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Introduction To Artificial Intelligence For Security Professionals

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The information security world is rich with information. From reviewing logs
to analyzing malware, information is everywhere and in vast quantities, more
than the workforce can cover. Artificial intelligence is a field of study that is
adept at applying intelligence to vast amounts of data and deriving meaningful
results. In this book, we will cover machine learning techniques in practical
situations to improve your ability to thrive in a data driven world. With
clustering, we will explore grouping items and identifying anomalies. With
classification, we’ll cover how to train a model to distinguish between classes
of inputs. In probability, we’ll answer the question “What are the odds?”
and make use of the results. With deep learning, we’ll dive into the powerful
biology inspired realms of AI that power some of the most effective methods
in machine learning today.


The Cylance Data Science team consists of experts in a variety of fields.
Contributing members from this team for this book include Brian Wallace, a
security researcher turned data scientist with a propensity for building tools
that merge the worlds of information security and data science. Sepehr
Akhavan-Masouleh is a data scientist who works on the application of
statistical and machine learning models in cyber-security with a Ph.D from
University of California, Irvine. Andrew Davis is a neural network wizard
wielding a Ph.D in computer engineering from University of Tennessee.
Mike Wojnowicz is a data scientist with a Ph.D. from Cornell University who
enjoys developing and deploying large-scale probabilistic models due to
their interpretability. Data scientist John H. Brock researches applications
of machine learning to static malware detection and analysis, holds an M.S.
in computer science from University of California, Irvine, and can usually be
found debugging Lovecraftian open source code while mumbling to himself
about the virtues of unit testing.


Download: http://defense.ballastsecurity.net/static/IntroductionToArtificialIntelligenceForSecurityProfessionals_Cylance.pdf

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