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PCL's JSiD - a program to determine what is encrypted or processed by JavaScript code. The search is performed mainly by the signatures, and in some cases, heuristically, so theoretically possible error in identification. Scripts can also be transferred via the command line and drag'n'drop. Widely popular for JavaScript protectors are very few, and the majority of packers and obfuscators same type, so the PCL's JSiD determines is only the following algorithms.
Bananascript Compressor
CodeLock Dynamic Encoder
Free Javascript Obfuscator
generic escape-encoders
JavaScript Compressor (1)
JavaScript Compressor (2)
Javascript Encoder (1)
JavaScript Encoder (2)
JavaScript Mutator
JavaScript Obfuscator
JavaScript Scrambler
jjencode / aaencode
Microsoft Script Encoder
MyObfuscator Pro
Password Protect / Encode HTML
ProtWare's HTML Guardian
Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator
WiseLoop PHP JavaScript Obfuscator
z0mbie's HTML source protecter / z0mbie's HTML source Encoder
If you have something to add to this list, please send me a link and / or script samples will expand functionality. "112 244" to send code.
Return codes for the console versions of the program (ERRORLEVEL):
0 = No error
1 = command-line parameters are not set
2 = file not found or system error
3 = Can not allocate memory (very large file)
Example use jsid_ce.bat file
PCL's JSiD supports custom plug-ins (for example, the analyzer module from PHPiD), so theoretically it can be used to analyze the files of any format. Plugin files are DLL-library format and must be placed in the folder \ plugins. An example of the plugin on FASM is there. If you write something your plugins, most please send them to me and I'll include them in the distribution.
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