

Mimikatz & LSA Protection:

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 includes a new feature called LSA Protection which involves enabling LSASS as a protected process on Windows Server 2012 R2 (Mimikatz can bypass with a driver, but that should make some noise in the event logs):

The LSA, which includes the Local Security Authority Server Service (LSASS) process, validates users for local and remote sign-ins and enforces local security policies. The Windows 8.1 operating system provides additional protection for the LSA to prevent reading memory and code injection by non-protected processes. This provides added security for the credentials that the LSA stores and manages.

Enabling LSA protection:

  1. Open the Registry Editor (RegEdit.exe), and navigate to the registry key that is located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa and Set the value of the registry key to: “RunAsPPL”=dword:00000001.
  2. Create a new GPO and browse to Computer Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings. Right-click Registry, point to New, and then click Registry Item. The New Registry Properties dialog box appears. In the Hive list, click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. In the Key Path list, browse to SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa.  In the Value name box, type RunAsPPL. In the Value type box, click the REG_DWORD. In the Value data box, type 00000001.Click OK.

LSA Protection prevents non-protected processes from interacting with LSASS. Mimikatz can still bypass this with a driver (“!+”).



Detecting Invoke-Mimikatz:

  • Ensure all Windows systems have PowerShell v3 or newer. Newer versions of PowerShell have better logging features, especially PowerShell v5.
  • Enable PowerShell Module Logging via Group Policy: Computer Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, and Windows PowerShell,Turn on Module Logging. Enter “*” and click OK. This will log all PowerShell activity including all PowerShell modules.


  • PowerShell activity will be logged to the PowerShell Operational Log. Push or pull these events to a central logging server (via Windows Event Forwarding or similar) or SIEM.
  • Parse PowerShell events for the following:
    • “System.Reflection.AssemblyName”
    • “System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess “
    • “System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute”

Note: While it may be possible to identify Mimikatz usage by alerting on “mimikatz”, “Delpy”, or “gentilkiwi”, a “sophisticated” attacker will likely roll their own version of Mimikatz or Invoke-Mimikatz without these keywords.


Detecting Offensive PowerShell Tools:

Many PowerShell offensive tools use the following calls which are logged in PowerShell Module Logging.

  • “GetDelegateForFunctionPointer”
  • “System.Reflection.AssemblyName“
  • “System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess“
  • “System.Management.Automation.WindowsErrorReporting”
  • “MiniDumpWriteDump”


“Sneaky” Mimikatz Execution:

Casey Smith (@subtee blog) has done a LOT of work showing how application whitelisting is not the panacea many believe it to be. Despite that, application whitelisting is a solid layer in a defense in depth strategy.
Casey also has come up with many creative and sneaky ways to execute Mimikatz.

Most Popular Mimikatz Commands:

Here are just some of the most popular Mimikatz command and related functionality.

  • CRYPTO::Certificates – list/export certificates
  • KERBEROS::Golden – create golden/silver/trust tickets
  • KERBEROS::List – List all user tickets (TGT and TGS) in user memory. No special privileges required since it only displays the current user’s tickets.Similar to functionality of “klist”.
  • KERBEROS::PTT – pass the ticket. Typically used to inject a stolen or forged Kerberos ticket (golden/silver/trust).
  • LSADUMP::DCSync – ask a DC to synchronize an object (get password data for account). No need to run code on DC.
  • LSADUMP::LSA – Ask LSA Server to retrieve SAM/AD enterprise (normal, patch on the fly or inject). Use to dump all Active Directory domain credentials from a Domain Controller or lsass.dmp dump file. Also used to get specific account credential such as krbtgt with the parameter /name: “/name:krbtgt”
  • LSADUMP::SAM – get the SysKey to decrypt SAM entries (from registry or hive). The SAM option connects to the local Security Account Manager (SAM) database and dumps credentials for local accounts. This is used to dump all local credentials on a Windows computer.
  • LSADUMP::Trust – Ask LSA Server to retrieve Trust Auth Information (normal or patch on the fly). Dumps trust keys (passwords) for all associated trusts (domain/forest).
  • MISC::AddSid – Add to SIDHistory to user account. The first value is the target account and the second value is the account/group name(s) (or SID).
  • MISC::MemSSP – Inject a malicious Windows SSP to log locally authenticated credentials.
  • MISC::Skeleton – Inject Skeleton Key into LSASS process on Domain Controller. This enables all user authentication to the Skeleton Key patched DC to use a “master password” (aka Skeleton Keys) as well as their usual password.
  • PRIVILEGE::Debug – get debug rights (this or Local System rights is required for many Mimikatz commands).
  • SEKURLSA::Ekeys – list Kerberos encryption keys
  • SEKURLSA::Kerberos – List Kerberos credentials for all authenticated users (including services and computer account)
  • SEKURLSA::Krbtgt – get Domain Kerberos service account (KRBTGT)password data
  • SEKURLSA::LogonPasswords – lists all available provider credentials. This usually shows recently logged on user and computer credentials.
  • SEKURLSA::Pth – Pass- theHash and Over-Pass-the-Hash
  • SEKURLSA::T`ickets – Lists all available Kerberos tickets for all recently authenticated users, including services running under the context of a user account and the local computer’s AD computer account. Unlike kerberos::list, sekurlsa uses memory reading and is not subject to key export restrictions. sekurlsa can access tickets of others sessions (users).
  • TOKEN::List – list all tokens of the system
  • TOKEN::Elevate – impersonate a token. Used to elevate permissions to SYSTEM (default) or find a domain admin token on the box
  • TOKEN::Elevate /domainadmin – impersonate a token with Domain Admin credentials.


