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Farfalle: parallel permutation-based cryptography

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Farfalle: parallel permutation-based cryptography

Guido Bertoni1 , Joan Daemen1,2, Seth Hoffert, Michaël Peeters1 , Gilles Van Assche1 , and Ronny Van Keer1

1 STMicroelectronics 2 Radboud University




In this paper, we introduce Farfalle, a new permutation-based construction for building a pseudorandom function (PRF). The PRF takes as input a key and a sequence of arbitrarylength data strings, and returns an arbitrary-length output. It has a compression layer and an expansion layer, each involving the parallel application of a permutation. The construction also makes use of LFSR-like rolling functions for generating input and output masks and for updating the inner state during expansion. On top of the inherent parallelism, Farfalle instances can be very efficient because the construction imposes less requirements on the underlying primitive than, e.g., the duplex construction or typical block cipher modes. Farfalle has an incremental property: compression of common prefixes of inputs can be factored out. Thanks to its input-output characteristics, Farfalle is really versatile. We specify simple modes on top of it for authentication, encryption and authenticated encryption, as well as a wide block cipher mode. As a showcase, we present Kџюѣюѡѡђ, a very efficient instance of Farfalle based on Kђѐѐюј-p[1600, nr] permutations and formulate concrete security claims against classical and quantum adversaries. The permutations in the compression and expansion layers of Kџюѣюѡѡђ have only 6 and 4 rounds respectively and the rolling function is lightweight. We provide a rationale for our choices and report on soĞware performance.


Download: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/1188.pdf



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