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WordPress CSV Import-Export 1.1 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

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WordPress CSV Import-Export plugin version 1.1 suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability.


Product: CSV Import-Export Wordpress Plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/csv-import-export/
Vendor: eSparkBiz
Tested version: 1.1
CVE ID: CVE-2017-17753

** CVE description **
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the esb-csv-import-export plugin through 1.1 for WordPress allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) cie_type, (2) cie_import, (3) cie_update, or (4) cie_ignore parameter to includes/admin/views/esb-cie-import-export-page.php.

** Technical details **
In the conditional block at includes/admin/views/esb-cie-import-export-page.php:21, the cie_type, cie_import, cie_update and cie_ignore HTTP GET parameters are echoed back to user without proper sanitization.

Vulnerable code:

** Proof of Concept **

** Solution **
No fix available yet.

** Timeline **
12/10/2017: vendor contacted; no reply
24/10/2017: vendor contacted; no reply
31/10/2017: vendor contacted; vendor asks for more details then stops replying
05/12/2017: vendor contacted; no reply
19/12/2017: report published

** Credits **
Vulnerability discovered by Nicolas Buzy-Debat working at Orange Cyberdefense Singapore (CERT-LEXSI).

Best Regards,

Nicolas Buzy-Debat
Orange Cyberdefense Singapore (CERT-LEXSI)


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#  0day.today [2017-12-20]  #

Source: 0day.today

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