ADSecurity Mimikatz Posts:

All posts mentioning Mimikatz: ADSecurity.org Mimikatz Posts


Mimikatz Command Guide:

Mimikatz can be executed in interactive mode by simply running “Mimikatz.exe” or pass it a command and exit (example: ‘Mimikatz “kerberos::list” exit’). Invoke-Mimikatz does not have an interactive mode.

Mimikatz can be used to pass commands from the command line to Mimikatz for processing in order which is useful for Invoke-Mimikatz or when using Mimikatz in scripts. Appending “exit” exits Mimikatz after the last command is executed (do this so Mimikatz exits gracefully).

PS C:\temp\mimikatz> .\mimikatz "privilege::debug" "sekurlsa::logonpasswords" exit
.#####.   mimikatz 2.0 alpha (x64) release "Kiwi en C" (Nov 13 2015 00:44:32)
 .## ^ ##.
 ## / \ ##  /* * *
 ## \ / ##   Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( benjamin@gentilkiwi.com )
 '## v ##'   http://blog.gentilkiwi.com/mimikatz             (oe.eo)
 '#####'                                     with 17 modules * * */
mimikatz(commandline) # privilege::debug
 Privilege '20' OK
mimikatz(commandline) # sekurlsa::logonpasswords
Authentication Id : 0 ; 646260 (00000000:0009dc74)
 Session           : RemoteInteractive from 2
 User Name         : adsadministrator
 Domain            : ADSECLAB
 Logon Server      : ADSDC03
 Logon Time        : 11/27/2015 11:41:27 AM
 SID               : S-1-5-21-1581655573-3923512380-696647894-500
 msv :
 [00000003] Primary
 * Username : ADSAdministrator
 * Domain   : ADSECLAB
 * NTLM     : 5164b7a0fda365d56739954bbbc23835
 * SHA1     : f8db297cb2ae403f8915675cebe79643d0d3b09f
 [00010000] CredentialKeys
 * NTLM     : 5164b7a0fda365d56739954bbbc23835
 * SHA1     : f8db297cb2ae403f8915675cebe79643d0d3b09f
 tspkg :
 wdigest :
 * Username : ADSAdministrator
 * Domain   : ADSECLAB
 * Password : (null)
 kerberos :
 * Username : adsadministrator
 * Password : (null)
 ssp :   KO


The interactive mode provides a “Mimikatz console” where commands can be entered and executed in real-time:

