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Beast 2.08 the keylogger

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Beast 2.08 keyloggerbeast206exesmainicon040eh6.jpg

Beast 2.08 este un keylogger nou ce foloseste o metoda "stealth" de "Keyboard hook" este complet nedetectabil si codul sursa este folosit doar la 50% din capacitatea sa (are potential)

Cum functioneaza?

Ca sa editati setarile server-ului trebuie sa aveti instalat vb6 sa deschideti codul sursa si sa modificati setarile :

-limita in Kb la care fisierul Log este trimis pe email;

-serverul de SMTP (cautati unul pe portul 25 care sa nu necesite autentificare...)

-adresa de email la care sa fie trimis raportul (yahoo, gmail..etc)

Server-ul creeaza fisierul de raport in acelasi director in care ruleaza, porneste o data cu windows-ul, verifica conexiunea de internet daca este deschisa sau nu...etc

De asemenea are un fisier cu resurse in caz ca sistemul de operare nu are fisierele necesare

(comctl32.ocx, msvbvm60.dll, mswinsck.ocx, scrrun.dll...) pe care le copie automat in fisierul de sistem la executie.Close server F12

Download server:


Download source code:


Beast 2.08 Keylogger

Beast 2.08 is a new age keylloger with a stealth method of keyboard hook, it is complete

undetect by Av's and the source code is only at 50% of his value exploited.

How it's work?

To edit the server settings you need to have vb6 and some knowledge of programming.What can be modified:

-The limit in kb when the Log file is send on email;

-the SMTP address (look for a 25 port with no authorize server)

-the email address where the raport log is sent

The server create the report file "log" in the same directori where the app" is running, start with windows, check the internet connection if it's open or not..

Have a resource file attached in, in case the system doesn't have the file for running the server(comctl32.ocx, msvbvm60.dll, mswinsck.ocx, scrrun.dll...) this file are copied in sys folder of system on execution.Close server F12

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astept sa dezvoltati codul sursa si sa creati programe mai bune decat al meu puteti posta aici creatiile derivate, daca aveti nevoie de help nu ezitati sa ma contactati

Codul compresat cu UPX Shell:


P.S: a auzit cineva de Ikarus AV???? ::)))

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Am atasat si decodorul pentru rapoartele incriptate de pe email:beast206exesmainicon040eh6.jpg

(se salveaza textul criptat intr-un fisier <sysdll.txt> se redenumeste sysdll.txt.uue si se decodeaza)


Download Beast 2.08 Email Log Report Decoder

how to use?

save the email encrypted text in the deocder folder like this (sysdll.txt.uue) and then decode!

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in proiect modificati la Form1 in meniu Visible:False !

Deasemeni dac nu gaseste locatia fisierelor (nu le poate incarca "load") incarcati doar proiectu in sine si adaugati pe urma fiecare "form" "module" or "add file" pt resource...s.a.m.d

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(comctl32.ocx, msvbvm60.dll, mswinsck.ocx, scrrun.dll...) pe care le copie automat in fisierul de sistem la executie.Close server F12

El a scris :) cred ca la asta se refera :) citeste

il inchizi cu F12 dar la restart apare din nou...:D


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