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Presenting Mobile Pwn2Own 2016

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After taking a year off to do some paperwork, the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) invites you to join us for the fifth annual Mobile Pwn2Own competition, to be held this year on October 26 and 27 at the PacSec Security Conference in Tokyo, Japan. We’re looking forward to rewarding the world’s top security researchers for demonstrating and disclosing their attacks on the latest and most popular mobile devices. As we did earlier this year, we’ll crown an overall Master of Pwn.


This year, we’re upping the prize pool to over $500,000 USD, adding bonuses for quality exploits, and introducing new devices in order to attract the best and brightest researchers and enhance security for the most popular mobile platforms. 


In you aren’t familiar with it, Mobile Pwn2Own is ZDI’s annual contest that rewards security researchers for highlighting vulnerabilities on various mobile platforms. You probably have heard of our contest for other platforms, Pwn2Own, which was held in March this year at CanSecWest. With the near-ubiquity of mobile devices, vulnerabilities on these platforms are becoming increasingly coveted and are actively sought after by those looking to break into mobile devices. This contest helps to harden these devices and their operating systems by finding vulnerabilities first and sharing that research with the vendors. The goal is to get these bugs fixed before they’re actively exploited.


The Targets 

This year’s contest brings three of the most popular smartphone platforms available:


All of these phones will be running the latest version of their respective operating systems with all available patches installed. There are rumors of new versions of these phones being introduced between now and the contest. Should a new phone become available in time to be integrated into the contest, we’ll work to add it as an available platform.


SOURCE and more details: http://blog.trendmicro.com/presenting-mobile-pwn2own-2016/

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