PS C:\temp\mimikatz> .\mimikatz
.#####.   mimikatz 2.0 alpha (x64) release "Kiwi en C" (Nov 13 2015 00:44:32)
 .## ^ ##.
 ## / \ ##  /* * *
 ## \ / ##   Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( benjamin@gentilkiwi.com )
 '## v ##'   http://blog.gentilkiwi.com/mimikatz             (oe.eo)
 '#####'                                     with 17 modules * * */
mimikatz # privilege::debug
 Privilege '20' OK
mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords
Authentication Id : 0 ; 646260 (00000000:0009dc74)
 Session           : RemoteInteractive from 2
 User Name         : adsadministrator
 Domain            : ADSECLAB
 Logon Server      : ADSDC03
 Logon Time        : 11/27/2015 11:41:27 AM
 SID               : S-1-5-21-1581655573-3923512380-696647894-500
 msv :
 [00000003] Primary
 * Username : ADSAdministrator
 * Domain   : ADSECLAB
 * NTLM     : 5164b7a0fda365d56739954bbbc23835
 * SHA1     : f8db297cb2ae403f8915675cebe79643d0d3b09f
 [00010000] CredentialKeys
 * NTLM     : 5164b7a0fda365d56739954bbbc23835
 * SHA1     : f8db297cb2ae403f8915675cebe79643d0d3b09f
 tspkg :
 wdigest :
 * Username : ADSAdministrator
 * Domain   : ADSECLAB
 * Password : (null)
 kerberos :
 * Username : adsadministrator
 * Password : (null)
 ssp :   KO
 credman :


Mimikatz Command Reference:

Mimikatz Modules:

NOTE: Any item marked “experimental” should only be used in test environments.




The CRYPTO Mimikatz module provides advanced capability to interface with Windows cryptographic functions (CryptoAPI).
Typical use is to export certificates that aren’t marked as “exportable.”

CRYPTO::CAPI– (experimental) Patch CryptoAPI layer for easy export


CRYPTO::Certificates – list/export certificates

Carlos Perez (aka DarkOperator) has a great blog post on using Mimikatz to export certificates.
This command lists certificates and properties of theirs keys. It can export certificates too. Typically requires “privilege::debug”

  • /systemstore – optional – the system store that must be used (default: CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER)
  • /store – optional – the store that must be used to list/export certificates (default: My) – full list with crypto::stores
  • /export – optional – export all certificates to files (public parts in DER, private parts in PFX files – password protected with: mimikatz)

Benjamin’s comments on CRYPTO:Certificates:

  • See crypto::stores for valid systemstore list, and its output for store list.
  • Non exportable keys (with KO - ERROR kuhl_m_crypto_exportCert ; Export / CreateFile (0x8009000b)) can often be exported with crypto::capiand/or crypto::cng
  • Despite crypto::capi or crypto::cng patch, you must have correct ACL on filesystem to access private keys (UAC… :wink:)
  • Some smartcard crypto providers can report a successfull private export (it’s not, of course :wink:)


CRYPTO::CNG– (experimental) Patch CNG service for easy export (patches “KeyIso” service)

CRYPTO::Hash – hash a password (with optional user name)

CRYPTO::Keys– list/export keys containers

CRYPTO::Providers – list cryptographic providers


CRYPTO::Stores – list cryptographic stores

  • /systemstore – optional – the system store that must be used to list stores (default: CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER)

Store Options:




DPAPI::Blob – Unprotect a DPAPI blob with API or Masterkey


DPAPI::CAPI – CAPI key test

DPAPI::CNG – CNG key test

DPAPI::Cred – CRE test

DPAPI::CredHist – Configure a Credhist file

DPAPI::MasterKey – Configure a Masterkey file, unprotect (key depending)

DPAPI::Protect – Protect data using DPAPI

DPAPI::Vault – VAULT test



EVENT::Clear – Clear an event log


EVENT:::Drop – (experimental) Patch Events service to avoid new events




The KERBEROS Mimikatz module is used to interface with the official Microsoft Kerberos API.
No special rights are required for the commands in this module.

KERBEROS::Clist – list tickets in MIT/Heimdall ccache

KERBEROS::Golden – create golden/silver/trust tickets
The capability of this command is based on the password hash type retrieved.

Type Requirement Scope
Golden KRBTGT hash Domain/Forest
Silver Service hash Service
Trust Trust hash Domain/Forest -> Domain/Forest
(based on account access)

Golden Ticket

A Golden Ticket is a TGT using the KRBTGT NTLM password hash to encrypt and sign.

