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Traffic Exchange auto-surf.ro

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Hello to all.

I want to introduce to you a new TE:


We are still in prelaunch so bear with us if there are errors.

What do we offer:

10-300 seconds surf time

90% surf ratio while in prelaunch

Unlimited traffic slots

As we all know by now Amazon AWS free tier and google cloud IP's tend to get YouTube accounts disabled so those ip ranges are not allowed.

Proxy traffic is also not allowed on our exchange.

Custom referer (still in alpha testing so use at own risk)

Extremely fast support.

All sites submitted are checked by admin at lease once a day

Coming soon

Adblock and Javablock detection.

Next gen geo-targeting.

If there are any questions/suggestions please feel free to share them here.

Thank you!

Nu ma injurati prea rau, am baut prea mult ca sa mai fiu coerent!

Domeniu .ro pentru ca acum mai multi ani (vre-o 8-10) am luat un domeniul in ideea in care traficul de .ro mai era cum mai era, mai puteai sa faci bani cu el.


Totul in engleza pentru ca daca e in ro strainezii s-ar uita ca vaca la poarta noua si de asemenea, ai nostrii sunt mai destepti decat ai lor, majoritatea dintre noi pot citi/vorbi la un nivel ok engleza.


Ideea e ca noi (romanii) sa profitam de trafic cu un CPM mai de Doamne ajuta pe youtube, dailymotion sau diverse alte site-uri pe care avem nevoie sa umflam traficul natural pe care il avem.



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