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Lab for Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities

This content is related to the paper written for the 12th edition of H2HC magazine. See full paper in: https://www.h2hc.com.br/revista/

Slides and video of the talk will be available soon.

Um overview sobre as bases das falhas de desserialização nativa em ambientes Java (JVM)

An overview of deserialization vulnerabilities in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)


The lab contains code samples that help you understand deserialization vulnerabilities and how gadget chains exploit them. The goal is to provide a better understanding so that you can develop new payloads and/or better design your environments.

There is also a vulnerable testing application (VulnerableHTTPServer.java), which helps you test your payloads.


Sursa: https://github.com/joaomatosf/JavaDeserH2HC

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