A Golden Ticket (GT) can be created to impersonate any user (real or imagined) in the domain as a member of any group in the domain (providing a virtually unlimited amount of rights) to any and every resource in the domain. Since the Golden Ticket is an authentication ticket (TGT described below), its scope is the entire domain (and the AD forest by leveraging SID History) since the TGT is used to get service tickets (TGS) used to access resources. The Golden Ticket (TGT) contains user group membership information (PAC) and is signed and encrypted using the domain’s Kerberos service account (KRBTGT) which can only be opened and read by the KRBTGT account.

To summarize, once an attacker gets access to the KRBTGT password hash, they can create Golden Tickets (TGT) that provide access to anything in AD at any time.

Mimikatz Golden Ticket Command Reference:

The Mimikatz command to create a golden ticket is “kerberos::golden”

  • /domain – the fully qualified domain name. In this example: “lab.adsecurity.org”.
  • /sid – the SID of the domain. In this example: “S-1-5-21-1473643419-774954089-2222329127”.
  • /sids – Additional SIDs for accounts/groups in the AD forest with rights you want the ticket to spoof. Typically, this will be the Enterprise Admins group for the root domain  “S-1-5-21-1473643419-774954089-5872329127-519”. This parameter adds the provided SIDs to the SID History parameter.
  • /user – username to impersonate
  • /groups (optional) – group RIDs the user is a member of (the first is the primary group).
    Add user or computer account RIDs to receive the same access.
    Default Groups: 513,512,520,518,519 for the well-known Administrator’s groups (listed below).
  • /krbtgt – NTLM password hash for the domain KDC service account (KRBTGT). Used to encrypt and sign the TGT.
  • /ticket (optional) – provide a path and name for saving the Golden Ticket file to for later use or use /ptt to immediately inject the golden ticket into memory for use.
  • /ptt – as an alternate to /ticket – use this to immediately inject the forged ticket into memory for use.
  • /id (optional) – user RID. Mimikatz default is 500 (the default Administrator account RID).
  • /startoffset (optional) – the start offset when the ticket is available (generally set to –10 or 0 if this option is used). Mimikatz Default value is 0.
  • /endin (optional) – ticket lifetime. Mimikatz Default value is 10 years (~5,262,480 minutes). Active Directory default Kerberos policy setting is 10 hours (600 minutes).
  • /renewmax (optional) – maximum ticket lifetime with renewal. Mimikatz Default value is 10 years (~5,262,480 minutes). Active Directory default Kerberos policy setting is 7 days (10,080 minutes).
  • /sids (optional) – set to be the SID of the Enterprise Admins group in the AD forest ([ADRootDomainSID]-519) to spoof Enterprise Admin rights throughout the AD forest (AD admin in every domain in the AD Forest).
  • /aes128 – the AES128 key
  • /aes256 – the AES256 key

Golden Ticket Default Groups:

  • Domain Users SID: S-1-5-21<DOMAINID>-513
  • Domain Admins SID: S-1-5-21<DOMAINID>-512
  • Schema Admins SID: S-1-5-21<DOMAINID>-518
  • Enterprise Admins SID: S-1-5-21<DOMAINID>-519  (this is only effective when the forged ticket is created in the Forest root domain, though add using /sids parameter for AD forest admin rights)
  • Group Policy Creator Owners SID: S-1-5-21<DOMAINID>-520


Command Example:
.\mimikatz “kerberos::golden /admin:DarthVader /domain:rd.lab.adsecurity.org /id:9999 /sid:S-1-5-21-135380161-102191138-581311202 /krbtgt:13026055d01f235d67634e109da03321 /startoffset:0 /endin:600 /renewmax:10080 /ptt” exit


Golden Ticket References:

Golden Tickets are now More Golden (with SID History)

In early January 2015, I shared with customers indicators for detecting forged Kerberos tickets and subsequently presented this information at BSides Charm 2015. Soon after, Mimikatz was updated with a domain field that was set to static values, usually containing the string “eo.oe”. As of the Mimikatz update dated 1/5/2016, forged Kerberos tickets no longer include a domain anomaly since the netbios domain name is placed in the domain component of the Kerberos ticket.

Mimikatz code diff:

More information on the difficulty of detecting forged Kerberos tickets (Golden Tickets, Silver Tickets, etc) in the in the Detecting Forged Kerberos Tickets section.




Articol complet: https://adsecurity.org/?page_id=1821



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