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17 tips you should know before dating a Hacker

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17 tips you should know before dating a Hacker

People don't ship with user manuals, same applies to the other type: `The Security Phreaks`.

Whether you dated on purpose or by mistake the `security girl `or `security guy` (a.k.a. InfoSec, Information Security, IT Security or simply a Hacker), here are some instructions that might be helpful to tweak and maintain a sustainable, fruitful relationship full of joy, happiness and those shits.

If you are into security stuff, the below will help you understand yourself more.



  1. Grey is a bad color, it's either they trust you or they don't. Perfect your 1st impression and the last one.
  2. Never interrupt them while coding, by this you will violate point #1 in terms of `bad last impression`.
  3. Those people are mentally ill Xor bad at their jobs.
  4. Don't lie. Those creatures have highly sensitive lie-dars and there to haunt you.
    In case you managed to keep a lie, they will praise your special powers and will love you forever.
  5. They might not answer your call, don't take it personal. Just call back the day after.
    If you miss your hacker due to some circumstances, get a web cam and play it cyber.
    Expect waking up after late night text messages. Answer immediately! Your availability is required upon need!
  6. Do not expect birthday gifts such as roses, cute hearts and diamond - Expect something useful.
  7. For Gods' sake, do not clean up their computer desks. Dust are part of the room's ecosystem.
  8. Being invited to technical events and security cons is not a date.
  9. Proving them wrong arouses them disregarding your gender.
  10. Through inherent nature they like to disassemble stuff and reassemble them. They might disassemble your heart, but RMV (Results might vary) among all extremes.
  11. Mostly applied to 1st dates, they might know more secrets about you; don't panic - background checks and social engineering are hackers' bestest hobby.
  12. They'll port-scan you for informational purposes.
  13. Don't show your vulnerabilities, they'll enjoy discovering them by themselves and will be glad helping you remediate them. 
    A Backdoor might be a solution.
  14. Don't ask for their knowledge in Facebook and SMS hacking; if they do, strategically speaking, you'll be the last to inform.
  15. You might see them leading Viking wars while `speaking` security. Keep calm, relax, nothing is serious, show that you care. They will notice you understand no shit of their talks, but will appreciate all your interest attempts.
  16. Subscribe to 3G/4G : don't join their home networks. Don't trust any network they are connected to.
    Don't provide them with your home Wi-Fi password, they will not like at first it but will appreciate your security awareness level. On the bright side, they'll accept the challenge.
  17. Don't hand them your phone, even for the minimal duration and reasons - you will regret it someday somehow.

In the end, your hacker conceives you as computer with a soul, we are all human after all; I hope you make use of my tips and enjoy your holes securely investigated ever after.

Thank you for reading this post, please do not hesitate to update me with your feedback, comments and testimonials.



Sursa: https://moophz.com/article/17-tips-you-should-know-dating-security-guy-or-girl

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