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Ajutor va rog! C++ Functii,subprograme[Platesc bani!!!]

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Posted (edited)

Sint date 2 masive unidimensionale x[k] si y[m]. De calculat valoarea expresiei z=(xmax-ymin)/(ymax-xmin),unde xmax si xmin sint valorile elementelor maximal si minimal din masivul x, iar ymax si ymin sint valorile elementelor maximal si minimal din masivul y.


Folosirea subprogramului pentru:

Determinarea valorilor elementelor maximale si minimale pentru ambele masive.



Ajutati-ma va rog, macar cu idei si sugestii!

Multumesc anticipat!


Exemplu de program,adica trebuie de folosit limbajul simplu ca in program

Trebuie de folosit printf,scanf si randomize()


Edited by xLevel
#include <stdio.h>

int min(int vlen, int* v)
	int min = v[0];	// assume vlen > 0
	// loop over vector and if we find a
	// smaller value than the current
	// smallest value, that becomens
	// the new minimum
	for(int i = 1; i < vlen; ++i)
		if(v[i] < min)
			min = v[i];
	return min;

int max(int vlen, int* v)
	int max = v[0];	// assume vlen > 0
	// loop over vector and if we find a
	// bigger value than the current
	// biggest value, that becomens
	// the new maximum
	for(int i = 1; i < vlen; ++i)
		if(v[i] > max)
			max = v[i];
	return max;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Variables
	int xlen;	// x length
	int ylen;	// y length
	int x[50];
	int y[50];
	int xmin;
	int xmax;
	int ymin;
	int ymax;
	// Read xlen
	printf("Introduceti dimensiunea masivului X (maxim 50): ");
	scanf("%d", &xlen);
	// Read x
	for(int i = 0; i < xlen; ++x)
		printf("x[%d] = ", i);
		scanf("%d", &x[i]);
	// Read ylen
	printf("Introduceti dimensiunea masivului Y (maxim 50): ");
	scanf("%d", &ylen);
	// Read y
	for(int i = 0; i < ylen; ++x)
		printf("y[%d] = ", i);
		scanf("%d", &y[i]);
	// Find mins and maxs
	xmin = min(xlen, x);
	xmax = max(xlen, x);
	ymin = min(ylen, y);
	ymax = max(ylen, y);
	// Check for division by 0
	if(ymax - xmin == 0)
		printf("Eroare: impartire la 0!\n");
		printf("z = (xmax - ymin) / (ymax - xmin) = %d", (xmax - ymin) / (ymax - xmin));
	return 0;


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